View Full Version : Q: What's the Time...?

26-10-2019, 1:13pm
A: Wouldn't have a clue!:confused013 :rolleyes:

That's about it, anyway. "Of late" the phone connected to the NBN has been
losing time/resetting to some standard time. It's a Telstra model 12850, with
base station and (now, after one lost) two walkabout handsets.

No matter HOW MANY times I fix it up, it soon goes back to... - somewhere in 2011 :confused013

At first I thought it was the batteries, but even though they're old, they stay fully
charged and seem to work OK. I remember (pre-NBN), even after a flat battery, I have
never had to re-set the time.

After it re-sets to the 2011 time, it then seems to "keep time" OK :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Has anyone else had this problem? Do you know what causes it?

I Like to Watch
26-10-2019, 2:00pm
I work at a Retirement Village where one of the Residents had the time reset on his phone every time he answered a call.

Turned out to be a setting in the handset that chose to set time via "Caller ID". Once I changed this to 'manual' it was ok. This was a Panasonic model.

26-10-2019, 2:59pm
That's interesting, ILTW. I've been into the menus and don't have such options - that I know of, but I will
look further.


I Like to Watch
26-10-2019, 4:58pm
Doing a brief search on 'Google', you may not have this option in the Telstra handset you nominated. The Panasonic handset I referred to allowed the choice of manual setting or Network setting. Yours appears to be Network Setting only.

TROUBLESHOOTING - I set my time on my cordless phone and when someone calls me the time changes to the wrong time. How do I stop this? What is happening is by default your phone uses what is known as the Caller ID information to obtain the time. So when someone calls you your phone, it is being given the time that is being used by the phone exchange of the phone provider.

If you wish to avoid this from happening you need to change the time settings in your phone from "Caller ID" to "manual".

Go to Menu->Time Settings->Time Adjust. Change from Caller ID to Manual.


I guess a simple test is if you can disable caller ID and see if the time still gets overwritten on incoming calls. Unfortunately, this would not be the permanent solution you would want to go with and may have to get a different handset.

26-10-2019, 5:09pm
Ta, ILTW. I also did a search and... - guess what? - I reached the same conclusion :( and :rolleyes::rolleyes:

What a croak of shorts we're lumbered with using the NBN. It nevva happened on the Cu/cable network.

27-10-2019, 10:20am
Damn! .. here was I expecting a wolf! (or maybe a German male surname Wolf .. or something) :D

Seems to be an issue with subscription to Telstras' Calling Number service.
If you deactivate that and set time manually? :confused013

27-10-2019, 11:51am
Optus calling ID as well, AK. Nah, I won't bovver, as Caller ID is more important than time.
Just CARP :rolleyes::rolleyes:!! for this stage of human development. /Cough! /Cough!