View Full Version : I have a darkroom and I am so excited!!

14-06-2009, 9:52am
I know that this is hardly going to raise a whimper here, but I thought I would share.

Last weekend, I finally got my darkroom setup. Last weekend, I only got as far as a few contact sheets of negatives, but last night into the wee hours, I managed my first enlargement.

I tell you what, for that 8 seconds of final exposure, it took me about 2 hours of test strips etc to get there! This must be like the Superbowl of photographic work (not that its the greatest (which it may be), but it takes hours to get the last minutes of work done!!). I can see I didn't take up this side of the hobby to speed up my photographic experience!!

That being said, its very exciting to see that image magically appear before your eyes, as you rock the developer tray back and forth. Its rather organic (kinda like the first time you step away from your casio keyboard to play a real piano with hammers and strings!! Actually, its probably more like coming from the latest state of the art electronic keyboard....saying casio is possibly a little unfair!!)

Thanks for listening. I might scan the picture in later!

14-06-2009, 10:24am
Oh wow, AWESOME!! Big congrats :D I haven't done that for many years, last time was in high school. can't wait to see the finished product :th3:

14-06-2009, 10:34am
well done Hoffy on creating your very own 'cone of silence'. it won't take you long to speed up your process but convenience is rarely associated with quality.

14-06-2009, 10:44am
Ahhhh nothing like the smell of chemicals in the small wee hours.
Like Kirsty been a while since I was last in a dark room.

Good job

14-06-2009, 9:09pm
The first prints can be found here:


14-06-2009, 10:54pm
Welcome to the dark side :). Yes, seeing a picture literally develop before your eyes is pure magic. Test strips? You don't have an enlarger computer clock with sensor?

06-06-2010, 11:10pm
I tell you what, for that 8 seconds of final exposure, it took me about 2 hours of test strips etc to get there!

I used to go through all that until I bought one of these http://www.rhdesigns.co.uk/darkroom/html/analyser_pro.html- it is likely similar to what Jev referred to. No test strips and your first print is pretty darn close to perfect every time. Took away all the hassle for me. It's getting a good workout this weekend for the print exchange. :)

07-06-2010, 1:34am
I too still have my darkroom stuff in a box somewhere really miss it there is a real feeling of pride when you develop your own.
great first pics keep it up and soon you will be pumping them out real quick
Hmm think i might scan some old photos if i can find them

07-06-2010, 5:06am
It is a huge thrill watching a print come to life under your hands. It's many years since I had a darkroom but I remember it well. 2 hours of test strips sounds about right for starting out - you'll get better at reading negs as time goes by and the test process will shorten.

Have fun!

07-06-2010, 6:40am
It is a great feeling Ashley,

Haven't done any developing and printing since I was a young tacker in Dads darkroom, but I still remember that feeling

10-06-2010, 9:29pm
I turn my back.....

OK, I must admit I have been absent for quite a while from here and when I come back, I find my old Darkroom thread dug up!

I am still into it. Apart from motorsports, I have shot mainly film this year. I am still learning and still have a lot to achieve. A few weekends ago, I did my first split grade print (split grade, for the un-initiated is where you choose a very low contrast grade of filter for part of the exposure, to bring out detail in the highlights and you finish off the exposure with a very high contrast filter, to give punch in the shadows.).

I have also become involved in a print exchange (I send off 10 of my prints and receive 10 completely different prints back from 10 different people), as well as postcard exchanges. I know, it sounds a bit geeky, but I really like looking at real prints.

Next on my hit list (apart from continuing with the ever improvement of my mono's) is RA4 colour printing. This, though, seems to be getting harder and harder to achieve as typically, supplies are dwindling in Australia.

Since this has been dug up again, I might post a few pictures in the monochrome area.

Cheers (& sorry to bore you all!)

11-06-2010, 7:11am
I have also become involved in a print exchange (I send off 10 of my prints and receive 10 completely different prints back from 10 different people), as well as postcard exchanges. I know, it sounds a bit geeky, but I really like looking at real prints.

Cheers (& sorry to bore you all!)

Looking forward to seeing my mixed bag of 10 back as well - can't wait :)

You aren't boring me Hoffy - no need to apologise :th3:

11-06-2010, 8:47am
Looking forward to seeing my mixed bag of 10 back as well - can't wait :)

You aren't boring me Hoffy - no need to apologise :th3:

OK! I didn't realise that there would have been AP members participating! If my assumptions are correct, you would be in my group.

14-06-2010, 11:57pm
RA4 printing! I struggled with that for a TAFE assignment, but it was good fun learning, there is a lot more in it than in the B&W darkroom!
I miss darkroom printing it was all I did last year, but for Diploma TAFE has gone very digital.

15-06-2010, 8:28am
You'll find it worth your while to join Film and Darkroom User. They also have a print exchange, but it doesn't requite ten prints.