View Full Version : Back from a long hiatus

31-12-2019, 7:37pm
Hello everyone.
Been off line for a few years... looking forward to getting back into learning.

Mark L
31-12-2019, 8:59pm
Wow, you've been away for a while. Certainly hope it's a good comeback to AP.:th3:
Don't be afraid to comment on why you like others photos as this actually helps you improve how you take your photos.

01-01-2020, 8:16am
Welcome back

01-01-2020, 9:45am
Welcome back, looking forward to seeing you around the forums :th3:

Mary Anne
01-01-2020, 1:10pm
Welcome back Louise, so how was things up in the Northern Hemisphere.
Hopefully you will be able to post some photos on the Forums, so will look forward to them :nod: