View Full Version : On a roll!

02-04-2020, 1:41pm
Well, my wife always gets a bit creative with cakes on my birthday. This year was no exception
Note that this photo taken by her on her phone and cropped so it is a little small.

The artisic smear of nutella grossed the kids out :lol:


Mary Anne
02-04-2020, 2:04pm
Your Wife is very Artistic.. Gotta laugh at the Nutella Matt :lol:
Sorry your Birthday didn't pop up this year I did look for it under Gazza's but it was not there.

:party6: :party5: Happy Birthday MATT I am sure you had a Great Day :bcake::party5::party6:

02-04-2020, 2:05pm
Ha ha ha...Love it! :D

02-04-2020, 7:55pm
Haha! That great. Very amusing.

03-04-2020, 10:56am
Your Wife is very Artistic.. Gotta laugh at the Nutella Matt :lol:
Sorry your Birthday didn't pop up this year I did look for it under Gazza's but it was not there.

:party6: :party5: Happy Birthday MATT I am sure you had a Great Day :bcake::party5::party6:

Thanks Mary Anne. It was a good day. I did have to work though. But count myself fortunate to still have a job in these unusual times.
My birthday doesn't pop up automatically anymore. It is probably only set to do that for contributors to the forum that post at a certain frequency.
I'm afraid I have not been as regular as I would like in recent years.

John Humpo
03-04-2020, 5:03pm
Bloody hilarious very well done to your wife, I like her sense of humour, we still need to have some fun in these unusual times & Happy Birthday, cheers.

Mark L
06-04-2020, 10:23pm
I'm afraid I have not been as regular as I would like in recent years.

Is that why your wife reminded you of certain things??:)

07-04-2020, 10:35am
Is that why your wife reminded you of certain things??:)

hmm, now that you mention it....:scrtch:

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Bloody hilarious very well done to your wife, I like her sense of humour, we still need to have some fun in these unusual times & Happy Birthday, cheers.

Yes, we definitely need some fun & laughter to offset the doom & gloom. :D

12-04-2020, 11:16pm
Toilet rolls have had a lot of prominence lately. A female friend of ours took a short length of paper and smeared some Vegemite on it and left it on the toilet floor. A little while later her eight year old son came and told her someone had left a mess in the toilet. She went with him to the toilet and when she picked it up and sniffed it her son almost flipped!