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29-12-2019, 8:14am
--- STUPIDLY OBTUSE!!:rolleyes:

That's why they're ministers and we're not :nod:

29-12-2019, 5:32pm
These ‘slips of the tongue’ reveal how this bunch actually see the world. It explains why they think so little of real attempts at coming to terms with our history or serious reconciliation. What an appalling bunch they are.

29-12-2019, 5:57pm
I appreciate your POV, Burma, but I was mainly pointing out what an individual said.
I will generalise, though, that most pollies should get another day job, like digging
ditches . There's just too much populistic mind-slipping that goes on, and UNfortunately,
that is becoming the predominant - and perforce normal - state of affairs. As for the term
"leaders", it can easily apply to anybody who leads you astray. - On any side at all :p

As an aside, have you heard of the term "influencer"? Well, prepare to :vomit1:

- - - Updated - - -

PS: A high profile individual, that is.

30-12-2019, 8:50pm
The born to rule career politicians (or all persuasions) seem to be a cut below those they seek to rule, and it does seem that its getting worse.

A comment like this can only be regarded as a slip of the tongue in that she said what she really thought instead of hiding it

Mark L
30-12-2019, 8:59pm
Another example of why comedians are finding it increasingly hard to do satire these days. :(

31-12-2019, 7:20am
For me, the bigger issue here is why this needs to be a news story at all. Slip of the tongue, whoops, move on. But no, this is 2019 and every single thing that happens on this planet must cause offence to someone.

For the record, I have no idea who this lady is or what she does, nor do I care... but any story that includes something along the lines of “people were quick to take to Twitter with their disgust” has immediately put me off side. ;)

Apologies, one of my immaculately placed hairs fell out of place and now I must pen a formal apology to the Accentuated Bureau Of Correct Hair Maintenance Australia for the offence caused to one of their outraged members. :(

31-12-2019, 7:41am
Some stories are like that, Geoff. That a lot is reported shows some vigilance on the
part of Joe/sephine Public. It was a newsworthy sort of event - a (national) radio

31-12-2019, 1:34pm
For me, the bigger issue here is why this needs to be a news story at all. Slip of the tongue, whoops, move on. But no, this is 2019 and every single thing that happens on this planet must cause offence to someone.

For the record, I have no idea who this lady is or what she does, nor do I care... but any story that includes something along the lines of “people were quick to take to Twitter with their disgust” has immediately put me off side. ;)

Apologies, one of my immaculately placed hairs fell out of place and now I must pen a formal apology to the Accentuated Bureau Of Correct Hair Maintenance Australia for the offence caused to one of their outraged members. :(

She’s the federal environment minister. You may not know or care who she is or what she does, but for those of us who do I think we have the right to expect a little more from a senior cabinet minister.

Mark L
31-12-2019, 7:14pm
She’s the federal environment minister. You may not know or care who she is or what she does, but for those of us who do I think we have the right to expect a little more from a senior cabinet minister.

Mate, the environment didn't happen here until after that Cpt Cook arrived. Our current Environment Minister is speaking to the quite Australians that understand this.
Her quote here is instructive, “ not just animals, but cats and rabbits.”
She's confirmed what I believed that cats and rabbits aren't animals.