View Full Version : How old are you?

Bear Dale
12-08-2019, 11:55am
Hold old are you?

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P.s voting is private :)

12-08-2019, 11:56am
I'm not old, I've just lived a long time.

Bear Dale
12-08-2019, 11:58am
I'm not old, I've just lived a long time.


12-08-2019, 1:28pm
75 going on 16

Bear Dale
12-08-2019, 1:38pm
75 going on 16


John King
12-08-2019, 2:03pm
I'm old AND buggered ...

The wonders of modern medical science and great care from all my medicos/hospitals keeps me alive.

12-08-2019, 5:03pm
Is old enough to know better an age :D
Just cracked 50, but as I like to say I'm 18 with 32 years experience.:lol:

12-08-2019, 5:09pm
74 years young, I don't do old. How can some one be 6 years OLD, and someone be 74 years OLD, doesn't make sense.


12-08-2019, 6:07pm
I am starting to forget things... So I might have answered incorrectly

John King
12-08-2019, 6:42pm
I am starting to forget things... So I might have answered incorrectly

Who are you again ... ? :lol:

12-08-2019, 6:54pm
When I was a kid we had the dunny cart come every Monday morning, so that makes me old.


12-08-2019, 7:09pm
I'm very glad I'm not as old as I feel !!! :nod:

I reckon I'm getting close to my "Use By" date, and waaaaay past my "Best Before" date.

Bear Dale
12-08-2019, 7:28pm
I know only 8 of us have voted, but it looks like we are an aging demographic.

12-08-2019, 8:05pm
When I was a kid we had the dunny cart come every Monday morning, so that makes me old.


Get it to come around on Mondays still. - That'll make you nostalgic :p:p:p

Bear. I'm not saying, but I turned... (Oh, I forgot; I'm not saying :D)

Mark L
12-08-2019, 10:24pm
Hold old are you?

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P.s voting is private :)

Why are you asking??

13-08-2019, 6:11am
I know only 8 of us have voted, but it looks like we are an aging demographic.

Or only the older ones of us have bothered to vote, the younger ones have things to do, places to go, people to see, photos to take..and aren't really interested in how old we all are. Now.. where are my slippers.

Bear Dale
13-08-2019, 7:31am
Or only the older ones of us have bothered to vote, the younger ones have things to do, places to go, people to see, photos to take..and aren't really interested in how old we all are. Now.. where are my slippers.

With their iPhones for Instagram, Facebook etc :)

13-08-2019, 8:29am
Bear. I'm not saying, but I turned... (Oh, I forgot; I'm not saying :D)

Memory is one of the first things to go .... can't remember what the others are.

Nick Cliff
13-08-2019, 8:39am
Triple 21st birthday in 6 months:)

13-08-2019, 9:12am
Triple 21st birthday in 6 months:)

.... another youngster. Back to your iPhone! :rolleyes:

Bear Dale
13-08-2019, 11:10am
Memory is one of the first things to go .... can't remember what the others are.

I'm just happy that computers now say "Type in password" its so easy to remember and even if you forget they always remind you its "password".

13-08-2019, 11:10am
36, but some days feel more like 90 :(

13-08-2019, 5:07pm
I’m with Ross - I don’t do old.
The number is 75 - means nothing.

John King
13-08-2019, 5:16pm
I've got no choice ...

I look about 50 something (causes problems with my Category A disabled sticker!).

Actually early 70s.

Usually feel about 102 ...

More 'invisible' health problems than I care to enumerate. Now it appears that I need a hip replacement ...

Can't complain. I should have died at around 7 months old ... :nod:.

Bear Dale
14-08-2019, 10:49am
Interesting results, I bought my first SLR (I must be getting Alzheimers because I can't remember the name, pretty sure it was Russian?) when I was 18 and I suspect a lot of us got into photography early and bought bodies and lenses when we got our first jobs and had some surplus $$$ to spare.

With the iPhone generation, I wonder how enticing a ILC is to that generation now?

I think more photos get taken everyday now than ever before, but not via what we deem the gear that we are used to?

Probably just being an old fuddy duddy :) but looks like I'm in great company :)

Mark L
14-08-2019, 9:18pm
Interesting results, I bought my first SLR (I must be getting Alzheimers because I can't remember the name, pretty sure it was Russian?) ....
My first SLR like yours I suspect was a Zenit. A great camera to learn the photographic basics with. And then in the end it fell apart. It served it's propose though.

Bear Dale
14-08-2019, 10:21pm
My first SLR like yours I suspect was a Zenit. A great camera to learn the photographic basics with. And then in the end it fell apart. It served it's propose though.

Yes, a Zenit. It eventually got difficult to wind the film and started a lot of internal grinding.

Next I had a Praktica, then a Konica and my last film camera was a Canon AE1-Program.

15-08-2019, 10:12pm
Just squeezed into the 31-40 category, which I couldn't help but notice was the youngest category with any votes. Don't I feel young?!

Until next year when I have to tick the 41+ box. :(

Thankfully, though, I don't think too much has changed since my 20's... I don't think? Maybe a bit less hair. :(

15-08-2019, 10:24pm
Just squeezed into the 31-40 category, which I couldn't help but notice was the youngest category with any votes. Don't I feel young?!

Trust me - 40 is young. It's all downhill from there, so wave goodbye to "young" soon and join us on the slippery slope to oblivion! :D

Of course we older ones have that elusive quality known as "wisdom" ....... that quality which we claim as a replacement for good looks, clean skin and healthy bodies. :eek:

15-08-2019, 10:42pm
24 for those wondering or 24 with the body of a 50 year old i make that much noise.

also just a tip: never use password as your password since if you do and someone gets ahold of your email its the first thing they try aswell as qwerty or 123456789 also some fun statistics on that 3 MILLION people used password, 12345 was 23.2 MILLION and 123456789 was 7.7 MILLION

15-08-2019, 11:44pm
Just squeezed into the 31-40 category, which I couldn't help but notice was the youngest category with any votes. Don't I feel young?!

Until next year when I have to tick the 41+ box. :(

Thankfully, though, I don't think too much has changed since my 20's... I don't think? Maybe a bit less hair. :(

I just noticed someone picked the 21-30 box since my post. Now, I feel ancient.

17-08-2019, 4:20pm
I just noticed someone picked the 21-30 box since my post. Now, I feel ancient.

im sorry :P

17-08-2019, 5:04pm
57 but my hair's been grey since my 20's so when people from my past catch up with me they tell me I've hardly changed. Except that I was 10 stone wringing wet back then. A bit more padding these days. Ah well, another beer will help me forget about that.

22-08-2019, 8:00pm
you know there are 2 signs of old age. The 1st is that you start to forget things. The second is.... um... er... now what was I talking about?

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I think more photos get taken everyday now than ever before

And an awful lot of those are simply awful! (including lots of mine that get deleted :lol:)

22-08-2019, 9:11pm
And an awful lot of those are simply awful! (including lots of mine that get deleted :lol:)

Yeah ... but we can take so many more now that by the law of averages we end up with more keepers! (That's my story and I'm sticking to it). :nod:

22-08-2019, 9:36pm
Yeah ... but we can take so many more now that by the law of averages we end up with more keepers! (That's my story and I'm sticking to it). :nod:

You're spot on there Bob. :nod::th3: The people who (only) see our keepers don't realize just how full our trash folder gets :D

25-08-2019, 12:37am
I work in several age brackets.
Starting from top down.

Brain 18 yrs old

Shoulders 45 ish

Back is like a teenager (Never shuts up)

Both stomachs well fed and 50

Bum still in the same place it started

Both stomachs in the way so I don't know any more

Right knee soon to get a letter from the Queen.

Left knee 30 and wanting a pay rise for all the extra work it having to do.

And it only took 57 1/2 yrs to get it that way.