View Full Version : COVID-19 Official information thread

16-03-2020, 10:34am
A thread where people can post links to OFFICIAL information on the Corona Virus situation.

FACTS are more important than conjecture.


World Health Organisation daily situation reports can be found here (domestic and world info)

shows infections, deaths and various other stuff.


Official Department of Health COVID-19 Information page

Advice on what to do, and general information.

16-03-2020, 2:57pm

The Dronefather
16-03-2020, 4:44pm
Live Corona Virus stats dashboard:

16-03-2020, 9:42pm
does that site say how to get toilet paper?

17-03-2020, 5:53am
Whilst the passing on of information is good, please also keep in mind the AP site rules:

[30] Requesting/Providing Financial, Medical or Legal Advice on Ausphotography:

Australian Photography is a website with broad topic coverage. However, when it comes to medical, financial and legal advice, it's always recommended to seek advice from a qualified professional, rather than asking about it on Australian Photography. As such, Australian Photography takes no legal responsibility for posts seeking or providing Medical, Financial or Legal advice. Members use any advice provided via Ausphotography at their own risk. The site owner, moderators or members cannot be held liable for any Medical, Financial or Legal advice posted on the site.

17-03-2020, 5:55am
does that site say how to get toilet paper?

It's been placed on the endangered species register. :D

17-03-2020, 6:44am
It's been placed on the endangered species register. :D

So then, only for sale at Chinese wet markets ;)

Can't imagine what recipe they have for it tho!

17-03-2020, 8:02am
Live Corona Virus stats dashboard:

The about states...................I am a high schooler in Washington State, USA. Great site but questionable re accuracy.

17-03-2020, 10:03am
Heard last night Woolworths were going to open 1 hr earlier for old people so we thought we’d try and sneak in.
Got there before they opened and stood beside 2 old people, the security guy looked at us and I said we were the old people’s carers,,,,,,haha fooled him we got away with it, got our panic buy groceries and took off, but no toilet paper,,,,,,bummer.


17-03-2020, 10:17am

The above link requires a bit of a disclaimer, given that it contains a fair bit of advice, but is the work of somebody with no formal medical qualifications. However it has a lot of data that I haven't seen elsewhere and is cogently argued.

- - - Updated - - -

Heard last night Woolworths were going to open 1 hr earlier for old people so we thought we’d try and sneak in.
Got there before they opened and stood beside 2 old people, the security guy looked at us and I said we were the old people’s carers,,,,,,haha fooled him we got away with it, got our panic buy groceries and took off, but no toilet paper,,,,,,bummer.


You didn't seriously do that? Measures like this are designed to assist the elderly with social distancing, given that contact with infected people can have very serious consequences for them.

17-03-2020, 1:37pm
He not only woudda done that, but would have qualified to be in the line in the 1st place.
Al has a turn for the dramatic!

Mary Anne
17-03-2020, 2:26pm
Heard last night Woolworths were going to open 1 hr earlier for old people so we thought we’d try and sneak in.
Got there before they opened and stood beside 2 old people, the security guy looked at us and I said we were the old people’s carers,,,,,,haha fooled him we got away with it, got our panic buy groceries and took off, but no toilet paper,,,,,,bummer.


Is that for real ? As I would have thought you would have been in that old age group :nod:

17-03-2020, 9:35pm
Is that for real ? As I would have thought you would have been in that old age group :nod:
Haha thanks AM and Mary Anne nice to have your support,,,,,Jim I’m only 68 but feels like 68

Old Al

17-03-2020, 10:22pm
Haha thanks AM and Mary Anne nice to have your support,,,,,Jim I’m only 68 but feels like 68

Old Al

Apologies, Al.

18-03-2020, 8:46am
Apologies, Al.
Hey mate absolutely no offence taken and no apology needed unless you can make good with 6 rolls of toilet paper,,,I’ll send you my address.


18-03-2020, 4:59pm
Speaking of toilet paper. A cafe here in Tassie has created a dessert in the shape of a roll of loo paper, surrounded by poo (chocolate).

I do not know if this link will work : https://www.facebook.com/cataractonpaterson/photos/a.543593435728588/2835088569912385/?type=3&theater

18-03-2020, 7:16pm
Speaking of toilet paper. A cafe here in Tassie has created a dessert in the shape of a roll of loo paper, surrounded by poo (chocolate).

I do not know if this link will work : https://www.facebook.com/cataractonpaterson/photos/a.543593435728588/2835088569912385/?type=3&theater
Haha looks like a real $hitty desert.


18-03-2020, 8:21pm
Woolies are opening at 0700 and till 0800 will only admit the elderly and those with disabilities.

Great idea, lots of good publicity for them, but little reward for those it's meant to help. From all reports it's been a shambles to date.

I've been getting by without an immune system for two years, so the threats this virus poses are something I've been dealing with for a while.

Yesterday morning my younger brother, the 76 year old one, decided to take advantage of the offer, and arrived at his local Woolies a bit after 0630. There was already about 100 people there, some obviously having done an overnighter. He estimated that there were around 500 folk there at 0700.

When the door went up it was on for young and old, with the more mobile folk beating the others on walking frames and in wheel- chairs to the aisle with paper products, only to find .............,.,.,.. about 12 packs of loo paper, no paper towels, tissues, sanitiser.

Shelves with rice, pasta, packaged meat and pretty much anything else that you can store or freeze were empty.

I assume Woolies intentions were honourable, but my brother was quite upset by the sight of our elderly (Yeah, I'm well and truly in the category) walking around with a basically empty trolley, and tears in their eyes.

Come on Woolies, you can do better than that, or perhaps Coles, an AU company I think, (used to be at anyrate) can pick up the baton and do the job properly.

Basic things I've been doing are to only order coffee in a takeaway cup, don't use a cup, glass or cutlery that someone else has used. Dishwashers are basically used to remove grime and are not designed to sterilise. On the odd occasion I go to a club or pub these days, I will only drink from a Stubby. If you are a wine drinker take your own glass to dinner with you.

Nobody seems to know just how bad this threat is, but if you use some common sense you can get through it.

Stay safe everyone.

18-03-2020, 10:09pm
I don't want to get in any discussions as they always go bad, but my detest for the human race has sky-rocketed during this whole thing. I will struggle to keep it PG for the sake of this family friendly site, but I struggle to think of a group of people I have ever detested so much (well, apart from hard criminals) as these panic buyers who have turned a terrible situation into something so much worse.

It pains me intensely that common sense is absent in so many humans. Anyone with half an ounce of intelligence can appreciate that if everyone had just shopped how they normally shop we'd all have everything we've always needed, as we always have had. But these horrendous humans have created a situation which never needed to be created if some common, human decency had been shown. But it just seems impossible for so many. And now I can't even buy a bunch of toilet rolls that my family and I genuinely need.

19-03-2020, 4:00am
And, on a lighter note:
I spotted a guy bulk buying cigarettes (About 45 cartons? He must be rich!) Not sure of his long term plans, perhaps he's going to send 'Smoke Signals' if the Mbl Ph. system has a hiccup?

19-03-2020, 5:03am
Great work abusing the system...
I don't think so...

19-03-2020, 5:08am
This thread was started so that quality and official information regarding COVID-19 could be shared. It has deviated from that. Even I have posted stuff that deviated from it's purpose.

The best web based information is in the links in the very first post to the thread.

People are concerned about this virus and it is affecting everyone differently, in how they deal with it. This has lead to what we have seen in society. My best advice if you are stressed about the current situation. Take a 24 hour break from all forms of media.

For now, I am closing this thread.