View Full Version : Making a watermark

02-09-2019, 9:06am
Hi All

There seems to be a lot of posts about whether or not to have a watermark, but I cannot find one that talks about the design choices that went into the specific watermark people use.
I would love to hear peoples process on what brought them to their current watermark, what they like or don't like about it and if they are continually evolving it. Also has anyone used a paid service for making a watermark?

My current watermark is below (current being second attempt in my 2 week watermarking journey), I like the signature style watermark even if it is getting a little overused nowadays, however i struggled to get to even this point with my handwriting, and i don't like the photography part font.


02-09-2019, 10:16am
Hi All

...i struggled to get to even this point with my handwriting, and i don't like the photography part font...

:oops: - Lucky I read this before replying that I think your handwriting looks distinguished and the
art deco font is cool. So now what am I going to say :confused013 Well, I can't help you much for the rest
as I don't use watermarks, myself:o

02-09-2019, 3:05pm
Depending on where I am sharing a photo, I will watermark it the majority of the time.

I made several attempts at creating one and then gave up, before paying to have mine made.

I did have a basic idea of what I wanted when getting mine done, I pointed them to an example that I liked and they customised to suit.

Have several different versions, but the main text is the same, just the smaller text changes, sometimes nothing, other times I use one with my portfolio link on.


Mark L
02-09-2019, 8:45pm
I think the above watermark dominates and detracts from the photo. It's more about Andrew than the bird. So
you have to be careful about watermarks. I guess you need to consider what a watermark means for you. Are you trying to advertise yourself somewhere. I mostly post my photos here on AP and share with friends and thus don't think watermarking is really important.

02-09-2019, 8:56pm
I think the above watermark dominates and detracts from the photo. It's more about Andrew than the bird.

Correct.... as OP has asked about the design/making of watermarks, it would necessarily follow that said photo would be geared towards the display of a watermark and that a photo (random one in this case) would be of secondary concern.

03-09-2019, 6:02am
For me, choice of font tends to be paramount. I also make two versions once I have got my watermark how I want it. A white one and a black one. A white watermark on a high key photo is often quite indecipherable.

What I think makes a good watermark is irrelevant. Because everyone's watermarks would look like mine, if my opinion was really that important. As long as you are happy with it, that is all that matters.

I think the signature style is good, After all it has been common for hundreds, if not thousands of years, that people signed their Art.

03-09-2019, 6:46am
Thanks everyone. I will keep refining mine until I have something I'm really happy with.

Bear Dale
03-09-2019, 7:24am
Your water mark looks very elegant Andrew.

09-09-2019, 8:19pm
Ok, i think im finally happy.
I just need to make it into a vector and clean up a little bit of where the characters cross

09-09-2019, 11:43pm
Ok, i think im finally happy.
I just need to make it into a vector and clean up a little bit of where the characters cross

Comes up as an invalid attachment :o

10-09-2019, 9:05pm
story of my life :(

11-09-2019, 4:58am
I'm sold! - When can you start?:tog::D

11-09-2019, 1:27pm
Fantastic looking watermark, well done :th3:

Bear Dale
11-09-2019, 2:17pm
Very elegant looking!