View Full Version : Top Fuelers Help !!!!

07-02-2009, 9:51pm
hey all
im shooting at the wsid summer nationals starting on friday and i havent had to much much experince at it well none realy and i barley ever use manual... whats the easiet way to work out what iso and stuff i should be using ?
there is a picture attached of where ill be shooting from the settings im mostly looking for are for night time pics .... another question i assumed the no flash would be allowed but i was going though some pics from other people and some have used flash is there a specfic rule ?


07-02-2009, 9:54pm
Is that Willowbank in QLD? If it is then you can use a flash there, I've been there and people have been flashing away with their point n shoot camera's, hoping to god that they've captured something ..lol

07-02-2009, 9:55pm
lol :)
close but its western sydney lol
yeh im hoping flash is allowed would make it easier but who knows

07-02-2009, 10:34pm
can't say for sure abut flash, you will need to check with the officials on the night.

As for settings, hard to say, the light looks like it is pretty good, but would guess that you will need to be up around 800 iso and as wide as your lens will let you if you can't use flash.

I would be around 1/40th - 1/50th shutter speed and adjust the aperture and ISO to get your exposure correct. How are your panning skills.

07-02-2009, 10:47pm
umm yeh a little bit of panning skills im practicing nearly every day at the moment to try :)

08-02-2009, 6:06am
At WSID your wasting your time using a flash, you won't be close enough for it to be useful.

08-02-2009, 6:47am
What sort of lens are you planning to shoot these with ??
I hope it has plenty of length

08-02-2009, 7:27am
At WSID your wasting your time using a flash, you won't be close enough for it to be useful.

I thik Luke said in an earlier post that he will actually be track side, so flash should be of if allowed

08-02-2009, 7:44am
yeh im shooting trackside.
im thinking of using the sigma 10-20mm for the trackside pictures

08-02-2009, 7:49am
panning skills wont really help fom up there. maybe a few longer exposure shots would be cool as top fuellers generally have flames showing for the whole track.

oh and if you want to know if flash is alound trackside...look a the photo haha. you have captured your answer.

08-02-2009, 8:42am
hey ronald thanks for the help ... i was showing the picture to show you's the light i will be trackside exactly where the flash is going off

09-02-2009, 7:41am
would be aiming to get the shutter speed as high as you could, which would mean a high ISO setting and increased noise. If your just starting to learn panning i would recommend starting at higher shutter speeds( 1/500th as an example, but you might not be able to archive this due to the light available) then with more confidence bring it down lower. Some good shots to use the flash with would be at the startline as the fuellers launch and would agree with taking some longer length lenses as well, the 55-200mm or 50-500mm and don't forget the ear plugs!:D

13-02-2009, 4:04pm
Hi Luke,

How do you get a trackside pass? as that would interest me as well.