View Full Version : This seems like the right forum 'coz I've been OOF for a while

28-09-2019, 10:38am
A few months back I was having a lot of trouble with glare and came to the conclusion that I may have cataracts.

A quick trip to the Optometrist confirmed my suspicions and I set about having the problem sorted.

I had the first removed on Thursday and when the dressing came off on Friday morning I had an OMG moment. :eek: I didn't realise just how bad my eyesight had become, although I got a clue when I was having trouble reading the camera viewfinder info.

Anyway I'm now looking at a brand new world, literally. I can now read the drop-downs on the computer, don't have to crank the web pages up to 400% to read them and I nearly fainted when I turned the TV on and saw the pores in people's skin.

Have to take it easy with the eye for the next 3-4 weeks and then I'll be able to try out my new Siggy 70-200.

Happy Days .

28-09-2019, 11:05am
That good news. - Isn't it great!?:nod:

28-09-2019, 12:09pm
That good news. - Isn't it great!?:nod:

Am, when I cover the eye that has been done I'm gobsmacked with just how bad my eyesight was, and still is, in the eye to be done next. I wonder how I managed to get around.

John King
28-09-2019, 3:55pm
Wonderful news, Kev ... :nod: :D .

28-09-2019, 6:42pm
Wonderful news, Kev ... :nod: :D .

Cheers John.

It's like I'm seeing everything for the first time.

John King
28-09-2019, 7:08pm
That's really lovely, Kev. I am fortunately still blessed with excellent eyesight. Not as good as it used to be, but at least it works much better than the rest of me! I hate the idea of ever losing my eyesight, so sympathize with your loss, and rejoice at your recovery.

29-09-2019, 6:09am
Glad to hear Kev. Sight is definitely the one sense I would hate to have to do without.