View Full Version : Do Noisy Images Hit A Raw Nerve...?

25-08-2022, 8:29am
Rela-a-ax!:laughing1: - RAWNerf (https://techcrunch.com/2022/08/23/nerf-in-the-dark/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9uZXdzLmdvb2dsZS5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAInkIFh1knhFbXsUFANWfaegQavHu4eibtYVlnwiOBBFhJe0SQFcQhKIuQDTJ6gV9U9pwXXlHXGACFTyK4W-W85q4c8HNZ4A8tdhC-PgoUYuQTA5tJyx4D3L4ZHOct4d1cB9BMieAYa2nQODwVAzV1H_Jupn_PCTEcUj6X45IXEK) is here :D

Puns apart, though, it's interesting. It works best with raw images, as said in the video somewhere.
The NeRF part stands for Neural Radiance Fields (explained in technical length here) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRlN-cYFxTk).
There was another link with a different video, but I can't find it...:o

A little time later...
Here it is - the betta Petapixel article (https://petapixel.com/2022/08/23/google-researchers-add-powerful-denoise-tool-to-nerf-ai-program/).

It's the same first video, but interesting 2nd one and generally better article.

- - - Updated - - -

PS: Now you can watch CSI and NCIS and know that it's all true!:nod:

Mary Anne
25-08-2022, 1:12pm
Yes it is interesting Am and after clicking on the links here, then clicking on more links in those and reading lots too.
I could have spent hours looking at it, sadly vertigo started reeling its dizzy head so that was the end for me.
Still Thanks for Sharing something I knew nothing about, though Abby most likely would :nod:

25-08-2022, 6:55pm
Ta, M A. Oh, Abbs? Yes, I guess she would. /Kaf-Pow (https://www.facebook.com/10BoldAU/videos/10bold-abby-and-caf-pow-a-love-story/1032200114389405/) :D

27-08-2022, 8:52pm
Interesting but I've learned to live with noise in my images and dust in the house and will leave it at that :lol: