View Full Version : Manual Focus?

Craig Miller
18-06-2006, 2:59pm
I've noticed a few of my photos of late have been appaulingly out of focus. Now I know that I'll always have some shots that are complete garbage but I'm sure I spend enough time getting the focus right (or what looks right to me)

I know I have crappy eyes as I wear glases for reading and the computer but I didn't think they were THAT bad! Does anyone else have problems focusing through the tiny view finder?


18-06-2006, 3:12pm
I find focusing through the viewvinder a bit hit & miss. When shooting action (most of the time), i'll prefocus on the location where I want to take the shot, and get a focus lock on that (keeping the shutter button part depressed). Once the focus is locked (beep, AF points in focus flash red), I track the moving object into the "shooting zome" and take a burst of 3 or 4 as they pass through. One's usually in focus :laughing1:

How scientific is that! :p

I also find using only the single central AF point better as it avoids confusion. You then have a definite point of focus (hopefully) and can work the DOF around that.

edit: oops just realised you're talking manual focus :mixed0: Oops heheh.

18-06-2006, 3:29pm
smooth knopey, mabye your vision is extra bad becuase of maintaining this forum :laughing1:

Craig Miller
18-06-2006, 3:40pm
Ohh. I found this on the Canon site: Eyepiece Extender EP-EX15 (http://www.canon.com.au/products/slr_camera_accessories/viewfinder/1548.html)

For the bargin price of $35 from EBAY (http://search.ebay.com.au/search/search.dll?from=R40&satitle=Eyepiece+Extender+EP-EX15) I think I might give one a try.

18-06-2006, 7:53pm
Does the Canon have a viewfinder dioptic adjustment.

kinda like a bifocal adjustment on the viewfinder to help with Craigus's issues.

My eyes are generally OK (20/20... 21/20, I dunno? :D), but I have struggled with focus on the D70s, it was so much easier to focus on the EM (or any other film Nikon I've tried) because of the split prism viewfinder!

Craig Miller
18-06-2006, 7:56pm
Yes it has the viewfinder adjustment.

I just find it difficult get get right. All other SLR's I have used in the past have the same split prism focus system and I never had any problems. (though I didn't wear glasses then)

I have bought the extender so I'll see how things go when it turnes up. :(

21-06-2006, 12:53pm
You won't be the only one who finds MF on DSLR pretty bad. I MF when shooting macro, and the viewfinder can be terribly dark and too grainy for its own good. Try the angle finder C if you are doing MF with macro, or you can try a 3rd party split-prism. Many people haev reported good results.

I heard that the 1-series are much better for the glasses wearer and the oldies :laughing1:

21-06-2006, 2:22pm
Yep the 1 series is definately better for people who wear glasses, but then again for the price you would expect it to be good.

21-06-2006, 9:05pm
hmmm Dejavu is picking on those of us that are older or wear glasses?

Well I can tell you that I am both and I have no problems with looking through the lens. Although the split prism in my film cameras makes it easier You may also be able to talk with your eye doctor and see what corrective diopter you can use so you can take your glasses off when looking through the viewfinder.

Craig Miller
21-06-2006, 9:08pm
I've thought about that but I only NEED my glasses to see the computer screen/books. I'm not sure I need them for the camera as my distance vision is near enough to perfect. Maybe I just need more practice! :devil32:

21-06-2006, 9:19pm
I've thought about that but I only NEED my glasses to see the computer screen/books. I'm not sure I need them for the camera as my distance vision is near enough to perfect. Maybe I just need more practice! :devil32:

No you're afraid to admit that you have a problem and you're getting old!! :cool13:

It's ok I know where you're coming from....but denial isn't a river in Africa!! :laughing1:

Craig Miller
21-06-2006, 9:30pm

21-06-2006, 10:13pm
I wear glasses, and I believe it makes me look more intelligent. Just like my big lens, it makes me look more professional :laughing1:

Craig Miller
21-06-2006, 10:15pm
Thats right! As long as we LOOK the part who cares. :th3:

21-06-2006, 10:29pm
.......Just like my big lens, it makes me look more professional :laughing1:

:laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1:


...I'm off to buy meseelf a 45mm Nikkor then! :laughing1:

45mm Nikkor (http://nikonimaging.com/global/products/lens/mf/wideangle/45mmf_28_p/index.htm)

Craig Miller
21-06-2006, 10:30pm
ROLF! You know what they say about guys with small lenses!

21-06-2006, 11:33pm
That they are jealous of someone else's? :action53:

21-06-2006, 11:49pm
ROLF! You know what they say about guys with small lenses!

Ok then!!

I'll scrap that "idea" and definitely go with the 1200-1700 Zoom! (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forums/showthread.php?t=123) ;)

22-06-2006, 5:40am
Someone feels a bit inadequate today?:eek:

22-06-2006, 4:47pm
Oh yeah!!

I just remembered something I tried with the D70s and the MF 50/1.8....

On the Camera body is a mark where you can measure the distance between the camera and the subject.
It's called the Focal Plane mark(I'm sure the Canon's would have the same thingy??)

Use a measure to calculate the distance from this focal plane to the focus point on the subject, and then focus the lens till it reads the same distance!!

Should be in focus, give or take a few cm's.
Take some test shots and check for focus accuracy on the PC.

I used this method to check the viewfinder adjustment, but found that I changed it back to where it came from the factory.

A tripod is handy for such fooling around!!


Craig Miller
22-06-2006, 4:51pm
Ahh. good info thanks arthur.. I'll have a look and get back with the results! :th3:

23-06-2006, 1:22pm
I have recently gotten contacts....and the difference over glasses is amazing.

If contacts are an option for your loss of sight, then give them a try.
my eyes are out a measly -.75 (so my distance vision is a little crappy) and they work a treat.

26-06-2006, 12:29pm
Yeah I switched to contacts last year..but mine are -4 and -3.75. So everything looks out of focus until I have it near my nose.

Craig Miller
26-06-2006, 1:12pm
Contacts are no good to me, I can't see more then 4 feet in front of me with my glasses on. I'd be putting them in and taking them out 100 times a day. :action53:

26-06-2006, 1:15pm
They do make bi-focal contacts

28-06-2006, 1:51am
I've just started wearing glasses for reading and comp work too, but my optician said it shouldn't affect camera work at all!?!

I find the viewfinder on the 350d way too small, and very hard to manual focus, so i usually just go with auto.. Unfortunately i think the cheaper lenses, like the kit lens, aren't too accurate on focussing!?!

Let us know how you get on with the extender, that might be a good option for me too. ;)

Craig Miller
28-06-2006, 6:44am
We'll see soon enough Beanzy.. I'll be ordering my Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 in the next week or two! :action53:

28-06-2006, 10:00am
They do make bi-focal contacts
really?? that would make working on the compy a whole lot nicer

09-07-2006, 10:02pm
I just find it difficult get get right. All other SLR's I have used in the past have the same split prism focus system and I never had any problems. ......

Yeah I love those split prism viewfinders...for ease of use/accuracy.

I'm going to get one of KatzEye Split Prism replacement (http://www.katzeyeoptics.com/page--Custom-Focusing-Screens--store.html)

Hope it does the job and the "blackout" problem isn't too bad!

Craig Miller
10-07-2006, 7:04am
Fwor.. $100 US?

Let me know how effective it is and I might just get myself one too.

Thanks for shaing! :D

03-01-2007, 8:37am
I've thought about that but I only NEED my glasses to see the computer screen/books. I'm not sure I need them for the camera as my distance vision is near enough to perfect. Maybe I just need more practice! :devil32:

When I am shooting macro, I always use MF but you are right it becomes a little hard on the eyes and quite often it is hit and miss. I make sure the eye piece is in focus and then when I get the photo in focus or near it, I push the MF button and then it pulls the focus right in. Your camera may not have that.

03-01-2007, 1:00pm
Yes it has the viewfinder adjustment.

I just find it difficult get get right. All other SLR's I have used in the past have the same split prism focus system and I never had any problems. (though I didn't wear glasses then)

I have bought the extender so I'll see how things go when it turnes up. :(

try adjusting the dioptric adjustment without glasses.

03-01-2007, 1:17pm
I wear glasses, I find my main problem is when i press the damn camera against them and get smudges all over my lens (glasses) so then EVERYTHING is OOF!!

I should try contacts, but I really don't like the feel of them lol

04-01-2007, 2:37am
Try soft contacts SSSchwing. I used to wear hard..didn't like em. Went to soft and once in didn't feel them at all.

04-01-2007, 6:43am
I'm not sure what the ones I tried were to be honest...

I might go back and speak with the Optom....see what they can do...although, I'm so used to my glasses these days, I think i look weird without them! LOL

Thanks Ronbo

04-01-2007, 7:12am
Ohh. I found this on the Canon site: Eyepiece Extender EP-EX15 (http://www.canon.com.au/products/slr_camera_accessories/viewfinder/1548.html)

For the bargin price of $35 from EBAY (http://search.ebay.com.au/search/search.dll?from=R40&satitle=Eyepiece+Extender+EP-EX15) I think I might give one a try.

Hi there everyone.

The extender according to what I was told will make no difference it is the optic or dioptric that wont focus down for enough on the Canon I have the same problem, Brian let me know if it does make any difference if it does I will buy one right away.


Craig Miller
04-01-2007, 9:22am
It makes the damn viewfinder even SMALLER! I'm an idiot! Didn't read the description properly.

04-01-2007, 8:24pm
Hi there everyone.

The extender according to what I was told will make no difference it is the optic or dioptric that wont focus down for enough on the Canon I have the same problem, Brian let me know if it does make any difference if it does I will buy one right away.


I don't have the extender. My suggestion was in realtion to the dioptic adjustment to see if it would be better without wearing glasses. The extender keeps the camera a bit further away from the face so that you your nose is not pressing against the LCD screen. I wear glasses and as such my nose only just touches the LCD screen. I suppose Bill Lawry would benefit from an extender

04-01-2007, 8:47pm
After reading comments on p1 I was going to post something intelligent, then I read p2 and have totally forgotton what I was going to say. You guys are great:D

09-01-2007, 12:47am
Lol I know what you mean Fez. I came into this thread, began reading...was about to reply..then forgot...then remembered by page 3...and then realised this thread is 6 months old and what I had to say was no longer relevant

27-04-2010, 11:37am
It makes the damn viewfinder even SMALLER! I'm an idiot! Didn't read the description properly.

Yeah have that problem with EX15 extender on 5D, solved it more or less, by stacking an KPS 1.35x eyepeice magnifier on top of extender.

27-04-2010, 12:49pm
way to bump a 4 year old thread :p

i am lucky in that my dominant eye wasnt affected when i had shingles at the begining of the year. If i had been right eyed i'd be eyeing off this topic more closely.