View Full Version : Colour - the 60-30-10 Rule...

21-04-2022, 4:13am
I had never heard of Wolfcrow (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7gBcKzHKc0oOR5-XiWdlFQ), but he makes some interesting videos.

This video is about the importance of colour in movies and in interior design, but I think it could be applied to
photography as well.

The 60-30-10 Rule states:
In a scene colours should be 60% the dominant colour, 30% complementary colour, and 10% highlight colour.

Note it is called a rule thought the video, and he gives a couple of exceptions, as well as
talking about the lack of it.


21-04-2022, 6:33am
Interesting viewing. Thanks.