View Full Version : what res do you use?

24-02-2009, 3:32pm
for ya monitors? im building a website and i want a general idea on what resolutions are used? use 1280x1024

24-02-2009, 4:24pm
Theres a big gap between the last 2. Thats where I fit...

24-02-2009, 4:29pm
1280x1024 seems to suit me

24-02-2009, 4:31pm
Theres a big gap between the last 2. Thats where I fit...

yeah i was trying to remeber them off the top of my head :)

24-02-2009, 4:34pm
On my iMac 1680x1050, and the 24" attached to it, 1920*1080

24-02-2009, 4:38pm
I use two computers for web viewing, these have resolutions of 1680 x 1050 and 1920 x 1080, however I build my site to be viewed by 1024 x 768. This allows most people to vie with having to scroll across.

24-02-2009, 4:41pm
1024x768 - easier for me to view mainly cause I feel like i need glasses to read it if I make it higher lol

24-02-2009, 4:53pm
1600 x 1200 for me (home and office), but I generally try to design sites to look at their best at standard resolution, which is currently 1280 x 1024, and work OK at the other common resolutions: 1024 x 768, and various wide screen things, which can make the designer's life very difficult because they are so shallow.

24-02-2009, 5:32pm
I use several machines to get on the web with, with varying resolutions. Currently 1280x800 (notebook). I think notebooks are getting used more and more and not many people have the need for ultra-high resolutions. Thus you may get an above average high resolution from your poll here.

I would suggest you do investigations on your target audience which, I guess, might not be the group of photo enthousiasts available here on AP.

24-02-2009, 6:25pm
I got the best screen I could get for my 17" Dell laptop (desktop replacement - its too heavy and too hot to use on the lap, but that's another rant). Anyway, The only problem is that the screen's native res is 1900x1200 which makes text on websites etc absolutely minuscule.

25-02-2009, 12:51am
You could use ctrl-scroll for making the text larger....I know I had to teach my wife how to do that with her needing reading glasses.

As for native resolution I use 1680x1050 as well....seems to work well for me.

25-02-2009, 4:53am
1440 x 900 i think :)

25-02-2009, 12:53pm
Depending on your skill level with designing websites I would recommend looking at using CSS and design it for a minimum res of 1024x768. If designed properly with CSS it will look good on any resolution from 1024x768, and will also be compatible for normal aspect or widescreen resolutions.

It all really depends on your target market as to what minimum resolution to design for, but in the past I have designed websites aimed towards businesses so they need the website as compatible as possible due to having a large target market.

25-02-2009, 12:58pm
yeh im not that advanced but ive designed it based on 1280x1024 and ive used css, its just to display all my photos so im going to do some tesing on some old webspace then ill release it live when it seems like all is well

25-02-2009, 1:22pm
This problem is why my sites are designed in Flash using fullscreen & a horizontal design. Then no matter what people's reso is, the site will display exactly as I design it & won't resize at all & throw things off-whack

I @ M
07-04-2009, 9:37am
Clockwise around the room.

PC 1 1440 x 900

PC 2 1024 x 768 + 1440 x 900

PC3 1280 x 1024 + 1024 x 768

No wonder I have square eyes.:eek:

07-04-2009, 1:45pm
According to my personal website stats the majority use 1280x1024 so I've built it around a basis a little lower of 1024 wide. Personally I use something in the higher end gap on your poll and 1280 at work.

08-04-2009, 4:22pm
20" iMac at 1680 x 1050 and the Viewsonic is the same.

08-04-2009, 4:31pm
Both my laptops run at 1440 x 900 and my desktop at 1680 x 1050. The desktop actually won't go any higher than that. Probably got something to do with the monitor.

11-04-2009, 7:41pm
I didn't vote because my 19" widescreen monitor is running at 1440x900.

By the way, my ATI software reports that my monitor can run at 1920x1080, though I am unable to extend it past 1440x900 via Windows Display Properties>Settings. Any idea how I can realise my max capable resolution?

14-02-2010, 7:22pm
1680x1050 & 1600x1200 on my monitors (one of these days I'll replace them both with 1080p capable monitors of the same brand).

14-02-2010, 9:24pm
We have an official thread on monitors...
