View Full Version : Sticky controls

29-10-2022, 6:43am
The control wheels on my Canon 5D IV are not working properly anymore. It is 5 years old and I think that they have just gummed up with sweat and gunk. They still function but are not smooth and you often have to try several times to get the wheel movement to actually do anything. It has got much worse here in Sri Lanka where (of course) your hands are always sweaty. When I get home I plan to send it to Peter the camera repairer in Brisbane (if he hasn't retired yet).

Has anyone else experienced similar problems?

29-10-2022, 11:04am
Hi Tony

I suspect that I don't hammer my cameras as much as you do, nor in such sticky conditions, so I haven't experienced those issues yet.

I wonder if there are any on-line Canon camera manuals that show you how to dismantle the relatively simpler, accessible parts to fix such issues, especially when they occur in the field.?



29-10-2022, 11:13pm
Cheers Dennis. That would be beyond my abilities, especially in a hotel room with no tools.

For the main part I am using the 5DSR as my #1 bird camera. Given the control issues, today I used the SR in very bad light conditions for the first time. (I usually go to the 5D IV for bad light work.) I soon discovered that the 5DSR, although excellent in most respects, cannot focus reliably in very poor light. The 5D IV really shines when the light .. er .. doesn't shine. :)

So I set it up to use the back touch screen (something I have never had reason to want to try before). That works fine but is very slow - especially because I have to put glasses on, make a change, take glasses off and put in my pocket. Still, with the light that bad I'm at f/4 all the time, so I really only need the top dial or the touch screen to change ISO. The back dial is a bit clunky but working OK.

I also have the 7D II with me, so one way or another I'll get through the trip OK.

(PS: I suspect that the last straw was hands wet with DEET and sweat and sunscreen. You cannot keep dry hands in this climate, so I see it as just a cost of taking pictures in this sort of environment - a cost worth paying considering how good the birds are!)

30-10-2022, 12:54am
PPS: but it still takes a decent picture. From today this one -> http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?169724-Indian-Pitta&p=1547138