View Full Version : What 3 Words Can Tell Your Location Anywhere On Earth...

20-05-2020, 5:22pm
...to within a 3m x 3m square.

The App is called "what3words", and here's a location (https://what3words.com/dining.mugs.flat) from it.

So, if somebody asks, "Where on earth are you?" then instead of the rather literary reply:
"I'm at the north-west corner of Market and Castlereagh Streets Sydney", you could instead say:

It rather puts paid to the direction "Ah, you can get lost!", though it might engender some
other choice response from the uninitiated :cool:

It works off-line as well.

23-05-2020, 8:06pm
Interesting, however I could have done better using the Military Grid Referencing System (MGRS}, with a fourteen character code would take you down to a 1 meter square.

24-05-2020, 8:37am
It has been around for several years now. It has been used in Tasmania to rescue people. Recently it was used to rescue a person down a cliff on an Island in Bass Straight.

Interesting, however I could have done better using the Military Grid Referencing System (MGRS}, with a fourteen character code would take you down to a 1 meter square.

The good thing about What3Words is that it is easy for people to just say the three words via comms (mobile phones, or text). Whereas random strings are harder to ensure they are gotten right.