View Full Version : Netbook recommendations?

01-03-2009, 1:31pm
I am looking at getting a netbook in the next couple of months, and was wondering if anyone here was using one, or if anyone could recommend one?

It will be used mainly for storing/editing photos on, when out and about (plan on going to the NT this year for a week) and also to play videos/movies for the kids on long drives. Would also like to output movies to tv.

Any ideas?
So far I have looked at the Dell mini 9 which seems to have had some good reviews, and it seems thay may be bringing out a mini10 soon, which would hopefully bring the price down a bit more.



04-03-2009, 10:16am
Obviously not... :rolleyes:

04-03-2009, 1:00pm
Hi Matt

Sorry, saw the post a little while ago but the term netbook threw me. I have an Acer Aspire One - 120 GB, 3 USB ports, 2 SD readers, webcam, wireless, Intel Atom processor.

I just love it for its small size and versatility. I got it to store and process photos on the move. It runs CS3 no probs but the screen is too small to effectively load RAW in CS3 (or I haven't worked out how to do it yet). BAttery life is a bit limiting and the Atom isn't the quickest processor on the planet (but is OK).

Would definitely get another if it broke or got stolen. The Asus EEPC is the benchmark but is dearer. Toshiba make a nice one too.

04-03-2009, 2:26pm
Cheers Buddah :th3: - I have been doing a fair bit of research over the last couple of days, and although my first preference would be the samsung NC10, Samsung do not sell it here in Oz :confused013 , so hopefully will be getting an Asus 1000H in the near future.

I am glad you said CS3 worked o.k. - This is the one this I was concerned with.
I was also going to try out Picasa 3- mainly for the effective library ability (Bridge drives me bonkers), plus it allows some very basic editing options - no raw conversion, sharpening, or noise reduction though.

I have been thinking about the RAW conversion, and if Adobe RAW doesn't work on the netbook, then in camera conversion would be the other (non preffered) option. From the little I have played around with it, I think Pentax do a reasonable job with this. The Pentax image software that comes with the camera, I found to be absolutely rubbish, and very fustrating, so I will be avoiding that for sure.

04-03-2009, 6:30pm
Sounds like you've got it worked out, Matt. The Asus and the Samsung look similar to me so you probably won't go wrong with the Asus. It was above my pricepoint at the time but on reflection the extra you pay would probably be worth it for the greater battery life.

I wouldn't be surprised if the 10" screen allows you to open RAW in CS3 at highest screen resolution. For you that would be problem solved.

Anyway, whichever way you go it will make saving and working on your photos so much easier away from home.

04-03-2009, 7:02pm
I have a ASUS EEE (7" model) and it does everything I need.


06-03-2009, 6:52pm
I have the Acer Aspire One 120g too, i use it for travelling together with a 3G usb modem.

It is slow but it does the job. I'm not sure what it will be like running CS3 or lightroom, i just use the Portable Photoshop which only takes 80mb of space.

I got it for $499 + the cashback but chose the Extended warrarnty option... just because it's an Acer lol

It failed on me once, but Acer warranty made me update the Bios thing which i haven't got around to because i just got back from traveling.

06-03-2009, 7:53pm
Well I picked up a Asus 1000H today, and was just about to update all the drivers, and install software etc, when I just thought I would check to see how they partitioned the 160 gig hard drive - 40 gig in C: drive, and 40 gig in D: drive....... ***! they gave me the model with the 80 gig HD :angry0: :angry0: Here I was more concerned they didn't give me the one with the old processor, and didn't even think to check the HD size.

So now I have to go through all the BS to get it changed over - at least it shouldn't be a problem (fingers crossed) - it was advertised with the 160G HD. :rolleyes:

06-03-2009, 10:39pm
Damn what a hassle. Hopefully they won't make it difficult for a swap over. All the best!

btw, good choice on the ASUS

12-03-2009, 8:31am
Congrats on the purchase and I hope you're able to sort out the mix-up soon. The Asus 1000h did make the short list when I was shopping for a netbook but eventually decided on the Dell mini9. Apart the slightly annoying keyboard and tiny touch pad which I should have expected from a 9 incher, the dells great. Big advantage is size, weight and it has no moving parts due to it's (puny) solid state 16gb hard drive which means it'll take quite a beating on my travels.


12-03-2009, 8:50am
I ended up taking it back where I brought it from, and brought it from another retailer for the same price with the correct specs. All is good now, and I am very happy with it :)

I have loaded CS3 on it, and it seems to work all o.k - screen real estate is a bit scarce, but it is o.k. in a pinch. The only problem, as Buddah pointed out is that Adobe RAW requires 1024x768 minimum to run, and the native resolution of the screen is 1024x600. Fortunately ASUS have a utility to run the screen at 1024x768 either in a compressed mode (not very nice) or in a scrolling mode, where you use the mouse pointer to scroll up or down to see more screen. This is satisfactory, but I could see it getting tedious if needing to process too many photos - the solution here would be to output to a larger monitor via the VGA port.

At this stage all is good, and I would certainly recommend this unit to anyone wanting a small laptop that is easily transported. For me it is an ideal solution for those people that are out in the field and require something to store and review their photos - heck you could even edit, and upload them via wireless broadband if needed.


12-03-2009, 10:11am
I just got my son the Asus with the 160gb hdd, it's a brilliant little machine! I think I had more fun with it when he first got it than he did..lol The only thing I have to get for it now is microslop office so he can do his school work on it, that is afterall what I bought it for..lol that and he now leaves my laptop alone ;)

12-03-2009, 10:34am
Hey Kirsty - I have been using the included software programs from StarOffice 8 which as far as I can tell works just the same, if not better in some respects.

