View Full Version : film cameras are selling fast

31-08-2008, 1:28pm
I spend a lot of time searching hock shops and the internet for bargain cameras/lenses and accessories. It seems that currently there is a major exodus from anything film.
I don't know how much longer film will last but I'd bet there's still a market for it.

For me a Nikon user I can grab bargain manual focus lenses easily.

And I would suggest black and white film is still better than anything digital.


31-08-2008, 1:39pm
I still have my 30+ year old MX. Metal gears etc. never goes wrong, just don't use it anymore.

My 2.2 cents worth (inc GST)...

Film and digital are *different* mediums. There will always be a role for film but digital is so flexible.

FYI: The web (the internet is much older, dating back to the 60') is only 15 years old (official birthday is 30th April 1993 - CERN put the http protocol in the public domain, there were 200 web servers active on that day).

We are in the middle of a revolution that will continue rapid evolution for 20+ years. What will digital photography look like in 2028? I have no idea other than it will not be like today or 10 years ago.

Film technology will not change anywhere near as much. Film will still be used in 2028 for certain purposes.

31-08-2008, 2:04pm
the only question I'd ask Kym is "who will make the film?" then...
I hope someone does. I certainly won't leave it behind until I'm forced to. I still shoot a roll of film at a wedding even if I don't tell the client.

Being of ethnic origin "a wog" (I'm a staunch Aussie these days) I was a fan of all sports at high school except cricket.
So when cricket season started I'd spend my time with nerds playing Chess. Those Nerds were all over the computer writing programs in DOS while I asked a lot of questions.

I don't have much trouble with my Mac's or PC's in my computer dungeon these days while my wife wonders why the guy she thought was a jock knows so much about computers.

I'm not used to "WEB" I remember it being called "Internet" way back when... ... 1979

warm regard,

31-08-2008, 2:17pm
Who will make the film... Probably Kodak, Ilford and Fuji?

I go back to 71... http://www.users.on.net/~farnik/wikicgi/wiki.pl?RetroComputing :p

31-08-2008, 2:24pm
I remember sending my Kodachrome 64 to Melbourne then waiting for the slides... gee that takes me back man,

Not Kodak. Maybe Fuji but Ilford is giving it a shot. We can't keep film in the fridge forever.

31-08-2008, 6:48pm
Film will live, that's pretty sure. Kodak? I doubt it. Ilford, yes. And probably a couple of new players will step in like the ones that now make photographic paper.

31-08-2008, 6:53pm
Film will live, that's pretty sure. Kodak? I doubt it. Ilford, yes. And probably a couple of new players will step in like the ones that now make photographic paper.

I agree, and if there is a demand, I am sure the Chinese will soon be exporting film around the planet.

31-08-2008, 9:02pm
I am sure the Chinese will soon be exporting film around the planet.

Probably, even though I wasn't thinking along those lines - now that you mention it... Fotoman Camera seems to produce in China ;).

Companies like Tetenal however are now producing more than just chemicals. I guess it's only gonna'be a question of time before players like them and Amaloco are going to either stop completely or fabricate film and paper in addition to chemicals.

In the Netherlands, a company named Efke now makes and sells paper, chemicals and film. They bought the technology remains of Agfa and sell these things under the name of Adox (yes, that is the German ADOX Fotoimpex (http://www.adox.de/english/)). But Efke (http://www.efke.nl)* also produces their own film, specifically 127 rolfilm. I expect that more companies like these are going to take the market once Kodak and similar players are getting out.

*) Website is available in Dutch only, perhaps Bablefish can be of help there ;)

01-09-2008, 12:31pm
I'm actually having a good look at the web for an F100 or if there's some really good FM2's for cheap.
I would imagine that film may be a niche market among wedding shooters. I'm slowly re-building my wedding photography business. I'm in no hurry. I gave up shooting them over twelve years ago after fifteen years of it prior. I wanted my weekends to myself then but these days I don't mind the money.

I hope that whom ever makes film that they make good quality stuff. Film to date is just so advanced I hope we don't lose any quality if say the Chinese make film.

07-09-2008, 7:33am
film still has its uses and i sure hope its here to stay. Where else could you get a 20+MP image from a P&S?

Its true that both are differnt mediums, and both have their strengths and weaknesses (you wouldnt shoot an airshow on film), but for landscapes I'm absoultly loving film.

12-11-2008, 10:39am
I must say I love film for the quality of colour etc but that's using velvia. I find now that I really don't use it as much though, quite a shame. I have a Noblex 135U which i absolutely love for panoramic landscape shots. The lense is just so clear but it's starting to collect dust.

Not really, i'm sure my wife would love me to sell it but i really don't want to!

15-11-2008, 4:50pm
Know what you are saying. I have a Silvestri & some Graflex film camera's that I should get rid of but just can't bring myself to do it

25-11-2008, 11:29pm
Rob, Graflex? Care to elaborate? I could help in making the decision to get rid of it?

26-09-2009, 7:20pm
Polaroid is still alive. The instax range revived it but the cost of film is still high. High end cameras like a Canon 1n can be bought cheaply as well as older cameras for <$100. Even rangefinders like the Canonet are cheap as chips!

26-09-2009, 10:25pm
film will be likely be made for all of our lifetimes. the motion picture industry is the major consumer.


just dropped 14 rolls from last weeks wedding off at the lab today, and i'll pick the high res scan dvd and negs up next week. glad i don't have to spend 15 hours+ editing these images.

26-09-2009, 10:57pm
My only concern with that video clip is that it's off a Kodak website.
Since they have a major vested interest in film production compared to their minimal interests in video movie output.. I'd say it's an advertorial.

The cold hard facts(on the streets that is) is that film is dying.. and most videographers are shooting HD.. and that wil only increase as the production costs of producing film increase due to the dwindling demand for it.

From a totally left field perspective:
I used to deliver many boxes of film stock(usually the 400ft rolls in cans in boxes.. many,many boxes of the stuff, and on one occasion to a far flung corner of the state(Lorne) in an urgent manner. 20 boxes of urgently needed film to keep the production from stalling apparently, and the deliver cost them big time too! :th3:
The number of these boxes of 400ft film rolls I used to deliver to various film production companies around Melb alone... notto mention the other 60 drivers that must have delivered more(but I used to be favoured for these Kodak deliveries, as I lived around the corner form their warehouse here in Coburg.
For the last 5 years or so, since the warehouse closed down.. not a single delivery of film from the new Kodak HQ, which is closer to the CBD(in Collingwood).. ever!
They come in from Sydney in dribs and drabs, but no one really uses it any more..

That's a sign of the times(for film) when the mega city sized warehouse they used to have in Coburg(north) is now a cold store warehouse.. and I think the vast majority of the land is to be developed into housing.. must have been a good 50 to 100 acre site.. now they have a tiny little 1000sq meter office block shared with other tennants!

Personally I can't see film being a viable manufacturing proposition beyond about 20 years or so(most likely less).. the (unit)production costs will kill it.. but as someone else mentioned.. some niche player may still produce it in small quantities in a more efficient manner. It'll still be too expensive for major productions tho.

makes no real difference to me whether it stays or goes(by the wayside)... except for the issue of a reduction in work, and more importantly!!... no more express jobs to Lorne :p

I believe Kodak will make more money in their Aussie operation over the next few years from the sale of their warehousing site(s), than they will from film sales! The ex site in Coburg must surely be well worth over $100M in it's unimproved state(well it's improved now as the ugly old buildings have been torn down)... there's room for many hundreds of houses on prime land @ approx $400K per block.

26-09-2009, 11:16pm
My only concern with that video clip is that it's off a Kodak website.

I haven't got a problem with that. Kodak are also largely responsible for the digital craze that we are currently being subjected to. Everything that is published inagazines, or clips (like that silly one where they blow up two images and hang them from a building) are all sponsored by Digital Camera manufacturers....consumers sure aren't choosing digital for it's image rendition. Whilst film sales may be down in Lorne, in places like Japan, it enjoys a huge following.

27-09-2009, 12:12am
Ilford/Harman is loyal to film users and vice versa.

Whilst film sales may be down in Lorne, in places like Japan, it enjoys a huge following.Every second Japanese person I walk by notices my Kiev. Every fifth Japanese person says "nice camera". :D

27-09-2009, 8:41am
Yeah when i was in japan, almost everyone was shooting film, freaked me out. Good on them i thought, then after a while i realised that in Japan, everyone has a camera and loves shooting film or digital.

27-09-2009, 4:14pm
There is a photographer in Japan, John Sypal who runs the http://tokyocamerastyle.com/ website. Everyone in Japan shoots film!

There is our solution. Move to Japan :D

27-09-2009, 5:13pm
Nice to see somebody else follows John. Valerian is a great great blog.

27-09-2009, 7:08pm
Nice to see somebody else follows John. Valerian is a great great blog.

Yup. He updates it regularly and in contrast to his camera site he focuses on photogaphers and art more than gear ;)

27-09-2009, 7:43pm
You still get a photo of a pair of Leicas ever few posts though :D

27-09-2009, 7:48pm
You still get a photo of a pair of Leicas ever few posts though :D

He seems to love taking pictures of his own MP lmao.

old dog
27-09-2009, 7:52pm
I still get tempted to use my pentax program A (aperture priority) and 50 f1.4 lens. Works like new.

27-09-2009, 8:22pm
It will work like new forever ;)

27-09-2009, 9:01pm
He seems to love taking pictures of his own MP lmao.

Leica mp = best camera made in world

can't blame him for taking lots of pics :)

27-09-2009, 9:22pm
Leica mp = best camera made in world

can't blame him for taking lots of pics :)

I love the clean look and old style film rewind knob. The only downside for me is the small shutter dial and lack of AE. For me, the M7 is ideal if it didn't have the logo and writing on the front. I tend to shoot in Aperture Priority and as a M6 TTL owner I find the large shutter dial to be so useful in the absence of AE mode.

27-09-2009, 9:28pm
The m7 and mp really complement each other well. I do like the larger shutter dial of the m6 ttl/m7 which is easier to move, quicker, and more intuative. The mp is smaller and just feels a bit smoother. Also the mechanical shutter is a nice contrast to the m7's electronically controlled shutter.

16-11-2009, 2:22pm
Here in the Manila. It is very difficult to find photo labs that still process slide films. There are also photo labs that discontinued film processing. Negative Films are still easy to find but limited brand only Kodak, Fuji, and Lucky.

Film photography here in the Philippines is now very cheap. If you are planning family shoots. 1 4R print cost only 0.17 Cents in Australian currency. Some photo labs offers free negative film for every film developed and printed.

24 Exp developed and print total cost approximately AU$4.

Two weeks ago I purchased again at Canon Store a brand new film SLR Canon EOS 33 and battery grip. Cost me about AU$200.

And I bought a used EF 70-210 f4 for AU$100 at EBay.

I find film photography cheaper to upgrade as of the moment. I have two CAnon EOS film cams
and I still enjoy my Sigma DSLR. No plans of buying yet a new DSLR.

26-11-2009, 12:42pm
i've decided i'd like to shoot film again as well
so i'm on the hunt for a good F100

26-11-2009, 12:59pm
i've decided i'd like to shoot film again as well so i'm on the hunt for a good F100

:efelant: :th3: :food04:

".......and slowly, they will return"

26-11-2009, 3:07pm
i'm still lazy so i want a matrix metering, AF tracking, TTL speedlight supporting, coffee making type film camera :)
getting my 85/1.4D tomorrow so i'm on the look out for an f5 or f100... cheap way to go full frame heh