View Full Version : Decisions - Spyder2Express or MB-D80 Battery Grip

14-05-2009, 8:12am
Hey Guys,

Just got some money from my Bday and am deciding whether to use it to buy the Battery Grip for my D90 or the Spyder 2 express monitor calibration kit plus a second battery.

Just thought I would throw this out to you guys and see what you guys would do.


14-05-2009, 8:20am
Grip is nice, but calibrated monitor is of more value I think.

14-05-2009, 8:22am
Grip is nice, but calibrated monitor is of more value I think.


The grip isn't of much use. I never found i ran out of juice while shooting or that it increased the stability of the camera. :confused013

14-05-2009, 8:27am

The grip isn't of much use. I never found I ran out of juice while shooting or that it increased the stability of the camera. :confused013

My grip with the 50-500 Bigma is useful, I like the feel and the portrait option is handy. The Pentax grip also hold the IR remote and spare memory card - again handy.

14-05-2009, 8:37am
My only main concern is the fact that the Spyder2express is the entry level version and worried it will not work as effectively as if I save and buy the Spyder 3 pro later on.

Hmm this sucks.... hehe its kind of a good dilemna to have I guess =)

14-05-2009, 8:43am
Always a good dilemma when you are trying to think about what to buy rather than how to buy it :D

14-05-2009, 8:51am
A calibrated monitor would (should) have an influence on all of your images...the usefulness of a grip depends on the size of your hands compared to your camera body and how you like to maneuver it.....says she who uses an uncalibrated monitor and loves her grip..it makes the body so much easier to hold, swing around and use.

14-05-2009, 8:56am
A grip will allow you to take better images, a Spyder won't.

Have you an issue you think with your printed or web displayed images that would benefit from calibration ?

14-05-2009, 9:33am
No I have no issues from prints as of yet. Hmm ok then leaning towards the grip

14-05-2009, 10:40am
+1 for grip, wouldn't be without mine....
but definitely try and get a spyder or similar at some stage, you'll be surprised how much different a calibrated monitor looks. See if you can borrow someones to try, if you have a decent monitor, they don't change that quickly....so you will get the benefit for a while anyway.

Happy birthday for when it was. :D

14-05-2009, 10:59am
Thanks Lani =) It was yesterday.

I'll go and enquire about Grips at lunch and if anyone has a Spyder 3 pro I can borrow come and say hello.

14-05-2009, 12:05pm
Thanks Lani =) It was yesterday.

I'll go and enquire about Grips at lunch and if anyone has a Spyder 3 pro I can borrow come and say hello.

Might help if you put in your profile where you are located. ;)

14-05-2009, 4:04pm
I would go with the calibrator but not the Spyder2express, it has been superseded, have a look at http://www.imagescience.com.au/ for the Spyder 3 pro (price reductions) and the x-rite ones, I had the Spyder2express but wasn't satisfied with the results so went with the x-rite Eye-one, I can now get just about perfect prints. I would also buy a spare battery, the D90 does seem to use up a lot of power at times, I always take two batteries with me on a shoot.

14-05-2009, 5:16pm
I've got pockets - in reality the grip is a waste of money and yes I had one on the D200. The vertical grip is handy but not worth the weight - I can actually shoot vertically without any difficulty. If I was shooting professionally in a studio or as a wedding photog I might think of it as an advantage. Just not a must have for an amateur or enthusiast (sp).

Monitors go out of calibration over time especially if you introduce other programs onto your system which want their own way of dealing with colours. Calibration software usually introduces an app (I use Mac) which maintain the system to the corrected profile irrespective of other apps.

15-05-2009, 8:14am
Thats cool I ended up buying the grip got a good deal. Will save up the extra pennies and purchase the Spyder 3 Pro.

Lani - Will update location now =) Cheers.

15-05-2009, 9:05am
Go for the calibrator.. IMO

JM Tran
15-05-2009, 10:01am
Thats cool I ended up buying the grip got a good deal. Will save up the extra pennies and purchase the Spyder 3 Pro.

Lani - Will update location now =) Cheers.

a few Spyder users have told me u can buy the old Spyder 2 but download the software for the newer Spyder 3 Pro online and use that, thus 'upgrading' it and saving yourself a bit of money

something to think about:)