View Full Version : Canon software updates

18-11-2008, 7:19am
Canon just released new versions of the following software:
DPP 3.5.1
Zoombrowser EX 6.2.1a
WFT Utility 3.3
Picture style editor 1.4.1
EOS Utility 2.5.1
Canon RAW codec 1.4 (updated 2 weeks earlier or so, but nevertheless...)

I updated DPP today and at first sight there's nothing new under the sun. That is, until you have a look at the generated EXIF. Seems it finally is complete! Further more, this update adds / extends support for the 5DII, 50D and G10.

Warning: if you're running Windows 2000... do not install this one; support for Win2K is ended with release 3.5!

Last but not least, download here (http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&tabact=DownloadDetailTabAct&fcategoryid=314&modelid=17499#DownloadDetailAct)

Helen S
18-11-2008, 8:39am
Great stuff, thanks for that Jev. :cool: I'm off to start updating. :D

18-11-2008, 8:58am
Great, thanks for the news. I was reading the other week that there was a new version of DPP out but noone seemed to be able to find it to download. Thanks, will be interested to see what updates there have been do DPP. Sounds like there is nothing much in the way of new though.

18-11-2008, 6:26pm
I played with the new DPP a little more. It seems the EXIF information added consists of interoperability- and (finaly!) all manufacturer custom settings. Interesting for who uses DAM software!

23-11-2008, 7:10pm
I have just purchased a Canon 40D but as yet not installed any of the software.

I find the packaged software is usually bloated with things one never needs, my question is, do you think the Canon software is usefull or necessary????


Helen S
23-11-2008, 8:02pm
I like using DPP for its quick batch file conversion capability, especially good when dealing with a lot of images for a panorama, or for preparation for HDR.

23-11-2008, 8:28pm
I find there is over-duplication in many of the programs but find DPP priceless for RAW processing and batching. To me it has something that other RAW editing programs cannot match in terms of output.

24-11-2008, 2:11am
DPP is not bad at all, and OES utility isn't bad either. Personally I'm no fan of BreezeBrowser that is also included, but I don't think it's very bad either. The latter however totally does deserve the title "BloatWare" IMHO - it installs a number of things that could've been handled as well or even better in the same package.

24-11-2008, 12:10pm
I have a Canon 400D and don't use any of the Canon software. I use Lightroom for all my importing and cataloguing as well as some RAW tweaks and CS3 for more advanced stuff.

Am interested in the thoughts that come out in this thread because I have always wondered what others get out of the Canon software that I might be missing.

24-11-2008, 7:07pm
I have a Canon 400D and don't use any of the Canon software. I use Lightroom for all my importing and cataloguing as well as some RAW tweaks and CS3 for more advanced stuff.
Apples and pears! I never understood the popularity of lightroom... why pay big bucks for software that doesn't offer more functionality than what you get with your camera + $69 for a DAM package (euhm... or BreezeBrowser that you got with the camera - same issue ofcourse http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/g070.gif )? Or, for that matter, pay > $1000 for CS3 when all the things you do you can do for free with GiMP or at low-budget with a package like PSE or PSP?

Am interested in the thoughts that come out in this thread because I have always wondered what others get out of the Canon software that I might be missing.
What you are missing is style-support and probably Canon specific things like dust deletion, automatic lens correction and perhaps CA correction? I'm not familiar enough with ACR to know exactly what it can do these days... :o. There is one thing that you cannot do in DPP that bugs me: image rotation is not supported :(

24-11-2008, 8:36pm
There is one thing that you cannot do in DPP that bugs me: image rotation is not supported :(

Oh Dear!!! I must have a rogue copy of DPP as under Adjustments it says
Rotate left Ctrl L
Rotate right Ctrl R

I shall re-install it from the CD immediately!!

24-11-2008, 10:52pm
Rotate left Ctrl L
Rotate right Ctrl R
Okay, I should've been more clear: there is no free rotation possible, just in steps of 90 degrees.

25-11-2008, 9:38am
What you are missing is style-support and probably Canon specific things like dust deletion, automatic lens correction and perhaps CA correction? I'm not familiar enough with ACR to know exactly what it can do these days... :o. There is one thing that you cannot do in DPP that bugs me: image rotation is not supported :(

Thanks for that info. Very tired this morning but will try to find some links later on to figure out exactly what all that means and try to decide if I am missing out on something useful. Again thanks for the info, muchly appreciated mate :cool: :th3:

21-01-2009, 3:29pm
I bookmarked this post and only just finally remebered to update these today (bad memory didnt remeber till now lol)

Just to let others know there's 2 more updates out now dated 7th Jan 2009

Digital Photo Professional 3.5.2 Updater for Windows
Picture Style Editor 1.4.2 for Windows

Helen S
21-01-2009, 6:41pm
Beauty, thanks for that, Cat. :D

21-01-2009, 7:16pm
Thanks Helen - I thought I'd better let people know that there were more new updates out now :)

Okay, I should've been more clear: there is no free rotation possible, just in steps of 90 degrees.

I usually use irfanview for custom rotation - so far i havent found any other software that i have that has that function in it apart from irfanview - it can do even like a decimal point correction on a pic which is handy though it seems to loose a bit of the sharpness in a pic when you do it :/

21-01-2009, 7:34pm
Thanks for the heads-up Cat, I did notice there was a new version out but didn't get around to checking out the changes.

On the topic of (free) rotation: almost all other editing software is able to freely rotate. I used Picasa to edit a couple of pics from a recent trip (shot RAW using a Fuji bridge camera for which Picasa is about the most decent free convertor I could find) and that has free rotation possibilities. Almost all other generic editing tools I have in my toolbox provide the same functionality: GiMP, PSP, Pixelmator, PS Elements, IrfanView, they all can do it. Except the Canon software (both, DPP and ZoomBrowser). :confused013

21-01-2009, 8:05pm
Ah didnt know gimp could do it (which i have ) just worked out how LOL

agree strange though really DPP doesnt have it if other free software does

25-03-2009, 2:51pm
Just to mention - noticed a couple of more updates are available since the last updates mentioned :)

ZoomBrowser EX 6.3.1 Updater 12/3/2009

Changes of ZoomBrowser EX 6.3.1:
1. This updater supports: PowerShot A480, PowerShot A1100 IS, PowerShot SX200 IS, PowerShot D10, IXY DIGITAL 510 IS/Digital IXUS 110 IS/PowerShot SD960 IS, IXY DIGITAL 210 IS/Digital IXUS 100 IS/PowerShot SD780 IS, IXY DIGITAL 110 IS/Digital IXUS 95 IS/PowerShot SD1200 IS, IXY DIGITAL 830 IS/ Digital IXUS 990 IS/PowerShot SD970 IS, PowerShot SX1 IS(RAW model).
2. Enables users to edit MOV/AVI movies.

Canon RAW Codec 1.4.1 25/1/2009

25-03-2009, 4:39pm
Hmm not sure on this been trying to work out the edit video (avi/mov) feature on the new zoom browser - seems i can create them but i cant load an already existing file...
If someone gets this working on an exisiting one can they please tell me how :)

25-03-2009, 6:49pm
Thanks for the update Cat! On the video issue, I think your movies must be in the format Canon is producing. AVI by nature just is a so-called container format, there can be a variety of formats in there (like MPEG-4, MPEG-2, H.264, DivX etc. etc). Canon uses the somewhat exotic Motion JPEG (MJPeg for short) format (file extension .MVI). The file extension MOV is used by QuickTime, dunno how well it copes with that. Your best bet may be to convert to MJPEG.

25-03-2009, 6:57pm
Thanks for the update Cat! On the video issue, I think your movies must be in the format Canon is producing. AVI by nature just is a so-called container format, there can be a variety of formats in there (like MPEG-4, MPEG-2, H.264, DivX etc. etc). Canon uses the somewhat exotic Motion JPEG (MJPeg for short) format (file extension .MVI). The file extension MOV is used by QuickTime, dunno how well it copes with that. Your best bet may be to convert to MJPEG.

Thanks Jev - i sorta expected fropm how it said on the update info on the being able to edit avi it would be able to pic up any avi file and edit it :confused:

i worked out how to create them from pics on it but yeah it wont let me open one I already have

01-04-2009, 4:19am
Canon Japan released DPP 3.6 today - though not yet available as an update it can be downloaded here (http://web.canon.jp/imaging/dcp/firm-e/pssx1is/index.html) (note: this does not update but installs as a complete release!). I haven't checked every detail yet, but at first sight it now offers highlight and shadow recovery functionality. Now if only Canon would allow for free rotation...

BTW, there is a third party programmer working on adding free rotation to DPP, read more here (http://hasankaragulmez.blogspot.com/2008/12/dpprotation-v01.html) (note: download and use at your own risk!).

