View Full Version : Aerochrome Colour Infrared Film

28-01-2009, 9:38pm
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3107/3233801348_678a72c865.jpg (http://flickr.com/photos/doigal/3233801348/)

A couple of months back I ordered in some hand cut, hand rolled Kodak Aerochrome Colour Infrared film from a guy in germany thats kind enough to go to the trouble of making it. To my knowledge, this is the last type of color infrared film available in the world.

Here's the test strip, trying to incorperate skin, concrete, water and foilage, which would be everything that i would use this film for in a normal shot. the variance is with the filters used: A B+W 099 orange filter designed specifically for CIR work, an old yellow B+W 77E filter that i picked up at photo market for a tenner, and a Circular polariser.

General rule of thumb was to allow 1 stop for the orange and the yellow filters and 2 stops for the CPL.

No post for this as its meant to show off the colors, just scan and flickrise.

My thoughts? The film definatly needs a filter, orange gives a very very strong effect, yellow with the CPL a medium, and yellow bit mild IMO. It seems that its very easy to over expose, which leads me to question the 400ISO rating.

Will it see a lot of work in the future? well theres 6 more rolls of it in the fridge (inc 2 rolls in 35mm) and i'm keen to get it out on the 617 camera. Its extremly expensive to buy due to the labour involved too. Might have to take a couple of rolls landscape shooting and see what i can get.

Exposure/filter details on flickr.

29-01-2009, 11:39pm
How much does he charge for a 120 roll? Very very interested in this!

Also how do you go about developing this?

30-01-2009, 7:14am
Its standard E6 development, nothing funky like E4 or AR-5 like some of the CIR stuff around.

http://www.tarquinius.de/ is the guy you need to talk to about it. I think he sells both 120 and 135