View Full Version : Camera Clubs

20-04-2021, 10:07pm
I have never been in a Camera Club, and was wondering if they are of value to beginners.
Or are they more for the experienced for competitions etc.


21-04-2021, 1:57am
It depends... I have been in one that focused on starters and intermediate photographers and I've been in one that focused on competitions.

22-04-2021, 4:49am
It does tend to depend on the club and my experience is of ones in Queensland. Some have excellent mentoring for beginners others not so much. Adelaide probably has a few so you should be able to visit some and see if you find one that suits your needs. Competitions can be a learning tool also. Larger clubs usually grade members so you compete against photographers with similar skill levels and judges give feedback on your image and suggestions on how it could have been improved. Most also organise shoots for members where you can get advice from more experienced club members and sometimes outside tutors do workshops to improve skills.

22-04-2021, 10:02pm
Thank you Glenda, most informative.


22-04-2021, 11:47pm
I go to a camera club with no competitions or criticism of photos. I think it is more like Facebook face to face. Personally it is not doing a lot for my photography, but it's OK for a social outing. I wish there was a more traditional camera club close by, but it is better than nothing. So as Glenda says, there is a variety in Camera Clubs and there is probably one out there to suit you. Have a hunt around and see what is on offer, and go for it!

Mark L
25-04-2021, 9:51pm
I go to a camera club with no competitions or criticism of photos. I think it is more like Facebook face to face. Personally it is not doing a lot for my photography, but it's OK for a social outing. I wish there was a more traditional camera club close by, but it is better than nothing. So as Glenda says, there is a variety in Camera Clubs and there is probably one out there to suit you. Have a hunt around and see what is on offer, and go for it!

Was hoping you'd come on your local camera clubs walk with me a couple of months back.
No forgive and forget.:(

24-08-2021, 8:44pm
Well I joined a camera club a few months back, and I must say that it is not my best choice.
When I go to meetings I might as well be there by myself, it seems that the membership would prefer to have their cosy group by themselves.


25-08-2021, 1:28pm
Well I joined a camera club a few months back, and I must say that it is not my best choice.
When I go to meetings I might as well be there by myself, it seems that the membership would prefer to have their cosy group by themselves.


That's not uncommon I'm afraid. It's sometimes hard to break into a club's existing social structure (any club). Some camera clubs are excellent - some, not so much. Some are absolutely focused on competitions, winning and beating the hell out of each other in relentless competitions. Others have a more relaxed approach, which is what I prefer. I've never forgotten my first real world camera club meeting. I walked in expecting to see a whole bunch of people with cameras, comparing notes and having a good social experience. Instead, I found myself sitting in a darkened room, not talking and listening to some guy critiquing photos. Not a camera in sight!

Some have found the right balance between social and practical - some are friendlier than others. I don't think you have too many clubs where you are, but I'd be trying different ones if you can. It doesn't cost to try them out, and you might just find a more welcoming one. The first time I visited a club, no-one spoke to me or tried to be welcoming. I went home at tea break. The second one, I was welcomed at the door in a friendly way, and again by the meeting MC. I came back the next month, and went to a committee meeting as an observer. Within 10 minutes they'd voted me on to the committee and 10 minutes later I was club Secretary. Joining a committee is a guaranteed way to meet more people.

Don't give up yet - try another club. Or choose a better deodorant ...... :lol: :D

25-08-2021, 2:57pm
That's no good. Definitely worth checking out other clubs if they are available.

25-08-2021, 3:37pm
Would definitely try a few clubs. Most will let you attend as a guest for a few meetings to see if you like the agenda and the group of people. Most grouos have different dynamics and you may or may not fit into . Generally the social interactions of like minded people is good for you and your photography. Don't be afraid to try a few different clubs as they are all different and their own dynamics will change from time to time.

29-08-2021, 10:43pm
Thanks for the replies.
I think that I will stick with forums for now ( generally nice people ). Maybe I will consider clubs again in the future.


02-09-2021, 3:18pm
I would suggest you go along as a visitor to some clubs and you can fairly quickly work out if they are welcoming, active and will be useful for you. I know the one I belong to in Sydney is very encouraging for all levels of photographer.