09-04-2009, 11:20am
Canon Japan released DPP 3.6 today - though not yet available as an update it can be downloaded here (http://web.canon.jp/imaging/dcp/firm-e/pssx1is/index.html) (note: this does not update but installs as a complete release!). I haven't checked every detail yet, but at first sight it now offers highlight and shadow recovery functionality. Now if only Canon would allow for free rotation...

BTW, there is a third party programmer working on adding free rotation to DPP, read more here (http://hasankaragulmez.blogspot.com/2008/12/dpprotation-v01.html) (note: download and use at your own risk!).

does anyone on a mac have constant issues with the program just freezing then quitting when you try to do too much at once
i have found this has been an issue since i swapped to mac 18mnths ago
running 3.5.1
i so wish too u could install plug in s for it aswell

note just looking at that link is it only for powershot users and what does t mean by redevelop raw images?? any one using it
would be nice too if it could read nikon raw as i have other photographers who shoot for me!

09-04-2009, 5:32pm
does anyone on a mac have constant issues with the program just freezing then quitting when you try to do too much at once
Agreed, 3.5 was not very stable on MAC - but I used that new version 3.6 yesterday for hours at a time doing lots of conversions without problems, it looks like the developers improved stability big time!

note just looking at that link is it only for powershot users and what does t mean by redevelop raw images?? any one using it
I am using it. It's not just for powershot users, but it was introduced with the powershot SX1 and unfortunately it seems to be available only from the Japanese site I mentioned earlier and you will need a valid device serial number for downloading (look on DpReview forums (http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/readflat.asp?forum=1032&thread=31443493&page=1) for more information).

[ kane ]
09-04-2009, 6:36pm

Thanks for this, I had to get the DDP 3.5 for my 50D, I don't have a CD drive to the moment, so I could not use the CD that came with body ;)

Glad I found the software ;)

09-04-2009, 7:01pm
awesome to hear no issues on the mac
out of all ive tried i always go back to DPP
just so much quiker cause i shoot raw with a 1dmk3 and dpp always had the truest representation and quickest to gwt through them all
just wish we could use those plugins!!!!

10-04-2009, 3:02pm
so far worked great back and forwards from trim and stamp and even moved an image in the main screen and it didnt shit itself
i did as i hadnt save but it was fine
could this be the stable mac version ive always wanted!!

19-04-2009, 6:04am
...and another release (minor update) from the usual channels (http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&fcategoryid=139&modelid=17662#DownloadDetailAct):

EOS Utility 2.6.1: Added 500D support, movie downloading, fix for direct transfer function
Picture Style Editor 1.5.0: Added 500D support
Original Data Security tools 1.6.0: Added 500D support
DPP 3.6.1: Added 500D & SX1 IS support, shadow/highlights, lens abberation support for 50/2.5, lifesize converter, MP-E 65/2.8
Canon RAW codec 1.5.0: Added 500D & SX1 IS support, GPS support

19-04-2009, 2:13pm
Thanks Jev - I've been checking out the site waiting for the new DPP updater - good to know they have it there now :)

20-10-2009, 8:21pm
Canon has a field day today I think... they released a new version of their RAW software package DPP, version 3.7.2.

Release notes:

Changes for Digital Photo Professional 3.7.0

1. Adds supported models
The EOS 7D, PowerShot G11, and PowerShot S90 are now supported.

2. Adds an NR Preview screen (NR: Noise Reduction)
You can now adjust the NR level while checking the image status on the Preview screen.

3. Maintains the [Collection] window
Before, when quitting Digital Photo Professional, all images in the [Collection] window were removed from the [Collection] window; however, this has been improved so that the images in the [Collection] window can now be maintained.

4. Adds the lenses that support the aberration correction function.
Newly supports the EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM, EF-S15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM, and EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS.

Changes for Digital Photo Professional 3.6.1

1. Adds supported models
Now supports the EOS Kiss X3 / EOS REBEL T1i / EOS 500D and PowerShot SX1 IS.

2. Adds an adjustment function to RAW adjustment for shaded and highlighted parts.

3. Adds the lenses that support the aberration correction function.
Now supports the EF 50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro, EF 50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro + Life-Size Converter, and MP-E 65mm f/2.8.

Download your updates from the usual locations (for example here (http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&tabact=DownloadDetailTabAct&fcategoryid=314&modelid=19356)).

