View Full Version : Trigger for off camera flash.

03-05-2009, 8:05pm
Hi All. I've got a 580 exII at the moment but I'm going to be getting another flash soon. Either another 580 or a 430. My next question is what sort of trigger is the best to get. I want one that just slips in to the hot shoe and will be able to fire both flash's.


03-05-2009, 8:09pm
Does you camera have a commander mode if so you won't need a trigger. Margaret

03-05-2009, 9:20pm
I dont think so Margaret. Its a 400D. I know the 580 can fire another flash but want to have two off camera.


03-05-2009, 9:52pm
My Nikon D90 can fire two at once through the commander mode, I am not familiar with the Canon cameras. Do a search for one on google, you might find what you need from D-D-Photographics or www.qualitycamera.com.au, (site advertisers) they specilalise in Canon gear I think. Margaret

I @ M
04-05-2009, 5:05am
Mick, there are quite a few items out there for triggering flash units remotely. They range from cheap and cheerful to industry standard extremely expensive.
If you google "cactus flash triggers" you will find quite a few opinions on their reliability and usefulness and they are at the inexpensive end of the scale.
At the top end of the scale are probably the pocket wizards which offer seemingly unlimited control over driving off camera flash.
I have been using cheap and cheerful eBay sourced units to fire monobloc heads and so far they haven't failed to fire the units ---- but sometimes they have a habit of firing them before they are meant to. Might be a radio frequency issue with them receiving unintentional signals. :confused013

Links -----

Cactus (http://www.gadgetinfinity.com/home.php) flash triggers

Drangon Image (http://www.###########.com.au/class.asp?aid=54&nid=525) flash triggers

Studio Works (http://www.studiolight.com.au/triggers.htm) flash trigger

Pocket Wizard (http://www.pocketwizard.com/) flash triggers. :cheeky33:

04-05-2009, 8:22am
If you want TTL to control the flashes' power output then get a STE2. Be aware that the range can be quite limited in bright sunlight and sometimes it will fail you if it's not in line of sight.

The other triggers to support TTL are radiopoppers and the new pocketwizards but these are quite pricey.

Rest of the aftermarket triggers means you shoot everything in manual. Again pocketwizards, microsync, skyports etc...

EDIT: the cactus V4s are meant to be great value for money and are more reliable than the V2s

04-05-2009, 9:22am
I haven't got my 580 EXII yet but this thread the other week had me very interested mate...


04-05-2009, 12:21pm
commander mode on cameras ar fairly limited although can be useful. if you want to get a system which is reliable and gives you the most creative freedom, then Pocketwizards are a good choice and the industry standard.

04-05-2009, 7:00pm
OK call me a dumb ass but if I have 2 X 580 exII flash's and wanted them off camera how many pocket wizards would I need. I've just put in a bid on a 580 and there are 2 pocket wizards available with it. SO, if I've got my 2 flash's off camera will one pocket wizard fire then (wizard goes on camera yes?)?


04-05-2009, 7:04pm
no, you will need three pw's to fire two flashes, not withstanding using an optical slave on the second flash. one on camera, and one each on each of the speedlights.

04-05-2009, 7:19pm
Hi Mike

I have the STE2, firing two 580EX2 and a 430 EX.

It has not failed me at all and I'm sure I must have been pushing it's limits.

Then again, I am a Canon man :o

04-05-2009, 7:37pm
I've recently got a set of v4 cactus triggers. They're sooo much better than the v2s, or the other cheap tat on fleabay... Not in pocketwizard domain, but I figured I could spend the $900 I saved on other stuff!

I bought them direct from Gadget Infinity in the states: http://www.gadgetinfinity.com/product.php?productid=17204&cat=0&page=1


04-05-2009, 7:38pm
Cheers Tom. So, I think I'm starting to get it now. If I want two 580's off camera, then a ST E2 would be the go. That will fire both of them. Or, I could have one 580 on camera and it will fire the other yes? The ST=E2 is about $300 I think. Pocket Wizards are about $200 each? Is that right?


wow, I took so long from starting to type, I didnt see these other posts. Thanks guys.

04-05-2009, 7:43pm
Pocketwizards are about $200USD each. They normally hit about $400 AUD each in Oz... Also it depends if you want the new versions or not (Flex TT5 and Mini TT1), The old versions are bulletproof, but only cater for manual flash, with no bells or whistles. The new versions support ETTL, and also siginificantly improve the efficiency of your flash (think 50% recycle time), and allow for higher sync speeds than your camera thinks it's capable of (hypersync).

STE-2 is great, so long as you don't want to place your flash out of the line of sight of the STE-2 - a major restriction in my opinion...

If you want 2 580s off the camera in ETTL mode, you have 3 options: another 580ex, an STE-2, the new pocketwizards

If you want 2 580s off the camera in manual mode, you can use any of the above options, plus many other (much cheaper) triggers

If you just want 1 off the camera, you can use 1 580 as a master, and one as a slave

04-05-2009, 7:46pm
Cheers Tim. OK, its the ST-E2 I'm going to get next then. Thanks a heap.


