View Full Version : Rare, 'Dalmation-like' spotted magpie photographed beside Victorian road

Bear Dale
13-09-2019, 9:51pm
Rare, 'Dalmation-like' spotted magpie photographed beside Victorian road


14-09-2019, 11:11am
I heard they're often spotted in pretty large flocks!:nod: This one's alone, so maybe
there were 100 more nearby :confused013 :p

Mary Anne
14-09-2019, 1:23pm
Dalmatians Have Spots, so that person got it wrong for a start, reckon it a kin to This One (https://minepuppy.com/breed/australian-cattle/ )
Or perhaps it flew over the Ocean and it's a New Zealand Pied Dappled Magpie, you never know do Ya.
Then again it could be a Melanistic and Albino Bird in one package, if that is possible as I don't know a lot about that kind of thing Nature does.