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29-05-2019, 10:19am
I'm posting a pic because I got a hurry-up from the system saying my access was being limited because I wasn't logging on often enough.

so i just tried to insert an image.. didn't work

so i tried to attach a file... didnt work

no error messages...

i'll try again later..

29-05-2019, 10:56am
I'm sure it will be.:nod:

For attaching images, see here. (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?156515-Attaching-Images-To-Posts-On-AP)

For linking from other hosting sites, follow the general idea in this Flickr guide. (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=How_Do_I:Flickr_:_How_to_link_photos_into_Ausphotography)

29-05-2019, 3:53pm
Yep, that's the technique that I was following. I have done this previously many times but not on this site. It is not working here for me. The file just does not upload.

I've made a link to a google photos album. Might as well show all the pics instead of just one if I'm doing it that way - they're all the same thing anyway:https://photos.app.goo.gl/D61LEYpmyQjsvHndA

29-05-2019, 4:14pm
I went there. You can get a link for the [collection of images] which I am not sure is an album or a gallery.
However, you can't get a link to the individual images. You may have to set that in options.

- - - Updated - - -

^PS: It's not a photostream.

29-05-2019, 4:36pm
It is an album. Is it important to have links to single photos? I could have done that. I just got a couple of links for the first two, as an example:




29-05-2019, 4:55pm
You can only link to individual photos if you upload to the site. People generally will give you feedback and advice on 1-2 photos. So dont' try and upload a heap or link to an album full.

If you are uploading to the site, if it fails, it will tell you why. Usually the file is to big (0ver 1200 pixels and/or over 400kb in size.

Also please note this New To Photography forum is not a critique forum, you need to upload your photos to one of the critique forums: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5-CONSTRUCTIVE-CRITIQUE-Members-Photos

Sadly you have left your run to late to be able to do so to the New To Photography critique forum as that is open for 90 days from the day you join, to help you ease into the critiquing etc.

If you continue to have trouble uploading photos to the site, do screen grabs of what happens and email them to me : rick@ausphotography.net.au and I will try and help you resolve the cause and how to make it work.

29-05-2019, 5:00pm
It is an album. Is it important to have links to single photos? I could have done that. I just got a couple of links for the first two, as an example:




Here is why you cannot upload them directly to AP, if you are trying to upload these exact photos.

The first one : IMG_5137.JPG 12 MP4000 × 3000883.2 KB

The second one : IMG_5136.JPG 12 MP4000 × 30001 MB

These files are to big, both in KB and pixels. Do you know how to resize photos in your editing software? If not, what software are you using, and we can assist.

29-05-2019, 5:34pm
Yes. I can resize. What is your maximum size then?

29-05-2019, 6:22pm
Attachment requirements are in the guide I mentioned earlier, but to remind:
Dimensions: 1200 pixels max
File size: 400 KB.

Note you can link to larger images than this on an external site like Flickr, BUT if you
link to very large images, such as Rick cited in post 7 above, it will take longer to load
to the users' computer and use more download data. For this reason we suggest a link
to a smaller image, usually just half the dimensions of the original will do. That will be
about 1/4 of the original file size.

- - - Updated - - -

It is an album. Is it important to have links to single photos? I could have done that. I just got a couple of links for the first two, as an example:




Yes, for specific CC "...your second image..." is more useful than "...the fourth image in your album..." which is in another
browser tab and then getting it wrong, etc.

Now that you have isolated the images, find the BB Code for each and use that between IMG tags in you posts. I tried to do
that just now but did not have the permissions.