View Full Version : Hold Your Sides!!! - WARNING: You May Well LOL/ROFL/Invent Another Acronym...

05-04-2021, 7:58am
I was sent this sample, the ELK of which I haven't see for a while...


05-04-2021, 10:40am
Confession time. My grandmother used to say 'Stop going at it like a bull at a gate".

I think I was around 15 years old when I finally worked this out. Light bulb moment. Up till that point I thought my grandmother was just being really daft with some stupid old folk lore saying that made no sense. Because I (in my wisdom???) always heard it as 'Stop going at it like a bullet a gate'. I had no idea what my dear old granny was on about, till that day when I twigged that it wasn't a bullet at all.

05-04-2021, 12:51pm
As a youngster hanging round in the kitchen I'd hear my mother's news and current affairs programs on 3AR (what they call "ABC Radio National" these days, 'coz it sounds more posher) and they were forever talking about young Asian people. I dunno why. And it was always Asians for some reason, I never heard them discussing youth in Europe or teenagers in Africa. Always Asia. They would mention "the youth in Asia debate", they'd say that youth in Asia was controversial, and quite beyond my comprehension, they'd sometimes even say that there were people in favour of legalising youth in Asia! Huh? Aren't you allowed to be young in some places?

Fifty years later I was hanging about on my favourite sporting club BBS, chatting about selections for next week's team, lamenting last week's narrow loss, and so on. One chap popped up saying "We would never trade a long-time player like Jenkins, it's not in our D and A."

05-04-2021, 1:44pm
D and A! - Ain't that just such a popular cat-phrase...:rolleyes:

05-04-2021, 3:27pm
They would mention "the youth in Asia debate", they'd say that youth in Asia was controversial, and quite beyond my comprehension, they'd sometimes even say that there were people in favour of legalising youth in Asia! Huh? Aren't you allowed to be young in some places?

PS: you have to say it out loud.