View Full Version : colour test: test your eyes and or monitor's ability to distinguish colours

06-06-2019, 9:01am
Just wasting a bit of time on the interballs whilst waiting to scoot off, and found this new (to me) colour test.

Not exactly scientific, but a bit of fun to play.

Note that it not only tests your eyes, but obviously your monitors ability to display hues accurately too.
Some of the tone tests are extremely fine, but the numbers and letters tests are interesting, and probably slightly more accurate in determining your colour 'blindness'.

FWIW(and not to brag), I scored 10/10. Just no way to share it without Fb or tweeter stuff(not into it).

Colour Test (https://www.lenstore.co.uk/vc/colour-is-in-the-eye-of-the-beholder/?wgu=2416_73669_15597782427815_a9cad3603c&wgexpiry=1562370242&utm_source=webgains&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_campaign=VigLink.%20Inc#/game)

ps. just did a screen cap of my score instead.


06-06-2019, 9:50am
Me too - although I found a couple of them a little tough.:)



06-06-2019, 2:41pm

Yeah, I found the hardest one for me was the yellow tone picker.
Hard to see the yellow tones against the white background.

06-06-2019, 3:08pm
I found the Ishihara-like "spot the figure" tests most challenging , having to resort to techniques such squinting and using peripheral vision to (luckily:)) give my best guess.



07-06-2019, 10:01am

Had trouble with the purple hues, and also the "what letter/number is this" ones.

08-06-2019, 7:40pm
6/10, a couple of near misses and the last one with the red dots was a complete loss. I couldn't see a thing in there

Mary Anne
09-06-2019, 11:11am
I did not score too good, Purples I missed out on.
And two of those Dots things the Red was terrible I could not see a thing either.

15-06-2019, 9:05am
8/10 for me, my excuse is aging eyes.


18-06-2019, 7:15pm
8/10 for me - my excuse is a monitor in need of a good clean and not sure how to best go about it without damaging it.

If memory serves, I misplaced on of the green colours and one of the pink/red ones in the order of hues. :(

19-06-2019, 6:19am
My excuse for registering a score of 10/10 is that three of my responses were 50/50 lucky/educated guesses, so if it had gone the other way, I'd be 7/10.:)



John King
19-06-2019, 2:23pm
Interesting, AK.

However, a bit limited in usefulness for those of us who cannot reliably perceive the patterns used in Ishihara type tests (https://www.color-blindness.com/ishiharas-test-for-colour-deficiency-38-plates-edition/).

Colours are one thing, pattern recognition is another altogether ...

When I almost completely failed an Ishihara test as a young man, I was given an alternative test using coloured wires (from a 500 pair PMG cable). I scored 100% on the latter.

Still interesting, nonetheless.

This anomaloscope test (https://www.color-blindness.com/rgb-anomaloscope-color-blindness-test/) is probably better ...

19-06-2019, 4:28pm
While I've been doing photography for a long time, most of that time with my head firmly ... err .. elsewhere .. never thought of colours anything other than plain old colours.
But a few years AFTER I started in digital(maybe 2 .. 3?) and long before the technical parts of colour piqued my interest, I had a mate at work that once commented that he was colour blind(partially).
He had trouble with the distinction between red and green!
He only just made out the differences with traffic lights, but there was something that we were looking at on a PC, and he couldn't see it at all as it was red on green.

That anomaloscope site looked interesting .. except that I couldn't figure out what the end result it was telling me was.
Just showed me a purplish graph looking box, but not where my result was.

John King
19-06-2019, 6:18pm
AK, traffic light colours/lenses are specifically chosen so that red/green colour blind people can tell them apart (My uncle was head engineer for the main roads department in Queensland). Quite a large number of (predominantly) males are R/G colour blind. Much rarer in females.

The result is given in text ("you are not colour blind" or such like) and by a tiny dot that reflects your result. Mine was dead centre.

Mine was pretty bad on that initial test, but I know that result is wrong.

19-06-2019, 7:20pm

The result is given in text ("you are not colour blind" or such like) and by a tiny dot that reflects your result. Mine was dead centre.


Got it the second time. No idea how I went first time, but I'm thinking similarly.
Like you said bang on centre, between the 'o' and the 'r' in 'colorblindess' and very teeny weeny what appears to be a square dot.
Like I said, interesting(to play with), but the result display needs work.

A major issue with this test online tho is that if the monitor is badly calibrated, it could skew results for some of the tones, as they come very close .. but not quite enough.

John King
19-06-2019, 7:32pm
Yeah, AK, there is a general warning against any of this sort of test being done on the internet, precisely for the reason/s you identify in your final paragraph.

I always work in 16 bit, wide gamut colour space (PPRGB), but display in anything other than sRGB on the internet at one's peril!