20-10-2009, 9:19pm
thanks jev - will update :D

20-10-2009, 9:23pm
Merged the software update posts - there's a zoom browser one out also looking at this (which doesnt appear to be linking at pres)?

20-10-2009, 9:34pm
Thanks Cat. Couldn't find the thread and it didn't appear in the list of similar existing threads when creating a new one.

20-10-2009, 9:41pm
yeah the original was hard t find -we got new comp and hard to find it took me a while a couple weeks ago - have stickied it now so easier to find/update :)

06-11-2009, 8:04pm
there's a zoom browser one out also looking at this (which doesnt appear to be linking at pres)?

Zoom browser update is linking ok now thought I should add :)

13-11-2009, 10:26am
The latest version of Canon Digital Photo Professional 3.7.2 has been released (about 1 month ago now) for those that are using the Canon RAW program for their image processing. Can download the update here from Canon Europe http://software.canon-europe.com/software/0035755.asp

**mod edit:Merged posts on this subject together **

19-11-2009, 5:24am
Thanks for the "heads up". I hadn't known about the update until your post. The update has some nice features.

19-11-2009, 8:28am
I did an update awhile ago, but unsure of what version. Will have to check that out tonight when I get home and update if needed

19-11-2009, 4:23pm
Have just moved this post in here today (canon specific) as it has been in the hardware/software section quite a while now - thought I'd move it in here as a sticky since is more applicable here and so more canon users would see the updates:)

19-11-2009, 5:55pm
Thanks for that :th3:

20-11-2009, 9:39pm
cool, good move!

26-11-2009, 5:28pm
New Raw codec out dated 24/11/09

Changes and corrections made from Canon RAW Codec 1.5.0

Now supports the new models (EOS 7D, PowerShot G11, PowerShot S90).

27-11-2009, 6:36pm
just updated all my canon software last night - new comp but i'd only done a couple when got it so all now up to date :D

19-02-2010, 1:29am
It looks like DPP 3.8 will finally feature free image rotation :efelant: (I never thought I'ld ever use that dancing elephant emoticon, but this certainly is worth it ;)). The user's manual can be downloaded from the Canon websites here (http://gdlp01.c-wss.com/gds/5/0300003175/01/dpp3.8-w-en.pdf), no ETA on the actual software release yet.

20-02-2010, 3:57pm
Wow the free image rotation will be great :th3: Thanks for the update Jev :) Will be checking the site :D

27-02-2010, 7:47am
The DPP software update is available from here (http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&tabact=DownloadDetailTabAct&fcategoryid=314&modelid=19356). I installed and tested it, rotation works nicely. Enjoy!

27-02-2010, 2:10pm
Thankyou :)

27-02-2010, 5:14pm
Thanks for the Update Jev :th3: Looks like a few other newer update files there also :)

21-03-2010, 12:28pm
2 new updates out (link (http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&tabact=DownloadDetailTabAct&fcategoryid=314&modelid=19356) as in Jevs post above)

Canon RAW Codec 1.7.0 27.47 MB 03/16/2010

Changes and corrections made from Canon RAW Codec 1.6.0

1. Now supports the new models (EOS-1D Mark IV, EOS Kiss X4 / EOS REBEL T2i / EOS 550D)
2. Supports Windows7 32-bit version
3. Fixed the problem wherein Power Shot S90's RAW images or EOS cameras' SRAW/MRAW images are displayed as previews in the Photo Gallery application, if pressing the [Next] button repeatedly, the application will hang for a long period of time.

ZoomBrowser EX 6.5.1 Updater 115.89 MB 03/05/2010

Changes of ZoomBrowser EX 6.5.1;
1. Now supports the following new products.
- PowerShot A3100 IS/A3000 IS, PowerShot A495/490, PowerShot SD 1400 IS Digital ELPH / IXY 400F / Digital IXUS 130, PowerShot SD 1300 IS Digital ELPH /IXY 200F / Digital IXUS 105, PowerShot SX210 IS, PowerShot SD 3500 IS Digital ELPH / IXY 10S / Digital IXUS 210
- EOS Kiss X4 / EOS REBEL T2i / EOS 550D, EOS 5D Mark II (firmware updated to v2.0.3)
2. The application version for downloading images (CameraWindow DC) has been changed.
If users were using either CameraWindow 6.x or CameraWindow DC 7.x to download images from compact digital cameras, or CameraWindow 6.x to download images from digital video cameras with previous ZoomBrowser versions, some functions will no longer be availble after the application is updated. (*) Also, after the version update, images will be saved to the default folder of CameraWindow DC 8.1 instead.
*: Printing and direct transfer can no longer be carried out. (Images already downloaded can be printed out from ZoomBrowser EX.) Also, remote shooting using RemoteCaputure Task (for models that support RemoteCaputure Task) and wireless connection (for models that suport wireless connection) are no longer available.

