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08-09-2019, 6:04am


--Must say, I haven't had any for a while, and now...:rolleyes:
But I'm not :eek:

08-09-2019, 10:05am
Must be from your optusnet web mail account? That should get blocked before it gets to your PC.

08-09-2019, 10:14am
Yes, it's from the Spam folder there. I have a bit of a :lol: and a :rolleyes: before I subject them to
blanket wiping. I used to get up to 10/day, but now they average out to about half of one a day.

I think my name is mud in Spamada and they've mostly given up.:D

08-09-2019, 9:02pm
Dear Abby. My friend Nicole from Telstra rings me quite often (she sounds like she's on drugs). She's been telling me for months now that my internet will be disconnected if I don't ring them back immediately. Should I be concerned? Perhaps not ......;)

I can't afford the time to call her back because I'm too busy wondering which of the young ladies who want me I should contact first! Their emails are so tempting, but I'm afraid their poor spelling turns me off a bit.

09-09-2019, 8:06am
That would be the virus that Windows Security keeps ringing me about. Don't worry, I've had it for months and my computer's still working! :p

09-09-2019, 8:24am
I must say (:)-ily) that I've never had such a call. I dunno what I'd do if I ever did get one.
- :lol: :( :devil1: ... ... ?

09-09-2019, 8:55am
I must say (:)-ily) that I've never had such a call. I dunno what I'd do if I ever did get one.
- :lol: :( :devil1: ... ... ?

I sometimes play along with them - just to waste their time. They lead you through various Windows settings until you get to something that has an error message (normal for Windows) and then they try to get you to download software to "fix" it. I pretend I'm doing everything they ask and act dumb (some would say it's not an act). I always stay within my own knowledge base and never actually change anything - I just give them enough feedback to make them think I'm hooked. Then when i get bored, I tell them that I've just been playing with them and it really p's them off!

One of them told me he wanted to kill me !!! I take that as a win.

09-09-2019, 9:04am
Yeah, really!! - That happened to someone I know (and I heard the recording) but
it was something to do with a "tax" scam. It was duly reported.

09-09-2019, 5:26pm
The two things I used to do:

1/. learn a few basic Linux/Unix commands.
When they ask you to do this-> got there-> navigate to this area on your PC .. they ask you for the output.

You describe to them .. <insert gobbeldygook> .. they get frustrated, telling you you did something wrong.
If there were legit 'hackers' they'd know just the basics of some Linux commands.

They ask you to "go <here>, what do you see?"
I'll say, it says "rm -r password" (this in Linux is to remove a file named password).
They'll say "you did something wrong", I'll say "I did what you said, this is what the screen is now saying"
Then I'll saying something like .. "it says do you really want to delete the password file?"
They hear the word "password" and it kind'a hooks them in .. give you more time to waste their time.
Then when you're tired of it, tell them .. OH! .. I don't use Windows, I use RedHat... or whatever obscure Linux distribution or something.
Drives them nuts!

2/. answer phone. Tell them to "hang on .. I'm just cooking some dinner, I' have to turn down the heat".
Take phone into kitchen, on loudspeaker .. and just make noise in kitchen.
Clang pots and pans .. etc. They can hear you clanging pots and making all manner of noise .. they usually give up after a couple of mins.

I've had one idiot on the phone for about 15mins at mum and dads house .. about 10 of us around the table listening and chatting incoherently while this stooge kept trying to get my attention.

... "Hello? ... Hellooo? Hello sir! ... Sir! Hello. "

You'd have thought after a couple mins, he'd have given up. 15mins. A good laugh! :D