View Full Version : Background removal in CS3?

16-01-2009, 10:40am
Can anyone explain (or have a link to a good simple tutorial) for removing and replacing a background?

Not cloning, but cutting out the subject and putting it on a different background altogether eg: replacing a blown out sky or changing background buildings to fields behind a herd of cows?


16-01-2009, 10:48am
You need to use 'selections' to isolate your subject, then move them to the new background and blend them in. You can use a variety of methods to select your subject, including magic wand tool etc. To move them to the new background, use the move tool, then drag the selection from your original to the new background, they will apply as a new layer so you can fine tune their position and blending etc. It takes some skill to create an accurate and good selection, and even more skill to make the new image look natural. Watch for things like light direction it will look really fake if the light is coming from the left of your photo, but the imported subject has the left in shadow and the right is lit etc, even things like ground shadows that should exist but don't etc.

16-01-2009, 11:26am
There are quite a number of ways of removing/masking background from an image.

Try this tutorial, it shows 5 ways, and how to do each of them.

Some ways are suitable for some photos, but not for others. You just need to practise and see which one suits your image the most.
Good luck.