View Full Version : ??Lightroom??

17-04-2009, 7:48am
I have been fiddling around with lightroom and finding it bit confusing; the old brain is locked into the brigde/CS3/layers. LOL I have only just got my head around bits and pieces of that.

After watching John at the local Camera House working on lr for a short while, I started to get more of an idea to how it works and how to use it; but; do I really need it?? I would love to be able to open>work>save the same as Tannin put here http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=15445

I can see there are benefits for general file corrections; and I know there are some who do most of there work on LR, but they still seem to need old PS to finish off

So; will I gain much by using it? It is worth spending the time on it to get my head around it? (I don’t find techo stuff easy:angry0: )

Does anyone use LR when showing clients their images? I find bridge OK for that. Is LR better?

I have a couple of tutorals; does anyone have any helpful LR links?


I’m interested in your thoughts.

17-04-2009, 8:25am
Ian and anyone else for that manner you have to watch adobe's own video tutorials:


Watch these videos alone and you will be laughing.

I am totally a LR2.3 convert i use LR purely as my workflow and then anything else that needs that little bit extra i'll go into CS4 to finish it off, the integration between LR and CS4 is absolutely supurb, as you can sit in LR export the image within the LR workflow into CS4, make your edits, save it and its back in LR and stacked in Library view between the original CR2 file and the .psd file which becomes your new edit file. There is a video tute on this.

I cant extol how good/great LR is, please persist with it, because once you do, you will be thanking yourself on how bloody good it is, 80-90% of your workflow will only dictate the use of LR. It will also save you so much time. There are a number of different ways you can manage your catalog and collections as well. Watch the tutes and just stick with it.... your patience will be paid off. :th3:

17-04-2009, 8:30am
If you are able go to Library or buy Scott Kelby's LR2 Book. It does a great job of explaining step by step the benefits of LR

Primarily to me LR's main benefit is the bulk management of files, including bulk importing, cataloging, key wording as well as adjustments like WB, contrast etc.

If you find yourself fiddling always with only a few photos each time and you are an advanced Photoshop user using layers, masking etc then just use Photoshop.

LR's adjustment brushes etc are good and getting better but have a way to go yet. If you need to add text, do layers etc then it does not do this and never will

The integration to CS3 is quite good though so you can manage the file in LR to a point then from within LR open the file in CS3, fiddle with it some more and then save that back so LR sees that new file.

17-04-2009, 8:32am
I treat Lightroom as my DAM application and as a RAW convertor. Finer editing is done in Photoshop. So no different to using ACR / Bridge as a RAW convertor. Spose it depends what YOU want the software to do

17-04-2009, 1:47pm
Stick with it! You've had it for barely a week so you might as well keep at it. I'll help you out with it next week when I'm over.

17-04-2009, 2:10pm
I guess it took me a while to understand LR.

LR is primarily a catalogue manager (DAM) with raw conversion and edit capabilities.
It does basic convert and edit. I don't like its NR or sharpening.

It is wonderful for bulk conversion edit from a birthday party happy snap session.

17-04-2009, 4:07pm
LR is also great for printing photo packages and proof sheets,I haven't found a simpler more flexable way. But i wish it would allow me change the font colour of the photo info text that can be printed under each photo on a proof sheet. I like to print with black back grounds but only allows black text. Anyone worked out how?

17-04-2009, 4:41pm
Go to the adobe website, watch the tutorials and then realise you have bought one of the most useful programs ever.

17-04-2009, 4:42pm
TonyA i dont know if LRMogrify will help with your proofing issue? It might not, but this is an alternative plugin thats available for LR users.


17-04-2009, 5:46pm
The only thing that impresses me about LR is the bulk processing ability, I find ACR frustrating in that way. I have tried a trial version of LR some time ago and didn't feel the benefits were enough to change from ACR...that is spend a lot of money. However if I was a relatively new PS user, I would probably have CS4 and LR2. Adobe annoys me though with their product bundling, really LR2 should come with CS4 instead of ACR. Therefor for now I'll stick to CS3 and ACR, I'm happy with the quality of the results, even if it's a bit more labour intensive.

17-04-2009, 11:04pm
fair enough norton, but give LR2.3 and CS4 30 day free trial ago and use it only and consistently for the 30 days. perhaps try a new catalog or use your old files.
then let us all know how it goes :)

18-04-2009, 6:45am
Thanks for the replies; thoughts; tips; and links

I started to write this thread at 12.30 (am) after much of the day being "waste" fiddleing blindly with LR. Yesterday morning much more of lightroom seemed to be a lot clearer; used it in several sales sessions and found having a crop and exposure tool availabe on the spot very handy. (especialy exposure :eek:) Maybe better then bridge for sales. Much more to work out :(

Thanks agian


PS: Salli; I'm not too sure if I'm going to be up to learnings much late next week :eek: Guess it may give me something to do.

27-05-2009, 5:27pm
I have down loaded the mogrify plug as advised; I have donated; I have put in the #s number but can't see it in/on lightroom.

:o .So, what aim I looking for??


27-05-2009, 5:40pm
sounds like you have installed the plugin bit but not mogrify itself

27-05-2009, 6:50pm
Go to Library, Export, bottom left hand crn, 'plugin manager'
status of the plugin, should be 'installed' make sure its enabled, and if that does not work you can reload the plugin, in the same dialog box.

27-05-2009, 7:02pm
Thanks Kym and nisstrust, I feel a real mug doing these things

I have copied the page; does that look right?


I have remove part of serial # for posting

27-05-2009, 7:29pm
yeah that looks all good and fine, is there still an issue of it not working?

27-05-2009, 8:48pm
yeah that looks all good and fine, is there still an issue of it not working?

Thanks for that, when it's all up and going is it in presets or somewhere else.


27-05-2009, 8:52pm
It only works when you choose to export

28-05-2009, 8:25am
It only works when you choose to export

Found it; thanks for that Kiwi; all I need to do now is make it work. Looks like I also have to get my head around the size of a pixel. The mind is still locked into PS (& inches) mode and at the moment the mind is even duller due to a very heavy head cold. I'll fiddle around for awhile a may ask a few questions later

Thanks for all the help


28-05-2009, 8:32am
Here are the settings I pretty much always use if that helps Ian



28-05-2009, 8:55am
Thanks Darren, that gave me some more ideas.

Have to admit I'm getting LR sorted out and I do use it somehow with all images other then RAW cont.; cropping is really good; good programme for marketing with clients. As with all of these programmes, there is always something we didn't now about that we should know about


PS the Camera house bloke just told me he is having trouble with LR sharpening ;)

28-05-2009, 9:06am
Yeah, well

Try this link too


and this


(see, I get no respect there either, lol)

28-05-2009, 10:37am
Yeah, well

Try this link too


and this


(see, I get no respect there either, lol)

Sick of trying to register for that nikon one. :( They must know I dumped the Nikon :D

Sharpening link looks good; but it will look better when I have clearer head. :eek:


28-05-2009, 4:28pm
Lightroom for the win! :th3:

25-05-2011, 7:09am
Great advice for me to take on board. Thanks.

26-05-2011, 5:33pm
LR's adjustment brushes etc are good and getting better but have a way to go yet. If you need to add text, do layers etc then it does not do this and never will

Reading the bit about LR not doing layers made me laugh as I had just finished downloading a plugin that lets you use layers with Lightroom. Never say never eh?

26-05-2011, 7:00pm
Perfect layers ?

Plugins dont count :)

28-05-2011, 2:51pm
Yes kiwi perfect layers. I am an onOne fanboy - great plugins. its got some bugs atm but will be quite competent when fully sorted