View Full Version : Should we have a meet up?

29-03-2021, 10:29pm
Any excuse to get away from the family!

Might end up bringing my 3 year old, he's enjoying taking photos lol

Anyways, with COVID slowly lifting, and it's always good to get out, anyone up for it?

Unfortunately, it'll probably be in May before I can get out, unless it's an evening one on a Friday

What sayest thou?

30-03-2021, 6:47am
Probably need to specify a location for said meet up.

30-03-2021, 12:10pm
I'm cool with anything :)

Can work out location once we've confirmed interest

30-03-2021, 1:40pm
I more meant a region. People from Sydney are unlikely to head to Melbourne and vice versa.

30-03-2021, 7:43pm
I'm assuming BnP is thinking about a local Melbourne event.

Only problem is having been out of work 99% of last year, it's hard to justify taking time off(at my end ATM).

Would love too.

But you know it'll happen .. organise a time and day and some 'Bunning's Karen' type(who just can't help themselves!! :rolleyes:) will contract the virus, won't isolate and next thing we know snap lockdown for .... <indefinite period>

Autumn time is a good time of year to do so too.

Will watch and hope we can get a few folks interested ... otherwise .. it may only end up your-good-self .. and my lazy posterior! :D

31-03-2021, 10:25pm
QUOTE=Toddyh;1528589]I more meant a region. People from Sydney are unlikely to head to Melbourne and vice versa.[/QUOTE]

Ah gotcha, I see what you meant now, didn't notice your location before lol

Will watch and hope we can get a few folks interested ... otherwise .. it may only end up your-good-self .. and my lazy posterior! :D

Somebody is better than nobody XD

I need friends... Lol

I would just head out on my own, or take one of my kids out and use him as an excuse, but my more than likely won't let me out, nor fall for the excuse

Heck, who knows if she'll even let me out even if there was a group, or let me begrudgingly lol

Guess we'll play be the ear for now

Hope things continue to improve, or get better, for you too

02-04-2021, 5:55pm
Depending on timing and place I could be in