View Full Version : Which Antivirus do you use?

14-02-2009, 3:07pm
Our Norton Antivirus subscription is due for renewal and I was wondering what everyone else uses and any pros/ cons to those apps.

I say Kym's thread about safer computing and that Avast is another application, but are there any others people can recommend? :confused013 We run Windows and use Firefox.

Looking forward to any feedback to help make a decision.

Thanks guys :th3:

14-02-2009, 3:24pm
From most people I talk to Norton is total rubbish, more trouble than it's worth and you have to pay to use it :crzy:

I too use the free avast anti virus and have done so for 2 years now and never a glitch, easy to use and seems to be effective and on the ball......one more vote for the saying " the best things in life are free"

14-02-2009, 3:27pm
At the moment I am using AVG.. happy with it for the most part, but I was running Bullguard and found that to be awesome. I have never really liked Nortons for the way it slows the computer right down and doesn't always seem to catch the nasties.

14-02-2009, 3:27pm
I use Avast! and I like it. Not too intrusive, and seems to score pretty well (for a free anti-virus.)

Had AVG before that, but it started to nag me a bit, and produce various anomalies, so I got rid of it.

14-02-2009, 3:27pm
I use AVG Free edition. Used to use Norton's, but when it started slowing my system down, it got dumped.

14-02-2009, 3:28pm
Im not going to comment on others that I havnt used before but I use Trend Micro and have never had a problem.

14-02-2009, 3:38pm
Another vote for Avast! here as well. A techy at work said you don't install Norton on a PC, you infest it with it.

14-02-2009, 3:41pm
Panda Antivirus for me, came out best of all antivirus programs a few years back, not sure where it stands these days but seems to be doing the job.

14-02-2009, 3:45pm
i use free AVG

14-02-2009, 3:47pm
AVG for me, had Norton for many years, couldn't believe the new life and speed my machine got when I flicked it:D

14-02-2009, 3:55pm
I used to be another user that dumped Norton years ago because it was way too heavy and slowed everything down, then i went to a couple of free ones, wasn't so happy, just this year after reading a review about how much Norton have improved their current 2009 edition decided to give it a run, and i love it.

I have it on 3 computers and you don't even know its running, light fast and effective, years ago i swore and declared i would never use it again, but i didnt count on them improving it as they have, i wouldn't use anything else now.:)

14-02-2009, 3:58pm
AVG 8 Free - bit memory hungry but seems good :) Avast is good with older systems or ones less memory (used on the older comp with win 2000)

14-02-2009, 4:55pm
+1 for AVG

Norton got dumped years ago & i really need to be convinced to even look at it again.
Have tried Panda, Trend Micro but that was back in 98 & XP days

14-02-2009, 4:58pm
AVG got a bit big and ugly in V8 so I now use Avast! (free) at home.
AVG is ok, but Avast! (IMHO) is much better (current versions).
Norton sux! (the software ... not the esteemed AP member :D )

14-02-2009, 4:58pm
I use AVG free, have done since getting my computer years ago. Never had a problem with it :)

14-02-2009, 5:10pm
Honestly? I don't have one and have never had a virus or sent one on to someone else's computer. Pros of using a mac I guess. My brother on the other hand has used every free anti-virus software for Windows he can get his hands on and each time he's had a virus.

14-02-2009, 5:16pm
NOD32 i use cant fault it never failed me.


14-02-2009, 5:45pm
I use Kaspersky, and find it great.

14-02-2009, 7:15pm
Norton sux! (the software ... not the esteemed AP member :D )

Thanks Kym for clarifying.

Wow, obviously Norton gets the big thumbs down. I must say our computer is very slow, so I like the thought of things speeding up. But what to decide on :confused013 . Guys thanks so much for all your feedback, I will definitely have to look into Avast and AGV and have a sticky at the others mentioned too.

Thanks again

14-02-2009, 7:28pm
To be honest I don't use any, I do a spyware sweep once every couple of months.
I've done a few checks when things start playing up but I've never really come across myself having a virus - That's been about 3 years now.

Before that I used AVG, before that, Norton and McAfee. Avg was the only one I liked out of the above.

Norton is definitely slow, but to top it off, work has recently switched over to Mcafee, (spelling?) Something like 10 thousand computers now have it, and for the first half an hour of a day the computer is laggy and unresponsive, emails are slower. It's just terrible, people keep coming to me because I'm one of the younger guys with some IT knowledge, complaining of slow computer, and 9 times out of 10 it's the antivirus.

Bad move on their behalf, but I guess you need protection when you're dealing with that many computers.

14-02-2009, 7:31pm
Good example i spose on Norton - friend in Holland found me a file I was looking for - ran ok his system (+using Norton) - AVG 8 refused to even let it set up on here - picked up a trojan - Norton didn't pic it up - was a valid trojan also

Actually he was a bit confused on why it wouldn't let me run it - as he said his AV had said it was ok - but it wasn't

14-02-2009, 9:00pm
AVG + Comodo firewall should keep my machines safe...

14-02-2009, 10:48pm
AVG [paid for] have been using it for years, never had a virus get through.
"touch wood" :th3: :th3:


14-02-2009, 11:04pm
Wow, AVG is popular, I use to use it until I got a real virus, which Kaspersky found and cleaned, so have been using it ever since. Never had a problem since, and I spend a LOT of time on the internet.


14-02-2009, 11:19pm
none .. I got a mac :D

before , AVG free on desktop and laptop and never had any dramas at all ..

Dizzy Photographics
15-02-2009, 12:42am
AVG Pro here too...no dramas

Have used nortons and hated that every year i had to update it by paying for an updated version...couldnt just update it as part of my initial purchase price which was rediculous. Have used trend micro and wasnt too bad but by far AVG has been the best...havent tried the Avast though...

15-02-2009, 6:46am
While i see that Norton gets the thumbs down here, the version i am running is the 2009 version, not really fair to run it down unless it is that very same version you are referring to, like i said in my previous post, i was one to call it a system hog,and everything else bad, but it's definately not the case with the current version.

I used to use AVG, but the current version i found no where near as good as previous versions.

15-02-2009, 6:57am
While i see that Norton gets the thumbs down here, the version i am running is the 2009 version, not really fair to run it down unless it is that very same version you are referring to, like i said in my previous post, i was one to call it a system hog,and everything else bad, but it's definately not the case with the current version.

I used to use AVG, but the current version i found no where near as good as previous versions.

obviously Symantec have had to do a lot of work on Norton. When you look at the snapshot of people here who jumped off the Norton ship, you can probably guess at what happened to their income stream. If they have indeed resolved all the issues that made us all jump ship, good on them. The problem is, now we are all happy with what we have currently got, and I see no need to go back to them. If my current setup was failing me, yep would re-consider.

15-02-2009, 9:04am
I used to use Norton but ditched it when it became such an intrusive and bloated app, and got Kaspersky instead. Kaspersky found 2 macro viruses straight away, so another vote for Kaspersky!.

My sons use AVG Free and Comodo firewall on their PCs and it appears to be good. I no longer use antivirus as I now have a Mac.


15-02-2009, 9:28am
The problem is, now we are all happy with what we have currently got, and I see no need to go back to them. If my current setup was failing me, yep would re-consider.

That's the thing Rick. Here I am thinking do I need to pay another $90 to renew for a year, when although I have no issues with viruses (touch wood), space is a big issue for us with the norm being the "Low on virtual memory" box continually showing. Thanks everyone for you responses, it has helped narrow down which other anti virus apps to look at.

15-02-2009, 11:53am
AVG for me

15-02-2009, 12:47pm
Hope all you AVG users realise that AVG is owned lock stock and barrel by Symantec (Norton). On my PC system its NOD32 with Comodo F/Wall and other spyware/malware bits. I also use spybot and windows defender.

On the Mac - its nothin - the advantage of being on the dark side :)

15-02-2009, 12:50pm
Well, I'm going to go against most of the posters it seems.

I got Nortons when I purchase my laptop just over 14 months ago.

Several years ago I had a computer completely fried when AVG failed to pick up a nasty virus, but I thought I would give it another go - considering what time has passed and maybe they have improved so when Nortons ran out, I loaded AVG.

I have just gone back onto Nortons and on the very first scan, Nortons picked up a virus that AVG hadn't even mentioned.

From now on, I won't be using AVG as I don't really trust it to find 100% of the viruses around these days

15-02-2009, 1:00pm
Well, I'm going to go against most of the posters it seems.
I got Nortons when I purchase my laptop just over 14 months ago.
Several years ago I had a computer completely fried when AVG failed to pick up a nasty virus, but I thought I would give it another go - considering what time has passed and maybe they have improved so when Nortons ran out, I loaded AVG.
I have just gone back onto Nortons and on the very first scan, Nortons picked up a virus that AVG hadn't even mentioned.
From now on, I won't be using AVG as I don't really trust it to find 100% of the viruses around these days

And I've seen the reverse happen as well. Norton, Vet etc. missing what Avast! and AVG get. It happens - the AV vendors so not share the knowledge all that well.

I'm one of the IT managers at work - fleet of over 100 servers and 1600 notebooks/desktops.
We have a bunch of engineers working for us who load software when they feel like it. ;)
We don't use Norton! (We use CA eTrust).

15-02-2009, 1:06pm
Everyone's experiences are very interesting CypherOz..
I guess it all comes down to personal experience and preference..
I must say, I agree that they should all share info.
Also, I'll say that I find my Norton 2009 much faster than the AVG that I was using..

15-02-2009, 1:37pm
Everyone's experiences are very interesting CypherOz..
I guess it all comes down to personal experience and preference..
I must say, I agree that they should all share info.
Also, I'll say that I find my Norton 2009 much faster than the AVG that I was using..

As long as it work for you.
We regularly review our software at work (at least annually). We have regular security audits etc.
In my professional experience (at this time) Avast! is the best option for home users and CA for business. All of our IT technical staff our using Avast! at home and that's what they recommend to family and friends (means the least work for them ;) )

15-02-2009, 1:46pm
Hope all you AVG users realise that AVG is owned lock stock and barrel by Symantec (Norton). On my PC system its NOD32 with Comodo F/Wall and other spyware/malware bits. I also use spybot and windows defender.

On the Mac - its nothin - the advantage of being on the dark side :)

AVG is now owned by Symantec have the build engine for version 7 is still the full AVG system, plus you get the updates from norton...

best of both worlds

15-02-2009, 1:51pm
I jumped ship years ago from Norton then went to AVG but somehow a virus slipped through then I tried Avast and have never looked back have been using avast for 3 & bit yrs. No Virused thank goodness. :)

15-02-2009, 1:54pm
I haven't even heard of Avast but might give it a go when my current Norton's expires

15-02-2009, 2:55pm
I run Symantec Endpoint Security at home. Nortons products were to bloated. I've run AVG/Kaspersky/Trend/Symantec on a test network and found Kaspersky to be slightly ahead in hits but sometimes over zealous with false positives. Back when I was an IT geek, we went from McCafee to Symantec and it was a breath of fresh air but that was over 2000 plus systems that I was responsible for so the Enterprise Management side was win win.

I'm with Bax though, careful internet use is probably the best way to protect your machine. I've repaired many a computer with fully up to date anti virus packages of all forms, and the user has still managed to infest the thing.

15-02-2009, 5:30pm
All of our IT technical staff our using Avast! at home and that's what they recommend to family and friends (means the least work for them ;) )

But is that descision based on the cost of the update service (free or at cost) or how secure the system is at providing protection??

My experience with techi's is they don't want to pay a red cent for anything that could be gotten for free even if its at the cost of lower quality

15-02-2009, 6:03pm
Interesting, but still works for me, as you said "best of both world's"


AVG is now owned by Symantec have the build engine for version 7 is still the full AVG system, plus you get the updates from norton...

best of both worlds

15-02-2009, 9:23pm
But is that descision based on the cost of the update service (free or at cost) or how secure the system is at providing protection??

My experience with techi's is they don't want to pay a red cent for anything that could be gotten for free even if its at the cost of lower quality

Avast was reccomended to me from a Government IT person, I was using VET and didn't like it. A program like Avast as reccomended to me was no skin off the IT guys nose whether I paid for an anti-virus or not, he had nothing to gain by advising to use it.

Been using AVAST now for 2 years every day with zilch problems so I'd say the reccomendation was very sound one and seems a lot of others swear by it as well.

15-02-2009, 10:21pm
I moved from Norton Internet Security to Avast. Things sped up and I am happier. However, the main reason for the move was Norton started removing features that I liked - such as ad blocking - and messing around with others - the firewall, which was based on an earlier product that I had followed to Norton.

I am hands on with my computer, and didn't like the way control was being taken away from me.

I now use Avast antivirus, Sunbelt firewall, Admuncher and SuperAntispyware. It gives me what I want and have not had a problem (touch wood!)

25-02-2009, 10:12am
Thanks for your advice everyone. This decision was taken out of our hands. :devil1:

Norton went ahead and debited our cc from the details of last year's subscription and automatically renewed for another year. That is the nail in the coffin for them though, that won't happen again :angry0: .

I figure the crap involved in trying to get the charge reversed is not worth it and we will definitely be removing Norton from our system a month prior to the expiry to ensure it does not happen again.

25-02-2009, 10:59am
g'day nic... i use the current version of NAV and its a big improvement over the last version. it doesnt use anywhere near as much memory isnt as bloaty. I use NAV 09 on my desktop and AGV free on my lappy. the AGV has been giving me grief to no end lately with corupted files that keep popping up (can remember what they were but they stopped the proggy from updating).

I think NAV 09 is worth the money and you more than likely wont have any problems with it.

havent used avast...

25-02-2009, 1:10pm
Thanks David.

25-02-2009, 2:23pm
Kaspersky here, i have heard excellent reviews of Nod32 as well.

been through norton and mcafee - both total bloatware. You'd probably be better off with a virus rather than one of those two.

25-02-2009, 6:17pm
AVG all the way....I had Norton but it sucked....I just don't get why when you buy antivirus software why should you keep paying for it. AVG free was recommended by my IP.

25-02-2009, 6:31pm
For me, it's Trendo Micro and AVG Free. Both work well together despite compatability warnings during installation.



06-03-2009, 6:54pm
AVAST user here, i switched from using Norton when i formatted my computer.