View Full Version : Lens hood for Nikon ED 80-200 f2.8 D (gen2)

31-10-2020, 7:30am
I purchased a 2nd hand AF Zoom-Nikkor ED 80-200mm f/2.8D lens, and it came with a haze-1 filter and no lens hood.

The doco also says "to protect the lens surface from dirt or damage an NC filter is recommended at all times. The lens hood also helps to protect the lens"

Now I can get a new lens hood quite readily off ebay, and the lens doco says the HB-7 is the one I need for this lens. As I search on ebay I see lots of HB-7 but then there are also HB-7 II which is a flower shape hood.

So I have 2 questions:

1. Does the HB-7 II fit my lens?
2. If it does is there any benefit to get that slightly longer flower shaped hood as opposed to the original HB-7?

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31-10-2020, 9:21am
Hmm! Here are two pages that contain some info for your questions:
- which says it's suitable for (presumably ALL) such lenses and gives some specs, AND

- which specifies your lens but gives no other specs.

So I'd say that either would fit.

Except for fairly long lenses, simple tube hoods (OK, even flared) may not illuminate the field fully =>> possible vignetting.
Wider lenses tend to have the shaped (tulip, etc) in an attempt to evenly illuminate the field.

I look forward to more replies.

- - - Updated - - -

SO that shape would be to accommodate the wider end of the lens.

- - - Updated - - -

And oddly, acc to this page, it does NOT come with lens hood supplied :confused013
- but it's the HB-7 :rolleyes:

31-10-2020, 7:03pm
The lens I got came in original box which says it contains HB-7 and also a hard case, but I only got the lens

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01-11-2020, 2:54am
^Well, we'll have to change our names to Alice and cry the comparative of "curious", twice :confused013

01-11-2020, 1:20pm
I used to have this tank!! .. err I meant lens many moons ago too.

Generally I liked it, awesome rendering .. my favourite lens I've had actually .. but it's not up to modern standards, and mine misfocused at the long end.

As the doco said, you NEED a clear filter over it all times.
The general consensus nowadays is that you don't need 'protective' filter/glass on lenses nowadays, which I agree with, but every time I say it I always put the caveat that some lenses do need them.
This is one lens that falls into that caveat.
The front of the lens is not sealed at all! Dust has got into it before you purchased it .. before anyone purchases them new!. Mine was full of dust fresh from a sealed packaging.
Not always a problem, but if shooting into light can cause loss of contrast.

I was stupid enough to pay for the pretty ordinary HB-7 hood too. Waste of money. When new it's OK, but over time it loses it's 'grip' the locking thing it supposed to do .. after some time it won't do it.
My advise re the hood .. get a few cheapies off ebay.
Can't help re any comparison to a longer petal shaped hood tho .. sorry! But I never had issues with flare when I used the hood(all the time). May major concern in using the hood was to protect the clear filter from any bumps(drops/hits/etc).
Last thing you want is shards and dust off glass falling into the lens if an accident ever happened .. so my thoguths with the hood was a little bit about light protection, but more so protecting the filter from getting hit.

Also a huge word of warning on some filters and this lens: the front of the lens is rubberised. I think helps to seal when a filter is used. Problem is if you don't be careful the filters can tighten up over time becasue of the rubberised ring on the front of the lens.
I had to mangle a cheapie filter with a pair of vice pliers(plumbers wrench) to get it off. Also had occasional trouble with my main polariser filter sometimes.

For the protection filter, which I advise to get a few too .. get high quality stuff .. just in case. High quality not only for image quality but also the quality of the filter ring itself. Don't use slim types!

Other Nikon lenses with sub par lens hood quality include the 18-105VR(consumer grade lens) and very annoyingly the 105VR(macro) too. Their (twist to) lock design/manufacture/quality) degrades over time.
Admittedly I rarely(if ever) use the 18-105VR lens now, but the ebay hoods I got still lock well.

80-200/2.8 AF-D never came with a hood from new.
The more pro AF-S version did .. different lens, different hood tho.

I have to say too: Even tho I replaced mine with the Tammy 70-200/2.8 which is a much sharper lens, and renders really nicely too .. not as good as the 80-200 .. At the time I was happier with the Tammy vs the 80-200.
But now, looking back, I shouldn't have sold the 80-200, despite it's flaws.
Apart from the already stated flaws(hood/filter/misfocusing) .. the major gripe, and why I got rid of it was it's AF/MF setup. You can't quickly over ride AF with manual focusing due to the silly A-M Focus ring design.
Minimum focus is only ever achievable in Manual focus mode too, and too much use of the A-M ring will see it break on 'ya(so use with caution .. ie. rarely.
This has been a design flaw on many Nikon lenses that have used this A-M focus ring design. Mine never broke, even tho I did use it a lot, but I was always careful with it too.

Hope that helps.

01-11-2020, 4:50pm
Your right careful reading of the box says "compatible accessories"

One of the items I saw on ebay said "buy 2 get 1 free" and I was thinking why woild you need 3? Well now I know :D

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01-11-2020, 5:41pm
Sounds like a deal!
Will you need them .. dunno!
The ebay cheapies I got(relative to "Nikon" branded items :rolleyes: .. they were less than half the price .. about $20 vs about $50-ish.

Ebay cheapie versions = whatever non name Chinesium brands ... they weren't as solid feeling but still solid enough.

I just have a fundamental philosophy re original manufacturer items(of any description) on ebay .. 99.999% are knock offs ... so be weary.

Only difference I saw between my "Nikon" branded hood off ebay and an ex member here who got his from a local store was that they were as solid as each other, but the finish inside the hood(very important) .. mine was a more shiny finish, and his was more matt finish.
Can be important in that reflected light could affect contrast off a more shiny surface.

The cheapie 18-105VR lens hoods I got .. I think 3 for about $15 or some silly price like that .. are OK. Not as solid feeling(petals) but locking hook thingie still worked good.

Oh! and I just thought of a reason to choose the non petal type over the petal type too. Sometimes when out and about you may want to rest the camera/lens quickly, and some petal hoods have curved front edges on the hood.
So if you just quickly place the lens/camera down on a flat surface it will rock the 'leaning tower of tele zoom lens/camera' and it will most likely topple. The HB-7 flat edged type just sits perfectly flat lens face down. Can be handy sometimes.

01-11-2020, 5:50pm
^That'll teacher to rest your lens on a rock...:p

01-11-2020, 6:32pm
^That'll teacher to rest your lens on a rock...:p

I take exception to that comment.

It implies that I may have the ability to reason, or learn from my mistakes .. which I certainly do not!

Not done a single time! ;)

ps. Tammy lens has this bowed front edge style hood ... you're familiar with the expression .. "tiiiimmmmbbberrrrrrr!" ... as you watch a few $K slowly drifting away from where you thought it was ... :o

09-11-2020, 1:51pm
I was surprised the lens does not come with a hood. I bought mine 2nd hand and with the hood. It isn't a tight fit but that seems systemic to the hood. Still, I haven't lost mine but I have had people return my hood that they have picked up for me ;-)

It is a wonderful lens but with some quirks. Sharp enough at f/2.8 but for me the main issue is the MF-Auto switch and a common problem. Quite easy to fix but a poor design that does not apply enough pressure to lock the clutch - some lenses are worse than others and in some it is due to the poor fixing of the metal clip that applies the pressure - with mine, I made a small pressure pad to assist it in its operation. The tabs can be accessed by removing the focus rubber (just slide it over the zoom ring rather than remove it completely and then lifting the tape used to cover the holes.

If you ever have this issue, my solution is here.


I didn't need to disassemble the lens as it was in great physical condition. This part of the design is hit and miss by seems of things and the soft compression pad worked fine.

Despite its build issues which should have been resolved considering how long it has been in production, it is still a great lens.

10-11-2020, 6:15am
For what I'm using the lens for, im not likely to be using manual focus. So hopefully I don't hit that issue. But if I do I'll keep this info in mind :) Thanks

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