View Full Version : Do you keep all your original boxes?

28-09-2019, 11:52am
I have a huge pile of boxes, all in pristine condition, and one for every lens, camera or accessory that I own. The pile is getting to be ridiculous.

Do others keep all of their original boxes for the day when they might sell their equipment and want to re-box them nicely? Or am I just totally obsessive and a hoarder (not that these two options are mutually exclusive).

28-09-2019, 12:55pm
I keep my boxes. Love boxes. It's a bit of a family joke.

28-09-2019, 1:59pm
I just tear off the end flaps that have the lens description, model, serial number, etc. and put the remainder in the recycling bin.

I then keep the end flaps in an A5 ring binder for reference.



John King
28-09-2019, 3:19pm
Bob, I also keep mine. Tend to pack all the 'related' ones into a carton with the receipts, then up in a high cupboard somewhere.

Bear Dale
28-09-2019, 4:20pm
Yes, I do.


28-09-2019, 4:21pm
Do others keep all of their original boxes...[?]

Why do you ask :o:o:o ?

I was thinking of moving to Box Hill :eek:

28-09-2019, 5:15pm
I used to keep them all. Then we put our house on the market last year and had to declutter. Can't say that I miss them.

28-09-2019, 6:00pm
Phew! At least I'm not the only one! I'm trying to de-clutter, and I haven't ever actually sold a pre-owned camera so I'm not sure why I keep all the boxes - but I have heaps!!! Maybe I need to bite the bullet and get rid of them. That idea of just keeping the info flap sounds a good compromise.

I just managed to sell all of my rifles, having not shot any of them in 30 years!!!

It's either get rid of stuff or find a bigger house! :eek:

28-09-2019, 6:10pm
Fix cluttering in one hit: - Don't call it clutter :p:p:nod:

29-09-2019, 6:07am
I do too. Living in a regional area we don't have any camera repair businesses nearby so was glad I had the original box when I recently had to send a lens to Brisbane for repair. Made packing and posting it so much easier. Luckily I have two couches in our rumpus room which have storage under and they all live there out of sight.

29-09-2019, 6:26am
Guilty your honour - :nod:

29-09-2019, 7:34am
Yes another guilty partner, I also have all the boxes for anything electronic I’ve bought up in the attic. I think when selling having the original packaging is a plus. :scrtch:

Mary Anne
29-09-2019, 9:00am
Same Here :nod:

29-09-2019, 9:53am
Boxes. - All shapes and sizes...

--Includes boxes made for special hoarders:p

29-09-2019, 10:23am
Boxes. - All shapes and sizes...

--Includes boxes made for special hoarders:p

I actually have boxes on eBay at the moment! 90 of them ... brand new - half price ...... get 'em while they're hot! :nod: Part of my clutter is boxes .... how good is that! I should put all my clutter in those boxes .....

29-09-2019, 10:27am
Why do you ask :o:o:o ?

I was thinking of moving to Box Hill :eek:

My dad lives in Box Hill .. but we chucked all the boxes when we moved him there.

I keep all my lens boxes(that I got), but chuck the accessory boxes(remotes, GPSes, etc).

Always handy to keep packaging for lenses where possible.
Only lens boxes I've recycled(bin) have been the cheapo, plain white non manufacturer marked Nikon kit lens boxes(18-105 and 18-140).
No protective interior packing other than the template that held the lenses tightly ... pretty much useless.

Have a look on any retail site and lenses in original boxes are usually worth more than without the packaging. Especially true of vintage lenses.

I think if you can manage to find the space to keep, better to do so.

29-09-2019, 11:03am
I'm a keeper.

I reckon there is a 10% bonus on the selling price, if you want to move the item on.

If I'm looking for second hand stuff I generally bypass anything without original packaging.

29-09-2019, 11:08am

If I'm looking for second hand stuff I generally bypass anything without original packaging.


I generally don't(do that), but I think the implication or subliminal message there, is that if the person selling has gone to the trouble to hold onto the packaging, they're going to be more mindful, careful ... etc.
So you're more likely to trust that the condition of the lens(or device) is going to be a level higher.

29-09-2019, 11:19am

I generally don't(do that), but I think the implication or subliminal message there, is that if the person selling has gone to the trouble to hold onto the packaging, they're going to be more mindful, careful ... etc.
So you're more likely to trust that the condition of the lens(or device) is going to be a level higher.

That's my way of thinking and it's worked out OK to date with no nasty surprises with used gear in original boxes.

29-09-2019, 12:36pm
If I'm looking for second hand stuff I generally bypass anything without original packaging.

You're probably not alone ... but does that makes us a bunch of dills? Hanging on to a box shouldn't have any bearing on the value of the item. We might have treated a camera really badly while keeping its box in pristine condition in a cupboard.

I guess I'll find out shortly ... I just listed a lens on ebay that I bought second hand and never had a box for! :lol:

29-09-2019, 12:44pm
... Hanging on to a box shouldn't have any bearing on the value of the item...

But hanging onto your ears after they have been boxed shows you value those items :eek: :p:p

Ross M
29-09-2019, 2:57pm
I keep boxes at least for for the warranty period if the item is bought new. I also keep them for my cameras and lenses in case I sell them in the future, due to their value. For some items, I tear off a box panel for the info. I am a bit of a hoarder and need to seriously address that, but in situations where there are practical reasons, I'll find the space.

30-09-2019, 10:05am

30-09-2019, 11:08am
Do I keep all my boxes. Sure do!

Here is a picture of them: http://thecambridgelife.org/index.php/2018/09/10/cambridge-joins-recycle-right-campaign/recycling-warehouse/

30-09-2019, 11:16am
Do I keep all my boxes. Sure do!

Here is a picture of them: http://thecambridgelife.org/index.php/2018/09/10/cambridge-joins-recycle-right-campaign/recycling-warehouse/

So much like my spare room it's uncanny. :D

30-09-2019, 11:52am
You're alive!...gosh, I thought food may've been scarce with this drought you were fading away :D

Mary Anne
30-09-2019, 12:11pm
You're alive!...gosh, I thought food may've been scarce with this drought you were fading away :D

Me too :nod:

30-09-2019, 10:56pm
I keep my boxes since it makes alot of stuff easy from resell to moving aswell as keeping the bits and bobs inside the right box.

From my old graphics card for my pc to a fishing reel box i have it, plus i use them for decoration so my wall isnt blank.

14-10-2019, 4:25pm
You're probably not alone ... but does that makes us a bunch of dills? Hanging on to a box shouldn't have any bearing on the value of the item. We might have treated a camera really badly while keeping its box in pristine condition in a cupboard.

I guess I'll find out shortly ... I just listed a lens on ebay that I bought second hand and never had a box for! :lol:

I'm also about to test the theory again. I've just hit the fleabay 'BUY' button for a low mileage (about 5000 clicks) D810 with original box and all the plastic packing.

I've been wanting to replace my D800 for a while and hope the D810 doesn't have the 'noise' problems the D800 did at ISO800 and above.

Fingers crossed for both.

Oh, and since I've been butchers and off the grog and the fags, it's amazing how I seem to have some spare readies.

14-10-2019, 4:52pm
Oh, and since I've been butchers and off the grog and the fags, it's amazing how I seem to have some spare readies.

Very sensible. One of my extended family members just had a massive heart attack due to smoking and grog. He's lucky to be alive! He's only 60's.

14-10-2019, 6:07pm

Oh, and since I've been butchers and off the grog and the fags, it's amazing how I seem to have some spare readies.

Should have had enough for two new D850's by now then!
(one for yourself and one for myself of course!)

And I suspect once I'm off the rollies myself .. probably enough for a Noct Z ... one per year!


14-10-2019, 7:41pm
Should have had enough for two new D850's by now then!
(one for yourself and one for myself of course!)

And I suspect once I'm off the rollies myself .. probably enough for a Noct Z ... one per year!


Wasn't a big drinker or a heavy smoker so I'm quite happy with a MINT (that's what the ad said and eBay sellers never lie, do they ???) D810 with 5K clicks AND a new Siggy 70-200 f2.8.

I'm now saving up to send the D600 to the States to get the Astro conversion done.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and Artie, you'll have to upgrade the E to at least a D850

15-10-2019, 11:16pm
Wasn't a big drinker or a heavy smoker so I'm quite happy with a MINT (that's what the ad said and eBay sellers never lie, do they ???) D810 with 5K clicks AND a new Siggy 70-200 f2.8.

I'm now saving up to send the D600 to the States to get the Astro conversion done.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and Artie, you'll have to upgrade the E to at least a D850

I'm a bit out of touch Artie mate, seems you'll need a system switch.

16-10-2019, 12:34pm
Well my D810 arrived today and the theory that box keepers are also fastidious gear carers was proven once again.

The ad said 'Mint' condition, and if I'd been opening a new camera box I wouldn't have had any thought that it wasn't new . It shows virtually no signs of use other than an almost invisible mark on the base from mounting/demounting a plate.

I've done a test shot to check the shutter count, was stated in the ad as 5000, and it came up as 4122.

One happy little camper here. :efelant: :party7: :jumping11: