View Full Version : Happy Birthday ricktas! (24th of March)

24-03-2021, 5:16am

Happy Birthday ricktas (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/member.php?u=659)!

Hope you have a wonderful day, and very best wishes from everyone here at Australian Photography.

(24th of March)

24-03-2021, 8:56am
Well now - that's self promoting !

(Yes I know it's automatic)

Have a great birthday mate !


24-03-2021, 9:41am
"Oh, :D :bcake:" :nzsheep::baa:

Hard to sound out in hieroglyphs, but that's

Happy Birthday to you(se).

24-03-2021, 11:42am
:party5::party6: Happy Birthday Rick :party6::party5:
Have a good one :beer_mug:

Mary Anne
24-03-2021, 3:57pm

And All The Best RICK on this Special Day

24-03-2021, 5:06pm
thanks people. Just got home from work and not doing much, the weather that NSW saw as drifted down here in the last 24 hours. Constant rain under a cover of dark clouds, with weather warnings for this evening of torrential rains (up to 100mm tonight) and winds over 100kmh. For now there is no wind and its just a steady constant rain beating down. So going to hunker down at home, with a vodka, and ride out the weather event that is predicted.

27-03-2021, 4:52pm
I do hope you had a :party5: Rick :food04: not the greatest of weather for you but hopefully a good year to come and Thank you for all you do :th3: