View Full Version : different colour profles, Aperture vs View NX

26-05-2009, 10:06am
hi guys

i normally shoot in sRGB mode and i'm using both View NX and Aperture to do PP work...

in ViewNX i noticed that it picks up NEF files with the correct colour profile ie sRGB but when i import the same files (as referenced) into Aperture, Aperture's metadata screen shows the profile as Adobe (1998)

can anyone advise on this? is Adobe 1998 the same as sRGB or is this something that happens because of the import process?


26-05-2009, 1:58pm
just to follow up on my own query above...

i've been reading up on this on the net and i found a link that explains this quite wel..


it turns out that Adobe 98 is different to sRGB -

so does anyone know WHY aperture is converting the images into this colour profile instead of leaving it at sRGB??


26-05-2009, 4:35pm
So those "same files" that you are now importing into Aperture, have they been manipulated in any way by ViewNX?

Or is the issue some thing along the lines that you're simply viewing the images via each program and they are indicating different colour profiles?

With ViewNX, even if you shoot in one particular colour space, as set on the camera, it has the ability to manipulate them in whatever colour profile you've set in the preferences.

So! what camera, and is it set to Adobe RGB?

In VNX, go to Edit->Options and on the left hand pane, Colour Management.
On the right hand options pane, is the option to
[] 'use this instead of embedded profile when opening images' ticked?
On the topmost line there is the colour profile to use, and by default it's NKsRGB.icm, which is just sRGB. But if you are shooting in AdobeRGB, and that option to change the profile is ticked and the profile is NKsRGB, then that could explain what you are seeing.

Do you shoot in NEF format? The colour space you've chosen makes no difference to the image you are manipulating in any way, only the resultant raster image(jpg, tiff or other) that you save too.

So, at the bottom of that configuration screen there is an option to save jpgs/tiffs in the sRGB colour profile, and that's best ticked!(unless you need your saved files to be in another colour space(say for professional printing purposes!)

Best thing to do is to leave the top option unticked, and that way you work in the colour profile you originally chose on the camera.. and tick the option to save JPG's and TIF's in sRGB.

Hope that's the issue for ya!

26-05-2009, 6:53pm
hey mate

ive' got a D300 and default colour profile is set to sRGB.

I basically transfer the files from the camera to my computer with Nikon Transfer. Viewing the exif in ViewNX confirms colour profile of sRGB but once i import them into Aperture (using referenced file setting) the exif shows Adobe 1998 as the colour profile...

i've been researching this on the net and Apple's support site shows the same issue being raised previously - that Aperture changes the default colour profile to Adobe during the import process - however the newest post is from 2007 so you'd hv though that Apple has corrected this.. but obviously note....

When exporting from Aperture, the new file, be it a JPG or TIFF shows exif as sRGB when viewed through any other program, however when (re)importing in Aperture, colour profile is again set to Adobe 1998..