05-05-2009, 8:57pm
Oh bugga. The more I look the more options I see. Now I'm thiking of just getting another two 430exII flash's and using my 580 as the trigger. I see the ST E2 is alomost the same price as the 430 so I figure I might as well have something that flashes if they're the same price. The down side is that I'll only have 430's off camera. Not having any experience with off camera flash and well, limited experience with flash all together, will they be enough light with soft boxes on em to give me good usable light on indoor portraits, outdoor location portraits and outdoor car and bike shoots?

Sorry to be a pain but I'm slowly getting my head around things now.


05-05-2009, 9:16pm
Hi Mick,
I sympathize with your plight, I had one 580, thought another with a cord would give me a reasonable start, but someone sold me 2 430's for about the same as 1 580 (bargain), anyway all good now had three flashes, using the 580 as a master, got a longer cord, bloody nuisance being tethered, then the new pocket wizards hit the market, brought a mini and a flex thinking the 580 could still be a master, uh-oh wrong, just received two more flex's. Finally can do what I want and till I master manual flashes, I can fall back on ettl. Havent done anything but just fiddle around with them and even though I have spent 4 times my budget (I originally was just going to get an ste2) and am confident that as I become more proficient they will only enhance my results.
Anyway that was my answer when confronted with the same question.


06-05-2009, 4:57pm
will they be enough light with soft boxes on em to give me good usable light on indoor portraits, outdoor location portraits and outdoor car and bike shoots?

Tough question to answer easily. I rarely use my 580EX above 1/4 power. 1/16 power is often sufficient. It all depends how close you want your lights, and how much ambient you need to overcome. If you want to shoot in the middle of the day in direct sunlight, and knock down your exposure so that your background is dark, while your portrait is lit, and you want a full length shot, then you'll probably find that no single speedlite will do the job... For me, the power of the 430 would be sufficient for all the work I do. You can always have more light, bigger strobes, generator etc. For most lighting situations, there are many ways to tackle the lighting. In 99% of situations, you'd be able to get a great shot with the 430 if you're flexible. The added power of the 580 might make it 99.5% You'll never get 100%


06-05-2009, 9:40pm
Cheers Cris. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had this trouble. Its kinda daunting but fun too.

And thanks again Tim. OK, the two 430's it is then. I will be placing an order this week.



07-05-2009, 10:30am
Oh bugga. The more I look the more options I see. Now I'm thiking of just getting another two 430exII flash's and using my 580 as the trigger. I see the ST E2 is alomost the same price as the 430 so I figure I might as well have something that flashes if they're the same price. The down side is that I'll only have 430's off camera. Not having any experience with off camera flash and well, limited experience with flash all together, will they be enough light with soft boxes on em to give me good usable light on indoor portraits, outdoor location portraits and outdoor car and bike shoots?

Sorry to be a pain but I'm slowly getting my head around things now.


The more light sources you have, the more complex you're creating it.
IMO if you're new to it then try shooting portaits with just one light source.

07-05-2009, 6:26pm
Cheers Ehor. I am new to it but have been using some home made lighting ie work lamps on stands. I've had one stand with 4 lamps on it (very bloody hot and not half as bright as I'd hoped for) and one lamp on the other stand. Its been fun and I've got some reasonable results. I'm just looking at taking the next step. I'm right in to fairly heavy PP right now and with the extra off camera stuff, I'm hoping to get results in sort of the Dave Hill kinda area. I know, I know, I'd have a long long way to go before even coming close to that sort of look but I'm taking the first steps none the less.


20-05-2009, 5:06pm
Please refer to the site rules regarding commercial advertising on this forum.

25-05-2009, 10:10pm

found this on Flickr that you might find interesting



12-12-2009, 3:51pm
Hi guys, thought I would revive this thread as I basically have the same question. I have a 450D and a 580EX II and I want to get it off camera. I want to maintain the ability to do ETTL so I guess that rules out the cheapies. I don't think a cord would be very flexible (:lol2:) so that is out too.
I think this brings me to two options, the Canon ST-E2 trigger or the pocket wizards which seem very expensive. What is wrong with the ST-E2, I hear it is good only for line of sight, can it be beside the camera or does it need to be in front? I'm unsure which way to go with this.

Mick, what did you end up with? How have you found it practically?

12-12-2009, 5:05pm
If you want to maintain E-TTL you will have a few choices
1 Second 580 EXII used on camera as a master (or on the OC-E3 off camera cord)
2 ST-E2 as master on camera or on an off camera cord.
You do need line of sight for these 2 options, particularly outside which is highly problematic with the Canon system
3 Pocket Wizards - the new E-TTL version, very expensive, have not researched much about their reliablility
3 There is a cheaper chinese E-TTL trigger coming on the market in the next few months http://strobist.blogspot.com/2009/12/first-look-pixel-tr-331-ttl-remote.html

14-12-2009, 2:31pm
If you are serious about flash, you shouldnt be looking at anything but Pocket wizards. Dont be afraid to go manual with your flashes, its not hard at all and you have more control.

