View Full Version : Raw Egret

06-04-2024, 6:29pm
This is the original Oly raw .ORF image with no adjustments. It has been cropped, saved as .tif then resized and saved as .jpg quality 10.
Am (or anyone), please show me the best it can look, using Ps and steps taken.


06-04-2024, 6:33pm
Marty, it would need to be the raw file, or at least 16-bits if a TIF.
Dropbox or an email would be the way to transfer it.

06-04-2024, 9:42pm
Sorry not well worded. Should have said " This was the original" etc.
Will send the full .ORF file by email. What is your address? Meanwhile I will keep experimenting.
A levels adjustment increasing both blacks and whites by 30% and mid tones neutral has merit, and doubling this process looks even better to my eye.
However my eye needs a benchmark.
regards marty

07-04-2024, 4:19am
Will try with your numbers and also PM sent.

07-04-2024, 7:05pm
I ended up using Lightroom.

The 1st thing I noticed was that all the highlights went off the scale.

The be(a)st I could do tonally for them was as below, with a bit of S/H after in P'shop.
No attempt at noise reduction, just trying to see what I could get out of the brights.
Its neck looks like it could use a wash... :o

Some (r)egret(s)...