View Full Version : Layers Help

18-03-2009, 2:52pm
Hi Experts,
I am learning PS3. Can do layer adjustments, clone etc.
Can you do cloning etc. on a Layer and, if so, how?
If you can't do it on a Layer how do you clone without destroying photo? I always make a copy of my background layer first before I do anything.
Do you have to use a mask? If so, how?


18-03-2009, 8:29pm
I always clone on a background layer, I just add a new background layer and clone straight on that.
If I'm cloning out a large area (blue sky etc) I will sometimes use a new background layer, use the move tool to move the layer, then add a mask, invert and use a white brush at 30% to slowly reveal the new background layer.
Final adjustments can be made with the move tool and arrow buttons.

It doesn't always work, but when it does it saves a lot of tedious cloning.

try scott kelby's books on cs3, they're very good.


18-03-2009, 8:39pm
It depends what your layer is.

Some layers are adjustment layers (for levels, curves etc) and you cant clone on them. But if you create new layer, duplicate from background layer, you can clone on that layer.

I find the easiest way to think of layers is like overhead transparencies. Your photo is the bottom transparency, you might then add a Levels layer, that transparency doesnt have the photo on it, but has subtle information on it that changes how the photo looks, add another layer and it might have a mask on it, blocking out some of the transparencies below it,,etc..So to clone you need a layer (transparency) that has a copy of your bottom layer on it.

Hope that makes sense.

18-03-2009, 9:14pm
Just working on some layers now. Some artwork for a CD for a blacksmith who makes suits of armour in his spare time.

I guess there are various ways of editing each layer, but first you have to select the "Move" tool, then you can select the layer you wish to work on by clicking on it in the layer box on the right of your screen. Then you can edit that layer without changing other layers. To edit a different layer, simply select it in that box.

You can change the layer order by selecting the "layer" menu and selecting arrange.

Hope this helps

18-03-2009, 10:31pm
Thanks Guys, you have all been a big help. It now seems to make sence. Knew it had something to do with background layers and moving layers, I will try again.

19-03-2009, 6:25am
hey harves what is the font that you use for "Des wakefield" ??


19-03-2009, 9:38am
hey harves what is the font that you use for "Des wakefield" ??


I'll let you know when I get home tonight

19-03-2009, 11:02am
Remember the "sample all layers" check box when using the clone stamp tool. You don't always have to use it but it often comes in handy.

If you have problems with it not working;

– check if you have an active selection( it may be hidden)
– make sure you are working on the right layer
– check the mode and opacity of the clone stamp tool in the options bar at the top of the window

And yes... NEVER work on the original background layer...always copy it first.

old dog
19-03-2009, 11:06am
Oh crickey, I have so much to learn. Just coming to grips with curves etc, let alone masking and layers and..... help.......

19-03-2009, 1:21pm
Oh crickey, I have so much to learn. Just coming to grips with curves etc, let alone masking and layers and..... help.......

If you are using curves you should be using them as a curves adjustment layer, NOT using them via them Image>adjustments menu. Far more powerful technique!

Anyhow if you're coming to grips with curves you're already way ahead:D

19-03-2009, 4:24pm
hey harves what is the font that you use for "Des wakefield" ??


The font used was "Vladimir Script". It wasn't on my computer, I found it on my work laptop. It must have been in an earlier version of Windows or something.

21-03-2009, 7:03am
I'll find it, Thanks for that

Edit: Guess what allready on my computer too:crzy:

19-07-2009, 1:42pm
If you make a background layer specifically for cloning and are not happy with some of the results, you can erase the bad clone work on that layer and allow the original layer below to show through.

23-07-2009, 7:11pm
Thanks for everyones help. I now have some practice to do.