View Full Version : sensor cleaning

14-01-2009, 7:49pm
Hi there,
I have had my nikon d50 for around 3-4 years and notice the sensor is dirty i have used a blower to try and get some of that dust out of there but still notice a lot of what looks like grime. Any suggestion on cleaning it.

14-01-2009, 7:53pm
Copper Hill sensor cleaners the last resort but the way to go for bloody dust / dirt on your sensors


14-01-2009, 7:54pm
how comfortable are you with touching your sensor? If you feel daunted by the idea, I would recommend you take it to a camera clinic and get it professionally cleaned.

If you feel you could do it, there are several methods:

Dust-Aid (http://cameracheckpoint.com.au/shop/html/dust-aid.html)
Copperhill Kit (http://www.qualitycamera.com.au/index.php?cPath=33&osCsid=fcd59d83b6e09229af136cfa6617cd42)
Sensor Sweep (http://www.qualitycamera.com.au/product_info.php?cPath=33&products_id=1354)

With practice cleaning your sensor is easy, but it can be scary and daunting for those that have not done it before, or not watched someone else do it.

14-01-2009, 8:13pm
Cool thanks for your help

14-01-2009, 8:22pm
The Copperhill Sensor swab kit works a treat and is very simple, I use one on my D50 when needed, no dramas at all...but as mentioned if you are somewhat daunted by the thought of touching the sensor then pay money and get it done...but it's very easy

14-01-2009, 9:37pm
Hey there,

i took mine to Camera Clinic in Melbourne and got my CCD cleaned for $77 and they throw in a lens calibration and clean. i did that as the sensor swab didnt clean off the tricky spots.

cleaned sensor came up a treat except for a few spots but they cant fix that easily as i have a few specks underneath the CCD filter - and they say its very pricey to fix that.
