View Full Version : Crash course please on my new flash!

15-05-2009, 7:19pm
Hi everyone,

I bought a flash today! :) Its a sigma 530 DG ST (i think lol), and while I have kind of worked out how to use it, i need some tips on how to get the most out of it, particularly for tomorrow night which is my sisters 21st and would love to get some nice people shots. Am I best to move the flash so that it points more up rather than straight at people?

Basically I am a total noob when it comes to flash in general. Any pointers on how I can get the most out of it would be so wonderful! Thank you in advance :)

15-05-2009, 7:53pm
Bounce flash (pointing it up/sideways so the light from the flash hits something and bounces back) works if you are inside and the ceiling is a reasonably light colour. Bounce it off a dark ceiling and its effect is minimised.

Don't forget you can also turn your camera sideways (portrait aspect) and bounce off walls etc as well

15-05-2009, 7:54pm
Hi Ellen

Point it slightly up. The flash gives off plenty of light and softens it more than rather pointing it straight at peoples faces


15-05-2009, 7:58pm
Thanks Rick and Linda! I have briefly played around with pointing the flash in different directions. I think tomorrow night will be a big learning curve!!

Another question: it has this little pull down thing to come over where the light is, maybe like a diffuser or something? Is it worth using it??

15-05-2009, 7:59pm
it is a diffuser and it can be effective, but it's a matter or experimenting. It deflects the light, so when you are using bounce flash, it works better not to use it,

15-05-2009, 8:01pm
it is a diffuser and it can be effective, but it's a matter or experimenting. It deflects the light, so when you are using bounce flash, it works better not to use it,

Great, thanks for that! I will have a play and see how I go. This is going to be fun!! :th3: