View Full Version : Portrait of a Melbourne Protestor

25-09-2021, 4:38pm

26-09-2021, 12:41pm
Love the photo & the sentiment. Very Good

28-09-2021, 4:26am

good one!


28-09-2021, 7:43pm
You can’t help stupid.
Thanks for the smile.

29-09-2021, 8:54am
So true. I watched Australian Story with Dr Rifi and one of his comments was that there was no vaccination for stupidity. Why people rely on social media for their education at times like this is beyond me.

29-09-2021, 9:06am
Glenda, I think that if they didn't have social media they'd turn to something else anyway :rolleyes:

29-09-2021, 9:20am
So true. I watched Australian Story with Dr Rifi and one of his comments was that there was no vaccination for stupidity. Why people rely on social media for their education at times like this is beyond me.

Ever since half of all Americans voted for Donald Trump I have wondered if there is any hope for Mankind. There is so much stupidity out there and it's been around much longer than the virus!

29-09-2021, 11:33am
--And here's a well-written document (https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcompote.slate.com%2Fimages%2Fa57d0b7b-6565-4217-b642-b5b476818a1b.gif&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fslate.com%2Fbusiness%2F2021%2F05%2Fdonald-trump-toilet-paper-joe-biden-history.html&tbnid=gmZn5-QuAEwA4M&vet=12ahUKEwju29-IhKPzAhXMbisKHW6ECtkQMygGegUIARCTAQ..i&docid=wYjTbbsrA1WrmM&w=1560&h=1040&q=donal%20trump%20saying%20humph%20animations&hl=en-US&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwju29-IhKPzAhXMbisKHW6ECtkQMygGegUIARCTAQ) about it :D

29-09-2021, 11:53am
--And here's a well-written document about it :D

I did a similar image last year to annoy a friend of mine who thinks Trump is wonderful!


29-09-2021, 2:00pm
I supposed he's just flushed with success :rolleyes:

Mark L
29-09-2021, 9:35pm
So true. I watched Australian Story with Dr Rifi and one of his comments was that there was no vaccination for stupidity. Why people rely on social media for their education at times like this is beyond me.
There are people (Melbourne protests) that are anti everything. And they simply use social media to find what they find others that agree with what they want.
Not sure how we change this.

30-09-2021, 10:13am
There are people (Melbourne protests) that are anti everything. And they simply use social media to find what they find others that agree with what they want.
Not sure how we change this.

I have no idea either - it's a major problem these days. Misinformation is everywhere, and "fake news" has become the norm. I know some people who are fundamentally quite nice, but have such outlandish ideas I struggle to maintain the friendship!

The time is coming when I may have to decide whether or not to meet physically with unvaccinated friends rather than risk infection. I have the problem of having those "underlying health issues" that are always to blame plus I'm also in the dispensable age bracket (AKA collateral damage). :D

The ripples from this vaccine seem to go on and on ......