View Full Version : I cant get in the forums

21-04-2021, 10:46pm
Beam me up Scotty.

22-04-2021, 1:22pm
try clearing your cookies ,computer ones that is

22-04-2021, 1:25pm
Jan, this happens when you are reactivating your account after an absence.
You need to stay on for a bit after the post like this in Intros, then more of the
forum will open up. For shortish absences, like a month, it takes about an hour.

22-04-2021, 5:01pm
This happens because you keep going inactive.

When you have not posted to the site for 90 days you go inactive. If you then post, the site restores all your previous access levels in about 60 minutes. However, if you stop posting again, then you go inactive after 60 days. Repeat. if you stop posting again, you go inactive after 30 days. repeat.. 15 days...7days... 4 days...everyday.

So the site rewards activity, by giving you access to everything. However repeated posting that gets access back, followed by times of inactivity, drives down how long it is before you lose access again.

If you re-activate and remain active (ie posting regularly) after 90 days of active participation, your inactivity cycle resets to the original 90 day period.

At present you are down to the 15 day inactive cycle.

There is only one way to stop this cycle, that is start being active (posting) on the forums a lot more regularly.

Full details here : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=How_Do_I:Restore_my_access_from_inactive_status