View Full Version : Mobile phones under $300

Mark L
15-09-2019, 8:53pm
My better half needs a new phone. Only needs to be running 5 or 6 apps. Camera not really important.
Looking at the Oppo AX5 ATM. Seems okay and can buy for $249.
I know it's kind of needle in haystack stuff but any thoughts?

16-09-2019, 6:02am
Although it looks OK on paper, (https://www.gsmarena.com/oppo_a5_(ax5)-9259.php) with its dual-SIM capability for its price, there are
some basic laments about it. (https://www.gsmarena.com/oppo_a5_(ax5)-reviews-9259.php) Check out some more reviews, though.

Likely, the dual SIM slot doubles as a memory expansion slot, so if you need the
dual-SIM capability, make sure you get the version with 64GB internal memory.

Mary Anne
16-09-2019, 8:16am
Mark, on my Birthday this year we got my Hubby a OPPO A3s mobile $249.

It was either that or give him my iPhone and get myself a new one for my Birthday that we could not afford and I did not want.
Tony always gets my old iPhones and the iPhone 4s was having bad sound problems its was old, so we went and got him that OPPO one.
My daughter loves it and between us and another wonderful friend I have, all the Apps he wanted were installed and plus three weather ones :nod:
He is not tech savvy and I get utter delight when he tells me what the weather is going to be on the three apps, and asks why is there so much difference.
As if I know :rolleyes:

The big screen is easy to read, it has long Battery life he never turns it off though does not use it much either.
He does a lot of Googling though via the Microphone he reckons his fingers are too large for the typing His excuse :D
And is very Happy with his one. I have taken a few photos with it, its OK and dont expect Miracles.

Its a phone that you can make phone calls on and texts and Google and that all many people need.

Forgot to mention that it came with a flexible clear back body cover and had a screen protector on it..

16-09-2019, 9:04am
I always get my phones “free.”

Kind of, but I always just get a phone plan with a phone. The way I figure it, I’m going to be paying to use it anyway, so why pay for it, and then pay to use it too, when you can just pay to use it without buying it too? ;)

I understand this is not always preferred for people who don’t use phones much, but there are cheaper plans to cater to this too.

Anyway, I don’t know anything about phones, but that’s my tip for the day. :)

16-09-2019, 10:02am
I can highly recommend both LG and Motorola cheap phones.
Had a friend at work had an OPPO(can't remember model), but it worked well.

LG K8 or K9 both under $200(unlocked, outright buy) .. good phones.
(unless you're a mad gamer!).

Motorola E4, under $200.

Samsung A20 also seems like half decent value too: nice large(easy to read) 6.4" screen.

One thing I've always found with these types of phones .. connectivity!
Mainly bluetooth for me, but even wifi sometimes.
Only phone I've never had issues with in terms of connectivity both bluetooth and wifi have been Samsung.
All other phones I've had(and still have) LG, Huawei, Motorola .. can't remember them all .. they all have some issues with their connections at the most inappropriate moment! :rolleyes:
They work fine a lot of the time, but every now and then they'll glitch.

I used to be a heavy user of bluetooth when I was driving trucks(had too!) so needed the Bt to be solid when communicating with depot.
Only Samsung phones "just work" .. never had issues ever!

I got myself a wifi connected action cam(Nikon 360° thing), only way to really operate it is via wifi on another device(ie. mainly phone, can use PC .. but phone is easier).
With my LG, the connection is OK. Connects, but then drops the connection randomly with no way to know it, other than you can't do anything.
Just need to reconnect again.
Tried on my Huwawei(nice big 6.2" screen!) .. hopeless. May have connected once in about 10 tries. Only way to describe it is hopeless.

Got my Galaxy 8+ back in Feb. Has never had an issue connecting to the 360°. Always connects first go every go.

Over the years, I've had similar experiences with connecting to other connectables(wifi, bt etc.)

16-09-2019, 2:12pm
I picked up the Oppo AX5s a few weeks back (after killing my iPhone with sand) and haven't been happier.

Nice and fast, large clear screen and the ability to do split screen apps.

Highly recommended :th3: