View Full Version : it's been some time

16-06-2020, 7:42pm
It's been a while since I last visited AP, I have a lot of great memories and friends I made here since commencing membership in Jan 2007.

I remember way back when there were few straight horizons on the forum and I bugged members about it and later they became the norm. I petitioned for the Bird Forum to be added to the Nature Forum among other things.

About 8 years ago, I transitioned from a quite prolific photographer shooting almost entirely nature subjects to landscape and urban topics. For various reasons, over the last 2 years, I have barely picked up a camera at all but hope to make a change to that in the coming months as I have booked off 8 weeks LSL and have additional days off planned each month once I return to work. Yippee.

16-06-2020, 10:20pm
Welcome back enduro! It's true that we all go through photographic phases and I too have come back only a month or so ago after a 4 year hiatus. But, its great to return to our roots and remember what it was that bought us here in the first place.

17-06-2020, 5:41am
WB, Enduro. Now there's a name for students of Ancient History :D
Actually, it's only been since 2014 that you last posted. Looking
forward to some of your perspective on things modern :p

17-06-2020, 7:15am
Welcome back. Hope we can keep your photography interest from waning again.

Mary Anne
17-06-2020, 9:48pm
Hello Wayne and Welcome back, will look forward to seeing what you post on the Forums.

Mark L
20-06-2020, 8:23pm
Wondered where you went Wayne. Good luck with getting back into this photography thing.

21-06-2020, 7:37am
Looking Forward to seeing some images !