View Full Version : What Were You Doing 50 Years Ago - During the Apollo 11 Landing?

19-07-2019, 9:21am
OK, I'll start...
I was a teenager, glued enrapt to a black-and-white TV screen, soaking up every nuanced moment of it. :D

John King
19-07-2019, 9:35am
Stuck in Coffs Harbour, waiting for a replacement for the broken crankshaft in my (hot) Morris 1100 ...

19-07-2019, 9:43am
^Well, I suppose the courier was watching the moon landing:p:p

19-07-2019, 9:44am
We didn't have a TV back in those days, so I viewed the landing and 1st moon walk at a neighbours' house on their B&W TV in the wee hours of the morning (England).

Stupendous achievement and enthralling vision.:)



19-07-2019, 9:50am
It sure was, even for their "ghostly images", which I heard was done on purpose to suit the
limited bandwidth they had for transmission.

19-07-2019, 2:57pm
out in a shearing shed back of somewhere in NSW

19-07-2019, 5:00pm
We also didn't have a TV, but I listened to quite a bit of it on the radio. Both at home and at school. Aged 7 I had the essential facts, but not sure how much I understood of what was going on, I recall I was slightly mystified but somewhat enthralled.

19-07-2019, 5:06pm
being pushed out........... from my mother:lol:

19-07-2019, 7:24pm
I was 4 months old, apparently I watched the moon landing with mum on our borrowed TV.

Mark L
21-07-2019, 10:40pm
being pushed out........... from my mother:lol:

and no doubt she was over the moon about this.
And then ........ :)

22-07-2019, 6:49am
Totally ignorant of the current proceedings of the time, very likely engrossed in my own little world playing with my toys of the time .. I was 3.
Strange but true fact .. in 50 years, nothing much has changed! :p

It sure was, even for their "ghostly images", which I heard was done on purpose to suit the
limited bandwidth they had for transmission.
Yeah, TV footage was 10fps, they had something like 700kb/s to play with, and video took up half of that.

Another common misconception was that the actual first moon steps were received by Parkes(dish), but in fact it was the smaller dish at Honeysuckle Creek that captured the transmission and relayed it to the world.
Issues with Parkes(weather, and angle of dish) so the Canberran dish was used for the actual footsteps, and once Parkes was more stable reverted back there again for better reception.

22-07-2019, 7:28am
I was a 16 YO at college , they let us have time off to watch in the lecture theatre. Fantastic to have had the priviledge to watch those moments.

22-07-2019, 9:31am
being pushed out........... from my mother:lol:

does that mean birthday greetings are in order?

22-07-2019, 5:31pm
I was in Grade Three. The nuns at St Mary's Convent Ipswich obviously wanted to watch back at the nunnery, so we all got sent home. I remember seeing grainy images with my large family but a real sense of excitement and achievement. People younger than me would probably struggle to remember much about it at all. It's not a really distinct memory of mine.

22-07-2019, 5:44pm
I was in Grade 2 at school. We watched it on the school tv. Still remember part of it. Amazing feat 50 years ago, still an amazing feat if done now

22-07-2019, 5:55pm
I was in grade 6. From my memories of Primary School the Headmaster did the only good thing that I can ever remember him doing and brought his TV into the classroom. It seemed to take forever for Neil Armstrong to come down the ladder but it will be something that I won't forget.