12-03-2009, 11:16am
oh ok, might pay to have a look then instead of paying out the $180 they want for it.

22-03-2009, 8:18pm
anyone have other models? Most are going at 800ish mark and +60 to get 2gb ram. At that price you can buy 15" 'normal' notebooks - quite depressing.

the aspire one I tried, spacebar keeps annoying me, I hit the plastic under it. No such problems with the 10" eeepc, lenovo s10, msi wind, hp mini 1001, benq u101.

not many places have a good range tho, even in sydney

22-03-2009, 8:53pm
i like the reviews on the msi wind, but will be watching this topic as I thinking of one

23-03-2009, 8:29am
tried the msi wind, it's nice. Problem is they changed touchpad from synaptics to a crap one. I like synaptics touchpads. And will make this an issue to switch.

There is a Kogan Agora Netbook from www.kogan.com.au quite cheap. Not out yet.

23-03-2009, 9:42am
I bought a black Asus 1000H last week such a great little computer..... my mum saw it and has bought the white version....

I have loaded Lightroom and a few other programs...

It runs really well, can't fault it yet....

Screen is a little small but that is what I wanted it for to travel with.......

I ordered some extra RAM to go from 1GB to 2GB, RAM upgrades are always important with computers more RAM = more speed....

23-03-2009, 12:49pm
i can highly recommend the Asus n10j with its 9300gs 256mb graphic card 160gig hdd, 2gig ram,
its a really awesome little machine! i bought one on thursday and i have photoshop on it and it works a charm!

i can also play online games on everything low details that is but it works fine!!

i love it!

24-03-2009, 8:26am
I saw the Asus n10j too, its specs look great. But it was selling for >$1k!

24-03-2009, 11:15am
i bought mine for $880 got a free bag also :)

31-03-2009, 4:45pm
out of interest how well do things like lightroom and photoshop etc run on these machines. I know there not as good as a norm laptop etc, but for portable aspect they look really good.

I thinking of getting the msi wind and a new desktop as well so the netbook would only be really used for email, word and internet, but would like to do some editing mainly in lightroom while I am away etc.

Bigger stuff and detailed I would use a grunty desktop, but I am hoping the 1.6 atom in the msi can handle some extra work.

01-04-2009, 8:19am
they work fine, just slow.

01-04-2009, 11:11am
I can't vouch for lightroom, but CS3 works o.k on mine, and it only has 1 gig of RAM -Just don't expect it to stitch a 6 shot pano from raw files in a hurry!
One good thing, actually two good things about the ASUS, it is very easy to upgrade both memory (to 2 gig max) and hard drive - takes standard laptop type hard drives. Also it has a built in 'overclocking' and underclocking funtction that allows you to run it faster or slower depending on what you are doing, which in turn helps conserve battery power.

01-04-2009, 1:54pm
Thanks for the replies,

The Atom 1.6g chip are the chips similar to others like my wifes laptop intel 1.4g with 768mg ram. I'm thinking they are almost the same, but not sure how they compare to a normal chip.

01-04-2009, 2:11pm
Hi there I have the Asus 1000H and have installed Lightroom 2.3 on it... It runs really well I was quite surprised its not as fast as my Duo Core laptop but does the job...

I'm going to use it for travelling os in a few month so will be perfect for me...

If I had to use the 1000H everyday for photo editing I would prefer a bigger screen and probably a bit faster processer but for the price its great....

Have not installed Photoshop but will do this over time.

If you have any more questions shoot away!

out of interest how well do things like lightroom and photoshop etc run on these machines. I know there not as good as a norm laptop etc, but for portable aspect they look really good.

I thinking of getting the msi wind and a new desktop as well so the netbook would only be really used for email, word and internet, but would like to do some editing mainly in lightroom while I am away etc.

Bigger stuff and detailed I would use a grunty desktop, but I am hoping the 1.6 atom in the msi can handle some extra work.

01-04-2009, 5:00pm
Hi there I have the Asus 1000H and have installed Lightroom 2.3 on it... It runs really well I was quite surprised its not as fast as my Duo Core laptop but does the job...

I'm going to use it for travelling os in a few month so will be perfect for me...

If I had to use the 1000H everyday for photo editing I would prefer a bigger screen and probably a bit faster processer but for the price its great....

Have not installed Photoshop but will do this over time.

If you have any more questions shoot away!

Cheers I guess this may seem like a stupid question but the wife has a intel 1.4 with 768ram and correct me if I am wrong but is the atom 1.6 chip with 1gb going to be faster than that.

Not sure if the atom chip is way different to a normal single core chip in most other normal laptops or desktops. If the atom is better by the fact it is 1.6 then the speed I have been used to on the wifes laptop isnt bad.

As said will be getting a decent desktop for majority of editing etc, but I like these little netbooks.

02-04-2009, 8:23am
ur tricked by the 1.6ghz again.
atom is about the speed of a pentium 3.

ghz means nothing. a 1.6ghz core2duo is faster than a 3ghz pentium 4.

04-04-2009, 3:18pm
ended up getting the wind u100 and there awesome these netbooks. Decided on this one only just over the asus and it was just liked the look and feel more on the msi.

only thing getting used to is the keyboard as i keep hitting s instead of a, but very happy so far.

Now I just have to work out what desktop to buy.

Cheers everyone for all the tips