View Full Version : Mac keyboard shortcut skins

05-05-2009, 11:57am
Has anyone used these keyboard skins to learn or remember the shortcuts for PS ect. I just saw them in the new mac shop at westfields miranda but I don't know if I can justify $60 for them. They look quiet handy though.



05-05-2009, 3:38pm
Personally, I think they're a rip off. The more you use PS the faster you'll remember them. At work when I was training people they were shocked that I hide all the toolbars and know most shortcuts and believed they'd never be able to do that. Few months down the track they could. Cheaper way is to just write the letters on paper and blue tack them to the keyboard where they belong... then take them off when you know them.

05-05-2009, 3:49pm
I'm getting better at the shortcuts and the pricetag is what put me off getting them. I have a list of the shortcuts sitting next to the computer but I remember most of the common ones.


08-05-2009, 4:12am
I think they are a rip off too. The shortcuts are listed besuide the action in the drop down menus on both Macs and PCs, just make a point of remembering them as you use them.

I started in Macs from mainframes, and in PCs before they had 'rodents', so you HAD to remember the keyboard commands. Practise, practise, practise.