View Full Version : Old But New

11-01-2023, 7:16pm
Howdy all!

Well after many years of poking my head in and out of my love of photography, I have made it my New Years Resolution to actually follow through and commit myself to the love of the art.

30 years ago I was introduced to photography and thought that I had found my calling, but alas, so was the next thing that spiked my interest as a young teenager, and then the next. Over the years I returned to my roots and constantly doubted myself with my abilities. I could never get past my biggest critic, myself.

As I grew older and wiser (tongue in cheek) I realised I was always pushing myself away from what I loved and in hindsight actually had a bit of an eye for.

So here I am. Older, somewhat wiser, and committed. I have dusted off my gear and charged the batteries (they definitely need replacing as after 4 pics they die) and I am ready to get out there. Most of my shots are with the iPhone until I get my equipment up to standard, but I will be at least capturing moments and honing my skills (aka going back to school).

I would like to upload some images that I feel are worthy to view by the public eye for constructive feedback, as I definitely learn better from reality than a book. Please forgive the skill level, but in time I want to be proud to display my works that one day someone somewhere will go - wow.

I am very excited to have the shutter bug back in my life, and maybe if time and stars align, I can meet some locals for a coffee or ten.


11-01-2023, 7:19pm
Welcome to AP. See you and your photos round the forums soon.

12-01-2023, 2:57am
Welcome to AP...

Mary Anne
12-01-2023, 8:08am
Hello CaptureIt and Welcome to AP

15-01-2023, 8:41am
Welcome to AP :D