View Full Version : Great deal on Sigma TC-1401 for Nikon

29-10-2019, 2:50pm
Been keeping an eye out for a good deal on the Sigma TC-1401 for my two Sport lens when this popped up.


See below for compatibility chart.


At $327.29 including postage, that is well below the best grey market offerings. The vendor, DCXPERT, is C R Kennedy's retail outlet, and as they are the Australian Sigma distributor there will be no problems with warranty.


Oh, and I have no affiliation with Kennedys. I just like to share a GR8 deal when I come across one.

29-10-2019, 3:20pm
Yeah, Crakes are not a bad lot - from my dealings with them - but I got
a 2X version (a few years ago now) for $250 AU.

You're lucky that you'll have the AF function still. I have N:(NE.

29-10-2019, 3:32pm
Yeah, Crakes are not a bad lot - from my dealings with them - but I got
a 2X version (a few years ago now) for $250 AU.

You're lucky that you'll have the AF function still. I have N:(NE.

Hopefully up to f8. :efelant:

29-10-2019, 3:59pm
Actually, which way? Is it really ↑ f/8, or ↓ f/8, even though the chart says "at F8" (sic)?

29-10-2019, 4:15pm
Actually, which way? Is it really ↑ f/8, or ↓ f/8, even though the chart says "at F8" (sic)?

Am, only you would bring the old "f stop conundrum" into the equation where smaller is bigger and bigger is smaller. :lol2:

29-10-2019, 4:32pm
No, not that. I'm wondering if it's from wide open to f/8, or... what?

I'm thinking that's what they must mean, since wide open is f/6.3, but
only at shortest lens extension, and AF seems to "need light" to work.

29-10-2019, 4:51pm
Hopefully I'll be able to do some testing by the end of the week.

This mob is not only cheap but also have expedited delivery.

30-10-2019, 12:17am
I've got the 1401, got it same time as the 150-600mm(why not! easier to do at the time than not too, and end up doing it later anyhow!)

on the 150-600 Sport, it's ok up to 500mm(ie. 750mm), but at 600mm(ie 900mm) not worth the effort that I've yet seen.
Then again I've yet to try it on my monster tripod to see if that helps in any way too.

Also seen some OK results on the Nikon 105VR. Not brilliant, but saves having to crop an image instead.

Now with the nicer weather, If I can remember too, I may get some test shots again if 'ya like.

Oh! ... handheld I think I've yet to get a single image clear(non blurry) out of the Sport + TC.

30-10-2019, 10:04am
Artie, I see you have been adding to the arsenal while I've been MIA. :th3:

Just had a SMS from Startrack that the TC is arriving today. How good is that, free overnight from Melbourne to Morpeth.

Oh! ... handheld I think I've yet to get a single image clear(non blurry) out of the Sport + TC.

Mate, I'm not surprised as that is a fairly unwieldy and heavy combo to hand hold, I'm guessing around 4kg all up. And you went for the Sport too.
I really deliberated long and hard over the 'S' vs 'C' as the serious reviewers didn't see a big diff in image quality, but it was the build quality and weather sealing that mostly tipped the scales in favour of the 'S'. Plus I got a really good deal on the 'S' at the time.

30-10-2019, 10:12am
...Brought to you by the letter "M" :cool:

Can't wait to see some of its action. - And what a bargain: you save on gym equipment :p

30-10-2019, 4:58pm

Mate, I'm not surprised as that is a fairly unwieldy and heavy combo to hand hold, I'm guessing around 4kg all up. And you went for the Sport too.

Yeah, S here.
For me the 4kg isn't the issue so much for hand holding .. it's the front heaviness when zoomed out to 500-600mm focal length where you feel it more.

Up to about 400mm, I don't think it's all that bad in terms of handling.

We got a bit of breeze here today, so any shots I try could be wind affected on the tripod(s).
Done what I needed to organise for now, so maybe in a bit.
My main issue is barely anything to take photos of, other than a huge waste pile from having built the shed a while ago. Lots of tall weeds.
There are a few birdies(of various colours) fighting for supremacy, but they're too hit and miss, and the recent Tawny Frogmouths I had in tree had scooted once the earthworks started on the shed foundations.

30-10-2019, 10:27pm
Good price.

I've been using one this year on my 120-300/2.8 Sport - mainly for rowing.
Been pretty happy with it through the whole zoom range (not that it is a particularly big zoom range I guess)

06-11-2019, 4:38pm
Yeah, S here.
For me the 4kg isn't the issue so much for hand holding .. it's the front heaviness when zoomed out to 500-600mm focal length where you feel it more.

Up to about 400mm, I don't think it's all that bad in terms of handling.

We got a bit of breeze here today, so any shots I try could be wind affected on the tripod(s).
Done what I needed to organise for now, so maybe in a bit.
My main issue is barely anything to take photos of, other than a huge waste pile from having built the shed a while ago. Lots of tall weeds.
There are a few birdies(of various colours) fighting for supremacy, but they're too hit and miss, and the recent Tawny Frogmouths I had in tree had scooted once the earthworks started on the shed foundations.

Got yaself a man cave Artie?

07-11-2019, 8:58am
Got yaself a man cave Artie?

'cave' would imply a large area to house stuff, with the prefix 'man' equally implying that this stuff is related to male type endeavours.
In this instance you'd be correct, except the voluminosity of said cave, doesn't allow mans stuff and said man to coexist concurrently.

I have Cold Chisel's song ... "standing on the outside" ...(looking in).... stuck in my head everytime I try to enter it!

I think I needed a 100m x 100m sized 'mancave' ... looking at it now with only 1/2 my flotsam contained therein, 8x5m looks a tad insufficient.
