View Full Version : Foxtel IQ3 to External HDD via USB...

01-07-2019, 12:45pm
Can do? How to? :scrtch:

The IQ3 box can see the drive and details in the Settings menu and... That's about it :confused013

This is quite easy to do using a normal PVR. The IQ3 is part PVR, so I'm hoping...:umm:

01-07-2019, 5:05pm
From what I can tell, you can't record directly to a HDD. I found a link that says that you can record to a PC using a TV Tuner Card https://www.techwalla.com/articles/how-to-copy-data-from-foxtel-iq-to-a-pc .

I can understand why Foxtel would want to quarantine their content.

02-07-2019, 4:33am
Ta Hawthy. Apparently the IQ3 box drive is nearly full and the person wants to shift
stuff from there to the HDD. I guessed what you said would be the case.

02-07-2019, 4:41pm
We recently changed to an IQ4 because of the ability to get 4K among other things. The wife wasn't happy because all her stored programs went back to Foxtel along with the IQ3. This included a copy of "The Goonies" which must have been stored there for at least ten years waiting for a mythical child to visit us. We don't have grandchildren, none of our friends have young children these days, we don't babysit any kids, but she was sure that one day some child would visit and want to watch The Goonies.

Maybe she used to watch it while I was at work?

02-07-2019, 5:16pm
Hawthy, FWIW in all my recent meanderings on the net about Foxtel, I understand you can have them
restored to your new box. I suppose it would take up space there, that's all.

The only method of reasonable possibility that I have [managed to put together:confused013:confused013] is to use an
HDMI to USB converter and copy to PC. Those converters aren't specifically for Foxtel, though, and they
cost a few hundred:eek::eek:. I will keep plugging away, though. Ta for your info.