I get away with just using the STE2 or a 580EX in the hot shoe most of the time. Even in sunlight (Tip: block the slave light sensor from any sunlight to help it fire). Remember, you can set the 580 not to fire when its in the hot shoe as well.

If I ever need to shoot something big like a couple aeroplanes, or im shooting around corners or from a large distant, I dont trust anything but pocket wizards. You can get a set of them(x2) now for $450AUD.

If you cant afford them yet, then become an expert at using what you do have available. Its a far better learning experience. Remember you dont have to go wireless, buy some cables, use reflectors, use available light.

have fun!

14-12-2009, 5:30pm
Hi guys, thanks for your replies. So what is the problem with the STE2, is it infrared like a tv remote and hence requires line of sight? And I'm guessing that inside it can bounce of walls (like some powerful tv remotes)? Does it work from directly beside the camera, ie say 3-5 metres sideways?

At this stage I'm only thinking short distances for portraits etc. I'm considering the 7D for my next camera which has the wireless trigger, but if this suffers the same sort of 'line of sight' issues, maybe I'm better of saving for some pocket wizards. (too many things on the wish list at the moment!)


14-12-2009, 6:54pm
Have you read this tutorial?


You can do a lot with one flash on cord as fill, the off camera flash as key

Last line: (Quote) What you'll use the ST-E2 for? A paper weight.

14-12-2009, 8:31pm
I personally use PocketWizard PLUS IIs.

These use radio frequency, are well-built and are very reliable, with range up to 1,600ft.

However, they're not for the budget-minded, costing $350-400 each. You need at least two (one for the camera, and one for the flash, plus one each for however many other flashes you wish to fire).

These are transceivers, so unlike other RF triggers, you don't need a transmitter and a receiver, as PW does both.

These have four channels, and can be configured as Tx, Rx or both.

The Gadget Infinity Cactus triggers (otherwise known as eBay triggers) are much cheaper (by all definitions of the word) and are far more approachable for someone who cannot or will not spend a lot of money. This system uses a separate Tx and Rx unit.

14-12-2009, 9:24pm

I just replaced my cactus triggers with Skyports

I'm very pleased so far.

15-12-2009, 1:06am
I use cybersyncs & never had a misfire.I purchased them from the sttes but they now have a supplier in Australia.
From memory the transmittor was about $60 & the recievers for each flash was about $55,

Highly recommended for the price.


20-12-2009, 11:33pm
Read up on the alienbees cybersync
Works a treat without breaking the piggy bank.
Fits between a cactus and pocket wizard

I used to use the cactus v2s with antenna and batteries mods, the alienbees just craps all over them. Alienbees do have verynice strobes too.

Check them out at alienbees.com
I think now is an Aussie distributer..... because the US stop shipping to Australia now

21-12-2009, 8:20am
I have skyports too. I have had good results with them. Though I am thinking about re-evaluating my situation as for what I shoot off camera is hard by myself. Im thinking of just using two flashes and having them as master and slave and making a frame to hold them both.

But long story short skyports are fine.

21-12-2009, 8:41am

I just replaced my cactus triggers with Skyports

I'm very pleased so far.

skyports here too

21-12-2009, 2:57pm
YongNuo RF602's here :D
$122 delivered for 1 x trigger, 4 x receiver is pretty good value IMO.
Just as reliable as pocketwizards but without the range.

30-12-2009, 12:50pm
Whoa, thats that then!! I'll be ordering these babies in the next few weeks. Have been meaning to ask you about them Ed.


30-12-2009, 4:32pm
Whoa, thats that then!! I'll be ordering these babies in the next few weeks. Have been meaning to ask you about them Ed.

Enjoy :)
They don't support TTL but they will wakeup some flashes.

07-01-2010, 4:36pm
Everytime I see someone talking about the Yongnuos I see eBay links. Is that the best way to source them? Do any shops in Aus stock them? Or do they have their own website?

07-01-2010, 5:18pm
YongNuo RF602's here :D
$122 delivered for 1 x trigger, 4 x receiver is pretty good value IMO.
Just as reliable as pocketwizards but without the range.

There is the temptation to get two triggers - that way you can operate the camera remotely (trigger in hand, receiver in camera pc socket) AND fire the flash (trigger on hotshoe)
I'm tempted anyway....

I @ M
07-01-2010, 5:34pm
Do any shops in Aus stock them? Or do they have their own website?

I haven't seen any reference to them on anything but e$ay Michael.
they seem to be stocked by a few places and come as either clamshell packed kits or bits and pieces loose in plastic bags.:confused013

Bear Dale
07-01-2010, 5:38pm
I'm stoked with my YongNuo RF-602TX Wireless Triggers.