View Full Version : SPAM - The Latest Offering from the Sewer...

17-11-2019, 7:51am
In particular, please note the absence of a sender. Now I'm looking for a header parser
because a simple mouse hover over the Sender doesn't work :rolleyes:

From the Sewer...:D

Make that :vomit1:

- - - Updated - - -

Needless to say: I've changed my passwords :rolleyes:

17-11-2019, 2:22pm
The reason I posted this is that it's an odd case of SPOOFING where the sender's address is BLANK!

I have not been able to find an exact reference online. Has anybody seen such before, or know how
to find the name WITHOUT opening the mail and checking the header?

No use trying to ask the ISP, as they want you to forward the email to them :Doh::rolleyes:

17-11-2019, 5:59pm
I got an email recently, apparently sent by myself, demanding I pay a sum of money into a bitcoin A/C and if I didn't, a video of me doing naughty stuff in front of a camera would be sent to everyone in my address book.

Apart from the fact that I don't have a VC I haven't been well enough to even think about naughty stuff for a very long time. A quick google showed it to be a scam doing the rounds.

The low life's email boasted about how they had access to my computer or how else could they have sent me an email with me as the sender? A bit more googling revealed that apparently it is not an impossibility to do that trick.

I ignored the low life scumbag.

Ross the fiddler
17-11-2019, 9:19pm
If you 'block' the sender it will show the real email address before actually blocking it.

18-11-2019, 5:58pm
Ta, Ross. I'll give that a try.

19-11-2019, 5:49pm
Ross. I spent some time looking to see how to implement your good and logical suggestion.
Optus webmail itself had no means to block senders, and the "Yes Crowd" replies simply said
to mark offending mail as Span :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: - I mean, it's already in Spam :rolleyes:

Further searching said that Optus don't particularly give a tuppeny-ha'penny-darn about
trying to block senders, and one effective, but truck-driving-like solution was to re-route
your emails through Gmail first :umm: So I gave up and just deleted the Spam, but if I get
such an un-named message again I will place it into the Inbox and then import it into
Thunderbird (I can't import Spam from Optus webmail into T'bird), and to send it to Gmail
would require effectively opening it. Oh, well :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Ross the fiddler
19-11-2019, 6:18pm
Sorry you have that problem then. We used to have optus mail but it's all microsoft now (except yahoo for forums) which does allow blocking, but then again, I'm not sure if it is actually blocking or just guaranteeing it goes to spam.