3. The following problems have been fixed.
- Fixes a problem where more time is required to display RAW images captured with some the models.
- Fixes a problem where in some environments, MovieEdit Task cannot be started from ZoomBrowser EX.

15-04-2010, 8:57pm
New 7D firmware available


16-04-2010, 6:40pm
Thanks for the info - I try to stay up to date.
I did idly wonder why I wasn't seeing the RAW file previews on Windows 7 :o

26-05-2010, 10:11pm
One reason to use DPP, on the 5D Mk II, you can have Dust Delete Data which DPP recognises and applies to the image.

25-07-2010, 9:21pm
Whilst trying to resolve a different problem with my 7d, i see there is another firmware update for it.

Cheers Dave

07-09-2010, 8:02pm
Thanks for the info, but a little extra advice would be appreciated. I have just purchased a new 50D with DPP 3.5.1 is there anything in 3.6.1 that I should have. Secondly I run a 15/85 on the 50D, this lens is not included in Lens peripheral illumination correction that Cannon programe into the Camera.
Is there anyway the information relative to this lens can be included in the Camera's programe.

Phil Mac
08-09-2010, 11:11am
You need to select 'register' the lens from the EOS utility software. Connect your camera to the computer and start EOS Utility. Select 'Camera settings/Remote Shooting' If 'Shooting Menu' isn't displayed in the 3rd pane down, click the camera icon. Then click on 'Peripheral illumin. correct.'

Select the type of lens eg EF-S and you should be able to select your lens.


25-09-2010, 2:30pm
I'm looking at the Canon 60D with the L24-105 lens. I understand that a lot of RAW images can be corrected in camera. Would it be enough to not shot RAW at all. I'm more of an intermediate photographer who loves landscapes.

28-09-2010, 3:45am
I am looking to buy the new Canon 60D. The camera has in camera processing for both jpeg and RAW. You can shoot in RAW then build your jpeg at any resolution. It can shoot jpeg+Raw. Is it worth shooting RAW? The camera has light optimizer if you tell the camera what lens is on it will correct for all lens distortions. Any advice will be helpful. I know the camera is not out yet but sounds like the perfect camera.

28-09-2010, 6:28pm
I am looking to buy the new Canon 60D. The camera has in camera processing for both jpeg and RAW. You can shoot in RAW then build your jpeg at any resolution. It can shoot jpeg+Raw. Is it worth shooting RAW? The camera has light optimizer if you tell the camera what lens is on it will correct for all lens distortions. Any advice will be helpful. I know the camera is not out yet but sounds like the perfect camera.
Yep, shooting in RAW is always preferred, especially if you'll be storing and viewing your files a lot. RAW files also give you much more options in PP.

From my understanding (and I'm guessing others will confirm if this is true or not), JPEG is a "lossy" format, i.e. each time a file is opened and closed, a little bit of the data in the image file is lost, so the file degrades over time. Also, it includes in-camera processing when the file is created, which is not always exactly what your desired effect may be.

RAW is a "lossless" format, so although it takes up a lot of room on a memory card (and your computer), it is a much more versatile file for when you want to correct and/or modify the file to your likings. When you save your changes, it creates a JPEG file, but the original RAW file is still on the computer, and the changes are stored as a separate metadata file so you can always revert back to how the (unprocessed) file was created in the first place.

13-10-2010, 6:26pm
Thanks for the tip. DPP is paqrt of my workflow. RAW conversion via DPP gives significantly better outcomes than PShop

17-10-2010, 4:01pm
From my understanding (and I'm guessing others will confirm if this is true or not), JPEG is a "lossy" format, i.e. each time a file is opened and closed, a little bit of the data in the image file is lost, so the file degrades over time.

Nick this is a common misconception. You can open and view a jpeg file as many times as you like without any degradation, the only time the file degrades is when it is saved so if you keep your original jpeg file and save a copy with a different name to work on the original will not degrade. My jpeg work-flow is open original in editing program, do the initial basic adjustments (crop,lighting,contrast and colour) then save with an a after the file name ie img_1234a.jpg. I then do my resizing, sharpening and other adjustments then save with my own code for the adjustments used after the "a" that way I still have the original intact and a working copy to use for further work. Remember always save your worked on images with a different file name. One extra letter, number or symbol creates a new file name you don't have to change the whole name. the main difference between raw and jpeg is raw is the whole file untouched in camera and all adjustments can be reversed. While the jpeg has had in camera processing performed and this can not be reversed.

02-12-2010, 1:11am
You can use a simple file structure to make certain this occurs.

-> User - Images - (canon) - (Image-folders)

(canon) or camera of choice main folder contains every shot taken ever.
Every time you copy over images to your PC this is where a copy goes.

(Image folders) Contains the dated jpg originals
2009 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 etc (months)
2010 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 etc (months)


Days occurring under months so each folder has a tree of years, months, days.

Notice the tree...

http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/9316/screenshotte.png (http://img443.imageshack.us/i/screenshotte.png/)

Under windows you will need to create these or find an app that can do it for you.
Under Linux and Mac most utilities will order the year/month/day folders for you.

The main image folder (canon) contains both RAW and Jpg as they were downloaded into the dated folders. When you copy over do not delete from camera. Use the computer menu or places (Mac / Linux) to navigate to the CF card on the camera and simply copy the whole folder. Once that is done you use the camera (or software) to delete the images. The camera is faster. Taking the card out and using a reader is faster again.

Once you do that you have an original copy and a backup. You never edit from the backup folder.
Now all you need to do is grab a USB hard drive or 2 and copy all onto a separate drive that remains unplugged unless in use.

03-09-2011, 10:28pm
Thanks for the update

08-09-2011, 5:04am
Does anyone know if Lion supports DPP ok? Thanks.

29-06-2012, 8:13am
Just noticed this on another forum. I thought it was coming as I had read about it in canon rumours.

31-07-2012, 8:51pm
I wish they would make the firmware upgrade app available for OSX.

07-08-2012, 2:35pm
Thanks for all the info, helps a lot.:lol:

07-08-2012, 4:42pm
Its here .

30-04-2013, 4:41pm
FYI in case you have a 5d mk3. There is a new software update for it.


Mark L
19-05-2013, 9:35pm
For anyone using DPP. it may be worth updating. It now has HDR (for 3 images) and stacking.
Need to pick operating system and OS version under Drivers and Software here ... http://www.usa.canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/cameras/slr_cameras/eos_60d#DriversAndSoftware
Then look at software and find DPP 3.13.0
Sorry that I can't get a better link. You'll figure it out.

21-05-2013, 11:16am
I still haven't loaded the latest firmware on mine :(

28-05-2013, 5:03pm
Are magic lantern updates to be put here?

11-07-2014, 10:11am
DPP 4.0 is out

apparently very good update, almost like lightroom in a sense
Pity only useable on the newer higher end models

19-12-2014, 2:32am
For all you Canonians:

Canon adds more cameras and lenses to DPP 4 with update
Canon has released an updated version of its Digital Photo Professional (DPP) software, which now supports – in addition to its current range of full-frame DSLRs – the EOS-1D Mark IV, EOS 70D, EOS 7D Mark II, EOS 7D, EOS 5D Mark II, EOS 700D and EOS 100D...

Launched in September 2014, Digital Photo Professional 4 was Canon’s first sweeping change to its popular RAW processing software since its original launch. The latest version of DPP – version 4.1.50 – is a response to feedback from owners of older full-frame and APS-C cameras who are looking for the very latest RAW workflow solution.

Additionally, DPP 4.1.50 supports the recently launched EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM and EF-S 24mm f/2.8 STM lenses, the profiles for which are now available for use with the Lens Correction function.

•Faster, real-time adjustments.
•Improved RAW file workflow.
•Better, more approachable user interfaces.
•Compatible with 64-bit native environments.
•Colour adjustments for specific colour gamuts.
•Improved highlight recovery provides expanded tonality.
•Improved shadow recovery function.
•Support for movie playback.
•Auto Lighting Optimizer can be applied to JPEG images.
•Better integration with EOS Utility.

you know where to get it, get it while it's hot! :D

Karen R
11-04-2016, 11:49pm
The quick question are you an iMac, I have updated recently to al capitan. The Canon software no longer seems to work keeps coming up with an error message. Does anyone know if fix to this or is there a new update that I don't know about ?

23-11-2017, 7:58am
Brilliant quote. I had not heard it before. Thank you